the First Week of Lent
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Read the Bible
Myles Coverdale Bible
Proverbs 13
1 A wyse sonne wyll receaue his fathers warnynge, but he yt is scornefull, wyll not heare when he is reproued.
2 A good ma shal enioye the frute of his mouth, but he that hath a frowarde mynde, shalbe spoyled.
3 He that kepeth his mouth, kepeth his life: but who so speaketh vnaduysed, fyndeth harme.
4 The slogarde wolde fayne haue, and can not get his desyre: but the soule of the diligent shal haue plenty.
5 A righteous man abhorreth lyes, but the vngodly shameth both other and himself.
6 Righteousnesse kepeth the innocet in the waye, but vngodlynesse shal ouerthrowe the synner.
7 Some men are riche, though they haue nothinge: agayne, some me are poore hauynge greate riches.
8 With goodes euery man delyuereth his life, and the poore wyl not be reproued.
9 The light of the righteous maketh ioyfull, but the candle of the vngodly shal be put out.
10 Amonge the proude there is euer strife, but amonge those that do all thinges with aduysement, there is wy?dome.
11 Hastely gotte goodes are soone spent, but they that be gathered together with the hande, shal increase.
12 Longe tarienge for a thinge that is dyfferred, greueth ye herte: but when the desyre commeth, it is a tre of life.
13 Who so despyseth the worde, destroyeth himself: but he that feareth the comaundement, shal haue peace.
14 The lawe is a wel of life vnto the wyse, that it maye kepe him from the snares of death.
15 Good vnderstondinge geueth fauoure, but harde is the waye of the despysers.
16 A wyse man doth all thinges with discrecion, but a foole wil declare his foly.
17 An vngodly messauger bryngeth myschefe, but a faithfull embassitoure is wholsome.
18 He that thinketh scorne to be refourmed, commeth to pouerte and shame: but who so receaueth correccion, shal come to honoure.
19 When a desyre is brought to passe, it delyteth the soule: but fooles abhorre him that eschueth euell.
20 He that goeth in the company of wyse men, shal be wyse: but who so is a copanyo of fooles, shal be hurte.
21 Myschefe foloweth vpon synners, but the rightuous shal haue a good rewarde.
22 Which their childers childre shal haue in possessio, for the riches of the synner is layed vp for ye iust.
23 There is plenteousnesse of fode in the feldes of the poore, & shalbe increased out of measure.
24 He that spareth the rodde, hateth his sonne: but who so loueth him, holdeth him euer in nurtoure.
25 The rightuous eateth, and is satisfied, but ye bely of the vngodly hath neuer ynough.