the Third Week after Epiphany
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Read the Bible
Myles Coverdale Bible
Ezekiel 28
1 The worde of the LORDE came vnto me, sayenge:2 Thou sonne of man, tell the prynce of Tyre: Thus saieth the LORDE God: because thou hast a proude hert and hast sayde: I am a God, I haue my seate in the myddest off the see like a god: where as thou art but a man & not God, & yet stondest in thine owne coceate, that thou art God:3 Beholde, thou thynkest thy selfe wyser then Daniel, that there is no secretes hyd from ye.4 With thy wi?dome & thy vnderstodinge, thou hast gotte the greate welthynesse, and gathered treasure of syluer & golde.5 With thy greate wi?dome and occupienge, hast thou increased thy power, and because of thy greate riches thy hert is proude.6 Therfore thus saieth ye LORDE God: For so moch as thou hast lift vp thine herte, as though thou werst God:7 beholde, I wil bringe enemies vpon the, euen the tyrauntes of the Heithe: these shal drawe out their sweardes vpon thy beuty and wi?dome, and shall defyle thy glory.8 They shal cast the downe to the pytte, so that thou shalt dye in the middest of the see,9 as they that be slayne. Let se, yff thou wilt saye then (before the that slaye ye) I am God: where as thou art but a man, and not God, in the hondes of them that slaye the.10 Dye shalt thou, euen as the vncircumcised in the hodes of ye enemies: for I myself haue spoken it, saieth the LORDE God.
11 Morouer, the worde off the LORDE came vnto me, sayenge:12 Thou sonne off man, make a lamentable complaynte ouer the kynge of Tyre, & tell him: Thus saieth the LORDE God: Thou art a seale of a licknesse, full off wy?dome & excellent beuty.13 Thou hast bene in ye pleasaut garde off God: thou art decte with all maner of precious stones: with Ruby, Topas, Christall, Iacyncte, Onyx, Iaspis, Saphir, Smaragde, Carbucle, & golde. Thy beuty & ye holes yt be in ye were set forth in the daye of yi creacion.14 Thou art a fayre Cherub, stretched wyde out for to couer. I haue set the vpon the holy mount off God, there hast thou bene, and walked amoge the fayre glisteringe stones.15 From the tyme of thy creacion thou hast bene right excellent, tyll wickednesse was founde in the.16 Because off thy greate marchaundise, thy hert is full of wickednesse, & thou hast offended. Therfore wil I cast the from the mount of God, (O thou coueringe Cherub) and destroye the amoge the glisteringe stones.17 Thy hert was proude in yi fayre beuty, & thorow thy beuty thou hast destroyed thy wi?dome. I will cast ye downe to the grounde, & yt in ye sight of kynges.18 Thou hast defyled thy Sactuary, wt the greate wickednesse off thy onrightuous occupyenge. I wil bringe a fyre from the myddest of the, to consume the: ad wil make the to asshes, in the sight of all the yt loke vpon the.19 All they that haue bene acquaunted with the amonge the Heithe, shalbe abasshed at the: seinge thou art so clene brought to naught, and comest no more vp.
20 And the worde off the LORDE came vnto me, sayenge:21 Thou sonne of man, set thy face agaynst Sido, Prophecie vpo it,22 and speake. Thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde o Sidon, I wil vpo the, & get me honoure in the: that it maye be knowne, how that I am ye LORDE, when I punysh her, & get me honoure in her.23 For I will sende pestilence & bloudsheddinge in to hir stretes, so yt those which be slayne with the swerde, shal lye rounde aboute in the myddest of her: & they shal knowe, that I am the LORDE.24 She shal no more be a prickinge thorne, & an hurtinge brere vnto the house of Israel, ner vnto the that lye rounde aboute her and hate her: and they shal knowe, that I am the LORDE.25 Thus saieth the LORDE God: when I gather the housholde of Israel together agayne, from the nacions amonge whom they be scatred: then shal I be sanctified in the, in ye sight of the Getiles: & they shal dwell in the lode, yt I gaue to my seruaunt Iacob.26 They shal dwell safely therin, buylde houses, and plante vynyardes: Yee safely shal they dwell therin, when I haue punyshed all those, that despyse them rounde aboute: and then shall they knowe, yt I am the LORDE their God.