Lectionary Calendar
Thursday, September 26th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Mace New Testament

Acts 17:6

but not finding them, they dragg'd Jason and some of the brethren to the magistrates, crying out, these that have been every where the disturbers of the publick peace, are come hither also, and have been entertain'd by Jason.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Falsehood;   False Teachers;   Jason;   Minister, Christian;   Paul;   Silas;   Thessalonica;   Thompson Chain Reference - False;   Unity;   Witnesses, False;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Jason;   Thessalonica;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Macedonia;   Paul;   Rome;   Silas;   Thessalonians, letters to;   Thessalonica;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Thessalonians, First and Second, Theology of;   World;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Ordination;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Jason;   Thessalonica;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Amaziah;   Jason;   Jeroboam;   Roman Empire;   Thessalonians, the Epistles to the;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Acts;   Greece;   Jason;   Macedonia;   Persecution in the Bible;   Thessalonica;   2 Thessalonians;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Acts of the Apostles;   Jason;   Rulers of the City;   Thessalonians, First Epistle to the;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Aristion (Aristo);   Magistrate;   Silas or Silyanus;   Thessalonians Epistles to the;   Thessalonica ;   World;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Jason ;   Silas ;   Thessalonians, Epistles to the;   World, the;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Jason;   Macedonia;   Thessalonians;   Thessalonica;   World;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Ja'son;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Saul of Tarsus;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Acts of the Apostles;   City, Rulers of;   Jason (1);   Jason (2);   Macedonia;   Ruler;   Silas;   Thessalonica;  

