the Sixth Week after Epiphany
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Read the Bible
Myles Coverdale Bible
2 Corinthians 13
1 Now come I the thirde tyme vnto you. In the mouth of two or thre witnesses shal euery matter be stablisshed.2 I haue tolde you before, & tell you before as present ye seconde tyme, & wryte it now beynge absent, vnto the which in tyme passed haue synned, & to all other: & yf I come agayne, I wil not spare,3 seynge that ye seke experiece of him, which speaketh in me, euen Christ, which amonge you is not weake, but is mightie amoge you.4 And though he was crucified in weaknes, yet lyueth he in the power of God. And though we are weake in him, yet lyue we with him in the power of God amonge you.5 Proue youre selues, whether ye are in the faith, exame youre selues. Or knowe ye not yor selues, yt Iesus Christ is in you? Excepte ye be cast awayes.6 But I trust ye knowe, yt we are not cast awayes.
7 I desyre before God yt ye do no euell: not yt we shulde seme comendable, but yt ye shulde do yt which is good, & let vs be as cast awayes.8 For we maye do nothinge agaynst ye trueth, but for ye trueth.9 We are glad whan we are weake, & ye stronge: & the same also we wysshe for, namely yor perfectnesse.10 Therfore wryte I these thinges beynge absent, lest wha I am present, I shulde vse sharpnesse, acordinge to the power which the LORDE hath geue me to edifye, and not to destroye.
11 Fynally brethren, reioyse, be parfecte, coforte yor selues, be of one mynde, be peaceable, and the God of loue and peace shalbe wt you.12 Salute one another with an holy kysse.13 All the sayntes salute you. 14 The grace of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, & the loue of God, and the fellishippe of ye holy goost be with you all. Amen.