Lectionary Calendar
Monday, July 8th, 2024
the Week of Proper 9 / Ordinary 14
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Read the Bible

Mace New Testament

1 Peter 4:4

As they think it strange, that you don't concur in the same profusion of luxury, they traduce you.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Adultery;   Amusements and Worldly Pleasures;   Commandments;   Gentiles;   Idolatry;   Persecution;   Slander;   Worldliness;   Thompson Chain Reference - Accountability;   Stewardship;   Stewardship-Ownership;   The Topic Concordance - Gospel;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Amusements and Pleasures, Worldly;   Slander;  


- Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Fornication;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Blasphemy;   Condemnation;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Blasphemy;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Issachar;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Blasphemy;   Dissipation;   1 Peter;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Blasphemy;   Peter, First Epistle of;   Spiritual Gifts;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Evil-Speaking;   Fellowship;   Games;   Peter Epistles of;   Reproach (2);  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Apostolic Age;   Crime;   Persecution;   Peter, the First Epistle of;   Riot;  


- Today's Word from Skip Moen - Devotion for September 2;  

Parallel Translations

New American Standard Bible (1995)
In all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them into the same excesses of dissipation, and they malign you;
Simplified Cowboy Version
And now, all those you used to run around with are surprised you no longer do these things. Don't worry when they call you mean things.
Bible in Basic English
And they are wondering that you no longer go with them in this violent wasting of life, and are saying evil things of you:
Darby Translation
Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with [them] to the same sink of corruption, speaking injuriously [of you];
World English Bible
They think it is strange that you don't run with them into the same excess of riot, blaspheming:
Wesley's New Testament (1755)
Wherein they think it strange, that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot,
Weymouth's New Testament
At this they are astonished--that you do not run into the same excess of profligacy as they do; and they speak abusively of you.
King James Version (1611)
Wherein they thinke it strange, that you runne not with them to the same excesse of riot, speaking euil of you:
Literal Translation
in which they are surprised, you not running with them into the same overflow of unsavedness, blaspheming;
Miles Coverdale Bible (1535)
And it semeth to the a straunge thinge, yt ye runne not also wt them vnto the same excesse of ryote, & speake euell of you.
Amplified Bible
In [connection with] all this, they [the unbelievers] are resentful and surprised that you do not [think like them, value their values and] run [hand in hand] with them into the same excesses of dissipation and immoral freedom, and they criticize and abuse and ridicule you and make fun of your values.
American Standard Version
wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them into the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:
Revised Standard Version
They are surprised that you do not now join them in the same wild profligacy, and they abuse you;
Tyndale New Testament (1525)
And it semeth to them a straunge thinge that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of ryote and therfore speake they evill of you
Update Bible Version
wherein they think it strange that you do not run with [them] into the same excess of riot, speaking evil of [you]:
Webster's Bible Translation
In which they think it strange that ye run not with [them] to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of [you]:
Young's Literal Translation
in which they think it strange -- your not running with them to the same excess of dissoluteness, speaking evil,
New Century Version
Nonbelievers think it is strange that you do not do the many wild and wasteful things they do, so they insult you.
New English Translation
So they are astonished when you do not rush with them into the same flood of wickedness, and they vilify you.
Berean Standard Bible
Because of this, they consider it strange of you not to plunge with them into the same flood of reckless indiscretion, and they heap abuse on you.
Contemporary English Version
Now your former friends wonder why you have stopped running around with them, and they curse you for it.
Complete Jewish Bible
They think it strange that you don't plunge with them into the same flood of dissoluteness, and so they heap insults on you.
English Standard Version
With respect to this they are surprised when you do not join them in the same flood of debauchery, and they malign you;
Geneva Bible (1587)
Wherein it seemeth to them strange, that yee runne not with them vnto the same excesse of riot: therefore speake they euill of you,
George Lamsa Translation
And behold, they think it strange that you do not indulge with them in the past excesses, and they blaspheme against you.
Christian Standard Bible®
So they are surprised that you don't plunge with them into the same flood of wild living—and they slander you.
Hebrew Names Version
They think it is strange that you don't run with them into the same excess of riot, blaspheming:
International Standard Version
They insult you now because they are surprised that you are no longer joining them in the same excesses of wild living.Acts 13:45; 18:6; 1 Peter 3:16;">[xr]
Etheridge Translation
And, behold, now they wonder and blaspheme at you because you riot not with them in that former indulgence;
Murdock Translation
And lo, they now wonder, and reproach you, because ye revel not with them in the same former dissoluteness;
New King James Version
In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you.
New Living Translation
Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. So they slander you.
New Life Bible
Those who do not know God are surprised you do not join them in the sinful things they do. They laugh at you and say bad things against you.
English Revised Version
wherein they think it strange that ye run not with [them] into the same excess of riot, speaking evil of [you]:
New Revised Standard
They are surprised that you no longer join them in the same excesses of dissipation, and so they blaspheme.
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Wherein they are taken by surprise that ye run not with them into the same overflow of riotous excess, - uttering defamation:
Douay-Rheims Bible
Wherein they think it strange that you run not with them into the same confusion of riotousness: speaking evil of you.
King James Version
Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:
Lexham English Bible
with respect to which they are surprised when you do not run with them into the same flood of dissipation, and so they revile you.
Bishop's Bible (1568)
And it seemeth to them an inconuenient thyng, that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of riote, and therefore speake they euyll of you:
Easy-to-Read Version
Now those "friends" think it is strange that you no longer join them in all the wild and wasteful things they do. And so they say bad things about you.
New American Standard Bible
In all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them in the same excesses of debauchery, and they slander you;
Good News Translation
And now the heathen are surprised when you do not join them in the same wild and reckless living, and so they insult you.
Wycliffe Bible (1395)
In whiche now thei ben astonyed, in which thing thei wondren, for ye rennen not togidere `in to the same confusioun of letcherie, and blasfemen.