Parallel Translations

Simplified Cowboy Version
Since they weren't there, they settled on Jason. The angry mob dragged him, and some other believers to the city council and said, "Paul and Silas have stirred up trouble all over the world, and now they've got their sights on our little town.
New American Standard Bible (1995)
When they did not find them, they began dragging Jason and some brethren before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have upset the world have come here also;
Legacy Standard Bible
And when they did not find them, they began dragging Jason and some brothers before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have upset the world have come here also;
Bible in Basic English
And when they were not able to get them, they took Jason and some of the brothers by force before the rulers of the town, crying, These men, who have made trouble all over the world have now come here;
Darby Translation
and not having found them, dragged Jason and certain brethren before the politarchs, crying out, These [men] that have set the world in tumult, are come here also,
New King James Version
But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.
Christian Standard Bible®
When they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city officials, shouting, "These men who have turned the world upside down have come here too,
World English Bible
When they didn't find them, they dragged Jason and certain brothers before the rulers of the city, crying, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here also,
Wesley's New Testament (1755)
But not finding them, they dragged Jason and certain brethren to the rulers of the city, crying aloud, These men, that have turned the world upside down, are come hither also:
Weymouth's New Testament
But, failing to find them, they dragged Jason and some of the other brethren before the magistrates of the city, loudly accusing them. "These men," they said, "who have raised a tumult throughout the Empire, have come here also.
King James Version (1611)
And when they found them not, they drew Iason, and certaine brethren vnto the rulers of the citie, crying, These that haue turned the world vpside downe, are come hither also,
Literal Translation
But not finding them, they dragged Jason and some brothers before the city judges, crying, Those turning the habitable world upside down have come here, too;
Miles Coverdale Bible (1535)
But whan they founde them not, they drue Iason, and certayne brethren vnto the rulers of the cite, and cryed: These that trouble all the worlde, are come hither also,
Thessalonica They took the road south through Amphipolis and Apollonia to Thessalonica, where there was a community of Jews. Paul went to their meeting place, as he usually did when he came to a town, and for three Sabbaths running he preached to them from the Scriptures. He opened up the texts so they understood what they'd been reading all their lives: that the Messiah absolutely had to be put to death and raised from the dead—there were no other options—and that "this Jesus I'm introducing you to is that Messiah." Some of them were won over and joined ranks with Paul and Silas, among them a great many God-fearing Greeks and a considerable number of women from the aristocracy. But the hard-line Jews became furious over the conversions. Mad with jealousy, they rounded up a bunch of brawlers off the streets and soon had an ugly mob terrorizing the city as they hunted down Paul and Silas. They broke into Jason's house, thinking that Paul and Silas were there. When they couldn't find them, they collared Jason and his friends instead and dragged them before the city fathers, yelling hysterically, "These people are out to destroy the world, and now they've shown up on our doorstep, attacking everything we hold dear! And Jason is hiding them, these traitors and turncoats who say Jesus is king and Caesar is nothing!" The city fathers and the crowd of people were totally alarmed by what they heard. They made Jason and his friends post heavy bail and let them go while they investigated the charges. That night, under cover of darkness, their friends got Paul and Silas out of town as fast as they could. They sent them to Berea, where they again met with the Jewish community. They were treated a lot better there than in Thessalonica. The Jews received Paul's message with enthusiasm and met with him daily, examining the Scriptures to see if they supported what he said. A lot of them became believers, including many Greeks who were prominent in the community, women and men of influence. But it wasn't long before reports got back to the Thessalonian hard-line Jews that Paul was at it again, preaching the Word of God, this time in Berea. They lost no time responding, and created a mob scene there, too. With the help of his friends, Paul gave them the slip—caught a boat and put out to sea. Silas and Timothy stayed behind. The men who helped Paul escape got him as far as Athens and left him there. Paul sent word back with them to Silas and Timothy: "Come as quickly as you can!" The longer Paul waited in Athens for Silas and Timothy, the angrier he got—all those idols! The city was a junkyard of idols. He discussed it with the Jews and other like-minded people at their meeting place. And every day he went out on the streets and talked with anyone who happened along. He got to know some of the Epicurean and Stoic intellectuals pretty well through these conversations. Some of them dismissed him with sarcasm: "What an airhead!" But others, listening to him go on about Jesus and the resurrection, were intrigued: "That's a new slant on the gods. Tell us more." These people got together and asked him to make a public presentation over at the Areopagus, where things were a little quieter. They said, "This is a new one on us. We've never heard anything quite like it. Where did you come up with this anyway? Explain it so we can understand." Downtown Athens was a great place for gossip. There were always people hanging around, natives and tourists alike, waiting for the latest tidbit on most anything. So Paul took his stand in the open space at the Areopagus and laid it out for them. "It is plain to see that you Athenians take your religion seriously. When I arrived here the other day, I was fascinated with all the shrines I came across. And then I found one inscribed, to the god nobody knows . I'm here to introduce you to this God so you can worship intelligently, know who you're dealing with. "The God who made the world and everything in it, this Master of sky and land, doesn't live in custom-made shrines or need the human race to run errands for him, as if he couldn't take care of himself. He makes the creatures; the creatures don't make him. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn't play hide-and-seek with us. He's not remote; he's near. We live and move in him, can't get away from him! One of your poets said it well: ‘We're the God-created.' Well, if we are the God-created, it doesn't make a lot of sense to think we could hire a sculptor to chisel a god out of stone for us, does it? "God overlooks it as long as you don't know any better—but that time is past. The unknown is now known, and he's calling for a radical life-change. He has set a day when the entire human race will be judged and everything set right. And he has already appointed the judge, confirming him before everyone by raising him from the dead." At the phrase "raising him from the dead," the listeners split: Some laughed at him and walked off making jokes; others said, "Let's do this again. We want to hear more." But that was it for the day, and Paul left. There were still others, it turned out, who were convinced then and there, and stuck with Paul—among them Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris.
Amplified Bible
But when they failed to find them, they dragged Jason and some brothers before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have turned the world upside down have come here too;
American Standard Version
And when they found them not, they dragged Jason and certain brethren before the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
Revised Standard Version
And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brethren before the city authorities, crying, "These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also,
Tyndale New Testament (1525)
But when they founde them not they drue Iason and certayne brethren vnto the heedes of the cite cryinge: these that trouble the worlde are come hydder also
Update Bible Version
And when they didn't find them, they dragged Jason and certain brothers before the rulers of the city, crying out, These that have turned the world upside down have come here also;
Webster's Bible Translation
And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren to the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down, have come hither also;
Young's Literal Translation
and not having found them, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the city rulers, calling aloud -- `These, having put the world in commotion, are also here present,
New Century Version
But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers to the leaders of the city. The people were yelling, "These people have made trouble everywhere in the world, and now they have come here too!
New English Translation
When they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city officials, screaming, "These people who have stirred up trouble throughout the world have come here too,
Berean Standard Bible
But when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials, shouting, "These men who have turned the world upside down have now come here,
Contemporary English Version
But when they did not find them there, they dragged out Jason and some of the Lord's followers. They took them to the city authorities and shouted, "Paul and Silas have been upsetting things everywhere. Now they have come here,
Complete Jewish Bible
But when they didn't find them, they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city authorities and shouted, "These men who have turned the whole world upside down have come here too!
English Standard Version
And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also,
Geneva Bible (1587)
But when they found them not, they drew Iason & certaine brethren vnto the heads of the citie, crying, These are they which haue subuerted the state of the world, and here they are,
George Lamsa Translation
And when they failed to find them there, they dragged forth Jason and the brethren who were there and brought them before the authorities of the city, crying, These are the men who have created disturbances throughout the world, and behold, they have come here also,
Hebrew Names Version
When they didn't find them, they dragged Jason and certain brothers before the rulers of the city, crying, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here also,
International Standard Version
When they didn't find them, they dragged Jason and some other brothers before the city officials and shouted, "These fellows who have turned the world upside down have come here, too,Acts 16:20;">[xr]
Etheridge Translation
And when they could not find them there, they drew Jason and the brethren who were there, and brought them to the chiefs of the city, crying, These are they who have troubled the whole land; and behold again have they come here;
Murdock Translation
And when they found them not there, they drew Jason and the brethren who were there, and brought them before the chiefs of the city, crying out: These are they who have terrified all the country; and lo, they have come hither also:
New Living Translation
Not finding them there, they dragged out Jason and some of the other believers instead and took them before the city council. "Paul and Silas have caused trouble all over the world," they shouted, "and now they are here disturbing our city, too.
New Life Bible
But they did not find them there. Then they dragged Jason and some other Christians out in front of the leaders and cried out, "These men who have been making trouble over all the world have come here also.
English Revised Version
And when they found them not, they dragged Jason and certain brethren before the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
New Revised Standard
When they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some believers before the city authorities, shouting, "These people who have been turning the world upside down have come here also,
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
and, not finding them, they began dragging Jason and certain brethren unto the city-rulers, shouting - They who have thrown the inhabited earth into confusion, the same, hither also, are come, -
Douay-Rheims Bible
And not finding them, they drew Jason and certain brethren to the rulers of the city, crying: They that set the city in an uproar are come hither also:
King James Version
And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
Lexham English Bible
And when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brothers before the city officials, shouting, "These people who have stirred up trouble throughout the world have come here also,
Bishop's Bible (1568)
And when they founde them not, they drewe Iason and certaine brethren vnto the heades of the citie, crying: these that trouble the world, are come hyther also,
Easy-to-Read Version
When they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the other believers to the city leaders. The people shouted, "These men have made trouble everywhere in the world, and now they have come here too!
New American Standard Bible
When they did not find them, they began dragging Jason and some brothers before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have upset the world have come here also;
Good News Translation
But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some other believers before the city authorities and shouted, "These men have caused trouble everywhere! Now they have come to our city,
Wycliffe Bible (1395)
And whanne thei founden hem not, thei drowen Jasoun and summe britheren to the princis of the citee, and crieden, That these it ben, that mouen the world, and hidir thei camen,

