the First Sunday of Lent
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Read the Bible
Myles Coverdale Bible
Romans 12
1 I beseke you brethre by the mercyfulnesse of God, that ye geue ouer youre bodies for a sacrifice, yt is quycke holy, and acceptable vnto God, which is yor reasonable seruynge off God.2 And fashion not youre selues like vnto this worlde, but be chaunged thorow the renewynge off yor mynde, yt ye maye proue, what thinge that good, yt acceptable, & perfecte wil of God is.3 For I saye thorow the grace yt is geue me, vnto euery man amonge you: that no man esteme off him selfe more, then it becometh him to esteme: but that he discretly iudge of himselfe, acordinge as God hath dealte vnto euery man the measure of faith.4 For like as we haue many membres in one body, but all the membres haue not one maner of operacion:5 Euen so we beynge many are one body in Christ. But amonge oure selues euery one is the membre of another,6 and haue dyuers giftes, acordinge to the grace that is geuen vnto vs Yf eny man haue the gifte of prophecienge, let it be acordinge to the faith.7 Let him that hath an office, wayte vpo the office: let him that teacheth, take hede to the doctryne:8 Let him that exhorteth, geue attedaunce to the exhortacion. Yf eny ma geueth, let hi geue with synglenesse. Let him that ruleth, be diligent. Yf eny man shewe mercy, let him do it with chearfulnesse.9 Let loue be without dissimulacion. Hate that which is euell: Cleue vnto that which is good.10 Be kynde one to another with brotherly loue. In geuynge honoure go one before another.11 Be not slouthfull in the busynesse that ye haue in hande. Be feruent in the sprete. Applye youre selues vnto the tyme.12 Reioyse in hope, be pacient in trouble. Continue in prayer.13 Distribute vnto the necessities of the sayntes. Be glad to harbarow.14 Blesse the that persecute you. Blesse, & curse not.15 Be mery with them that are mery and wepe with them that wepe.16 Be of one mynde amonge youre selues. Be not proude in youre awne consaytes, but make youre selues equall to them of ye lowe sorte. Be not wyse in youre awne opinions17 Recompese vnto no man euell for euell. Prouyde honestie afore hade towarde euery ma.18 Yf it be possible (as moch as in you is) haue peace with all men.19 Dearly beloued, auenge not youre selues, but geue rowme vnto the wrath off God. For it is wrytte: Vengeaunce is myne, and I wil rewarde, sayeth ye LORDE.20 Therfore yf thine enemye hunger, fede him: Yf he thyrst, geue him drinke. For in so doinge thou shalt heape coales of fyre vpo his heade.21 Be not ouercome with euell, but ouercome thou euell with good.