Contextual Overview

4 As they think it strange, that you don't concur in the same profusion of luxury, they traduce you. 5 but they will be call'd to account by him, who is ready to judge both the living and the dead. 6 for to this end was the gospel preach'd to those, who are now dead, that after having suffer'd the loss of this frail life from men, they might enjoy an immortal life with God.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

excess: Matthew 23:25, Luke 15:13, Romans 13:13, 2 Peter 2:22

speaking: 1 Peter 2:12, 1 Peter 3:16, Acts 13:45, Acts 18:6, 2 Peter 2:12, Jude 1:10

Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 12:30 - How did Joshua 10:4 - we may Proverbs 18:3 - General Proverbs 23:20 - not Proverbs 28:7 - but Ecclesiastes 7:2 - better Ecclesiastes 10:3 - and he Ecclesiastes 11:9 - walk Isaiah 51:7 - fear Daniel 3:8 - and accused Hosea 7:5 - made Hosea 14:8 - What John 17:14 - the world Acts 17:20 - strange Acts 24:25 - temperance Galatians 5:19 - Adultery Ephesians 4:17 - that ye Ephesians 5:18 - excess Colossians 3:7 - General Titus 3:2 - speak Hebrews 13:13 - General 1 Peter 4:12 - think 1 Peter 4:14 - reproached 2 Peter 2:13 - to riot 1 John 3:12 - And


Hebrews 9:22
and indeed according to the law almost every thing is purified with blood, without the effusion of which, there is no remission of sins.
Hebrews 11:4
'Twas by faith that Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he was declared righteous, God himself having testified that he accepted his offering, and after he died for his faith, he was not silent.
Revelation 13:8
all that dwell upon the earth will worship him, whose names are not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the lamb, that was slain.

Gill's Notes on the Bible

Wherein they think it strange,.... Here the apostle points out what the saints must expect from the men of the world, by living a different life; and he chooses to mention it, to prevent discouragements, and that they might not be uneasy and distressed when they observed it; as that they would wonder at the change in their conversations, and look on it as something unusual, new, and unheard of, and treat them as strangers, yea, as enemies, on account of it:

that you run not with them into the same excess of riot; to their luxurious entertainments, their Bacchanalian feasts, and that profusion of lasciviousness, luxury, intemperance, and wickedness of all sorts, which, with so much eagerness of mind, and bodily haste, they rushed into; being amazed that they should not have the same taste for these things as before, and as themselves now had; and wondering how it was possible for them to abstain from them, and what that should be that should give them a different cast of mind, and turn of action:

