the First Sunday of Lent
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Mace New Testament
1 Timothy 2
1 I exhort you therefore, above all things, to present supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving for all men: 2 for kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in the practice of all piety and virtue; 3 for such offices are commendable, and agreeable to God our saviour, 4 who wills that all men be saved, by embracing the truth. 5 for there is but one God, and but one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself for the redemption of all mankind: this is what was to be promulg'd in due time: 7 for this I was establish'd a herald and an apostle, I speak the truth without disguise, a doctor to instruct the Gentiles in the true faith. 8 I direct therefore that the men pray in publick and private, lifting up their hands to heaven with innocence, charity, and composure.
9 and that the women be decent in their apparel, adorned with modesty and reserve, not with broider'd hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; 10 but, as becomes women, who make a profession of religion, to be adorn'd with virtue. 11 Let the women with submissive silence attend to instruction. 12 for I don't allow a woman to be a teacher, nor to dictate to her husband; but let her be silent. 13 for Adam was the first that was form'd, then Eve. 14 Adam was not seduc'd, but the woman, who was the cause of his transgression. 15 however the women may be saved by educating their children, and persevering themselves in faith, in charity, in holiness and chastity. this may be depended upon as true.