Contextual Overview

1 Having pass'd thro' Amphipolis and Apollonia, they arriv'd at Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue. 2 Paul, as was his custom, us'd to go there, and for three sabbath-days discours'd to the Jews from the scriptures, 3 explaining them, and setting it to view, that the Messiah was to suffer and rise again from the dead: and that Jesus, whom he denounc'd to them, was that very Messiah. 4 Some of them believed, and join'd themselves to Paul and Silas, besides a great number of Greek proselytes, and several women of distinction. 5 but the unbelieving Jews thro' envy, by the assistance of some loose strolers, rais'd a mob, set the whole city in an uproar, and attack'd Jason's house, thinking to find them there, and deliver them up to the populace. 6 but not finding them, they dragg'd Jason and some of the brethren to the magistrates, crying out, these that have been every where the disturbers of the publick peace, are come hither also, and have been entertain'd by Jason. 7 they all act in defiance of the edicts of Cesar, pretending there is another king, one Jesus. 8 the people, and the magistrates upon hearing this were alarm'd: 9 however having oblig'd Jason and the rest to give security, they let them go.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

they drew: Acts 6:12, Acts 6:13, Acts 16:19, Acts 16:20, Acts 18:12, Acts 18:13

These: Acts 21:28-31, Acts 22:22, Acts 22:23, Acts 24:5, Acts 28:22, 1 Kings 18:17, 1 Kings 18:18, Exodus 3:8, Exodus 3:9, Jeremiah 38:2-4, Amos 7:10, Luke 23:5

Reciprocal: 2 Kings 8:7 - is come Ezra 4:15 - this city Esther 3:8 - their laws Psalms 2:1 - rage Isaiah 24:1 - turneth it upside down Isaiah 29:16 - your turning Jeremiah 15:10 - a man Jeremiah 38:4 - thus Daniel 3:8 - and accused Matthew 2:3 - he Matthew 23:15 - ye make Luke 2:34 - for a Luke 23:2 - perverting John 12:19 - the world John 19:12 - thou art Acts 21:27 - stirred 1 Corinthians 2:3 - General 1 Thessalonians 2:16 - Forbidding James 2:6 - and Revelation 11:10 - these

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And when they found them not,.... In Jason's house, as they expected:

they drew Jason, and certain brethren: the Syriac version adds, "who were there": in Jason's house, who either came along with the apostle, and lodged with him there; or they were some of the inhabitants of Thessalonica, who were lately converted, and were come thither in order to have some Christian conversation; these with Jason the rabble seized on, and in a rude and violent manner dragged them out of the house, and had them,

unto the rulers of the city: the civil magistrates, the judges in courts of judicature, to which some of these belonged;

crying in a very noisy and clamorous way;

these that have turned the world upside down: the Syriac version reads, "the whole earth": the apostles, according to the cry of these men, had thrown the whole world into disorder, and had made disturbances in kingdoms and cities, wherever they came; and had made innovations in religion, and turned men from their old way of worship to another; these; say they,

are come hither also; to make the like disorders and disturbances, as elsewhere.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

These that have turned the world upside down - That have excited commotion and disturbance in other places. The charge has been often brought against the gospel that it has been the occasion of confusion and disorder.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse Acts 17:6. These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also — The very character our forefathers had for preaching that Gospel, in every part of the land, by which the nation has been illuminated, the mob disciplined into regularity and order, and the kingdom established in the hands of the best of monarchs.

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