speaking evil of you; and so the Syriac and Arabic versions supply "you" as we do; but in the Greek text it is only, "speaking evil of, or blaspheming"; God, Christ, religion, the Gospel, and the truths of it, and all good men; hating them because different from them, and because their lives reprove and condemn them; charging them with incivility, unsociableness, preciseness, and hypocrisy.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Wherein they think it strange - In respect to which vices, they who were once your partners and accomplices now think it strange that you no longer unite with them. They do not understand the reasons why you have left them. They regard you as abandoning a course of life which has much to attract and to make life merry, for a severe and gloomy superstition. This is a true account of the feelings which the people of the world have when their companions and friends leave them and become Christians. It is to them a strange and unaccountable thing, that they give up the pleasures of the world for a course of life which to them seems to promise anything but happiness. Even the kindred of the Saviour regarded him as” beside himself,” Mark 3:21, and Festus supposed that Paul was mad, Acts 26:24. There is almost nothing which the people of the world so little comprehend as the reasons which influence those with ample means of worldly enjoyment to leave the circles of gaiety and vanity, and to give themselves to the serious employments of religion. The epithets of fool, enthusiast, fanatic, are terms which frequently occur to the heart to denote this, if they are not always allowed to escape from the lips. The reasons why they esteem this so strange, are something like the following:

(1) They do not appreciate the motives which influence those who leave them. They feel that it is proper to enjoy the world, and to make life cheerful, and they do not understand what it is to act under a deep sense of responsibility to God, and with reference to eternity. They live for themselves. They seek happiness as the end and aim of life. They have never been accustomed to direct the mind onward to another world, and to the account which they must soon render at the bar of God. Unaccustomed to act from any higher motives than those which pertain to the present world, they cannot appreciate the conduct of those who begin to live and act for eternity.

(2) They do not yet see the guilt and folly of sinful pleasures. They are not convinced of the deep sinfulness of the human soul, and they think it strange that ethers should abandon a course of life which seems to them so innocent. They do not see why those who have been so long accustomed to these indulgences should have changed their opinions, and why they now regard those tilings as sinful which they once considered to be harmless.

(3) They do not see the force of the argument for religion. Not having the views of the unspeakable importance of religious truth and duty which Christians now have, they wonder that they should break off from the course of life which they formerly pursued, and separate from the mass of their fellow-men. Hence, they sometimes regard the conduct of Christians as amiable weakness; sometimes as superstition; sometimes as sheer folly; sometimes as madness; and sometimes as sourness and misanthropy. In all respects they esteem it strange:

“Lions and beasts of savage name.

Put on the nature of the lamb,

While the wide world esteems it strange,

Gaze, and admire, and hate the change.”

That ye run not with them - There may be an allusion here to the well-known orgies of Bacchus, in which his votaries ran as if excited by the furies, and were urged on as if transported with madness. See Ovid, Metam. iii. 529, thus translated by Addison:

“For now, through prostrate Greece, young Bacchus rode,

Whilst howling matrons celebrate the god;

All ranks and sexes to his orgies ran,

To mingle in the pomp and fill the train,”

The language, however, will well describe revels of any sort, and at any period of the world.

To the same excess of riot - The word rendered “excess” (ἀνάχυσις anachusis) means, properly, a pouring out, an affusion; and the idea here is, that all the sources and forms of riot and disorder were poured out together. There was no withholding, no restraint. The most unlimited indulgence was given to the passions. This was the case in the disorder referred to among the ancients, as it is the case now in scenes of midnight revelry. On the meaning of the word riot, see the Ephesians 5:18 note; Titus 1:6 note.

Speaking evil of you - Greek, blaspheming. See the notes at Matthew 9:3. The meaning here is, that they used harsh and reproachful epithets of those who would not unite with them in their revelry. They called them fools, fanatics, hypocrites, etc. The idea is not that they blasphemed God, or that they charged Christians with crime, but that they used language suited to injure the feelings, the character, the reputation of those who would no longer unite with them in the ways of vice and folly.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse 1 Peter 4:4. They think it strange — ξενιζονται. They wonder and are astonished at you, that ye can renounce these gratifications of the flesh for a spiritual something, the good of which they cannot see.

Excess of riot — ασωτιας αναχυσιν. Flood of profligacy; bearing down all rule, order, and restraints before it.

Speaking evil of you] βλασφημουντες. Literally, blaspheming; i.e. speaking impiously against God, and calumniously of you.

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