Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 30th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Read the Bible

Myles Coverdale Bible

1 Corinthians 12:6

and there are dyuerse operacions yet is there but one God, which worketh all in all.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Blessing;   Gifts from God;   Holy Spirit;   Miracles;   Regeneration;   Trinity;   The Topic Concordance - Giving and Gifts;   God;   Holy Spirit;   Manifestation;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Holy Spirit, the, Is God;   Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit;   Trinity, the;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Gifts;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Church;   Deacon;   Gifts of the spirit;   Holy spirit;   Trinity;   Work;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Worship;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Holy Ghost;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Baptism of the Holy Spirit;   Church;   God;   Spiritual Gifts;   Trinity;   Unity;   1 Corinthians;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Ephesians, Epistle to;   God;   Inspiration;   Spiritual Gifts;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Boyhood of Jesus;   Edification;   Gifts;   God;   Holy Spirit;   Inspiration and Revelation;   Preaching;   Unity (2);   The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - Fruit;   People's Dictionary of the Bible - Trinity;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Apollos;   Corinthians, First Epistle to the;   Grace;   Healing, Gifts of;   Operation;   Pauline Theology;   Spiritual Gifts;   Teach;   Trine (Triune) Immersion;  


- Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for October 4;  

Parallel Translations

Simplified Cowboy Version
God works in different people in different ways, but it is the same God doing the work in all of us.
New American Standard Bible (1995)
There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.
Legacy Standard Bible
And there are varieties of workings, but the same God who works everything in everyone.
Bible in Basic English
And there are different operations, but the same God, who is working all things in all.
Darby Translation
and there are distinctions of operations, but the same God who operates all things in all.
Christian Standard Bible®
And there are different activities, but the same God activates each gift in each person.
World English Bible
There are various kinds of workings, but the same God, who works all things in all.
Wesley's New Testament (1755)
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God who worketh all in all.
Weymouth's New Testament
diversities in work, and yet one and the same God--He who in each person brings about the whole result.
King James Version (1611)
And there are diuersities of operations, but it is the same God, which worketh all in all.
Literal Translation
And there are differences of workings, but the same God is working all things in all.
Mace New Testament (1729)
and there are different operations, but it is the same God who performs them all in every one.
Amplified Bible
And there are [distinctive] ways of working [to accomplish things], but it is the same God who produces all things in all believers [inspiring, energizing, and empowering them].
American Standard Version
And there are diversities of workings, but the same God, who worketh all things in all.
Revised Standard Version
and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in every one.
Tyndale New Testament (1525)
And ther are divers maners of operacions and yet but one God which worketh all thinges that are wrought in all creatures.
Update Bible Version
And there are diversities of workings, but the same God, who works all things in all.
Webster's Bible Translation
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God who worketh all in all.
Young's Literal Translation
and there are diversities of workings, and it is the same God -- who is working the all in all.
New Century Version
And there are different ways that God works through people but the same God. God works in all of us in everything we do.
New English Translation
And there are different results, but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.
Berean Standard Bible
There are different ways of working, but the same God works all things in all men.
Contemporary English Version
and we can each do different things. Yet the same God works in all of us and helps us in everything we do.
Complete Jewish Bible
And there are different modes of working, but it is the same God working them all in everyone.
English Standard Version
and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.
Geneva Bible (1587)
And there are diuersities of operations, but God is the same which worketh all in all.
George Lamsa Translation
And there are diversities of powers, but it is the one God who works all things in all men.
Hebrew Names Version
There are various kinds of workings, but the same God, who works all things in all.
International Standard Version
and there are varieties of results, but God is the same, and it is he who produces all the results in everyone.Ephesians 1:23;">[xr]
Etheridge Translation
and distributions of powers, but one is Aloha, who worketh all in every man.
Murdock Translation
And there are diversities of energies; but God, who worketh all in all men, is one.
New King James Version
And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.
New Living Translation
God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.
New Life Bible
There are different ways of doing His work. But it is the same God who uses all these ways in all people.
English Revised Version
And there are diversities of workings, but the same God, who worketh all things in all.
New Revised Standard
and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
And, distributions of energies, there are, and the same God - who energiseth all things in all.
Douay-Rheims Bible
And there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all.
King James Version
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
Lexham English Bible
and there are varieties of activities, but the same God, who works all things in all people.
Bishop's Bible (1568)
And there are diuers maners of operations, but God is one, which worketh all in all.
Easy-to-Read Version
And there are different ways that God works in people, but it is the same God who works in all of us to do everything.
New American Standard Bible
There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.
Good News Translation
There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service.
Wycliffe Bible (1395)
but `al is oon God, that worchith alle thingis in alle thingis.

Contextual Overview

1 As concernynge spirituall giftes (brethren) I wolde not that ye were ignoraunt. 2 Ye knowe that ye were Heythe and wente youre wayes vnto dome Idols, eue as ye were led. 3 Wherfore I declare vnto you, that no man speakynge thorow the sprete of God, defyeth Iesus. And no man can saye that Iesus is the LORDE, but by the holy goost. 4 There are dyuerse giftes, yet but one sprete: 5 and there are dyuerse offices, yet but one LORDE: 6 and there are dyuerse operacions yet is there but one God, which worketh all in all. 7 The giftes of the sprete are geuen vnto euery man to profit the cogregacion. 8 To one is geuen thorow the sprete the vtteraunce of wissdome: to another is geuen the vtteraunce of knowlege acordinge to the same sprete: 9 to another, faith in the same sprete: to another, the giftes of healinge in the same sprete: 10 to another, power to do miracles: to another, prophecienge: to another, iudgment to discerne spretes: to another, dyuerse tunges: to another, the interpretacion of tunges.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

worketh: 1 Corinthians 12:11, 1 Corinthians 3:7, Job 33:29, John 5:17, Ephesians 1:19-22, Colossians 1:29, Philippians 2:13, Hebrews 13:21

all: 1 Corinthians 15:28, Ephesians 1:23, Colossians 3:11

Reciprocal: Numbers 4:28 - General 1 Samuel 3:4 - called Samuel 2 Corinthians 5:18 - all Ephesians 4:6 - God


Genesis 10:15
Canaa also begat Zidon his eldest sonne, & Heth,
Genesis 12:18
Then Pharao called Abra vnto him, and sayde: Why hast thou dealt thus wt me? Wherfore toldest thou not me at the first, yt she was thy wife?
Genesis 12:19
Why saydest thou then, that she was yi sister? Wherfore I toke her to my wife. And now lo, there is yi wife, take her, and go thy waye.
Genesis 13:7
And there fell a strife betwene the hirdmen of Abrams catell, and the hirdmen of Lots catell. The Cananites also and the Pheresites dwelt at that tyme in the londe.
Genesis 33:18
Afterwarde came Iacob peaceably vnto the cite of Sichem, which lyeth in ye lande of Canaan, after that he was come agayne out of Mesopotamia, and pitched before the cite,
Genesis 34:2
Whan Sichem the sonne of Hemor the Heuite (which was lorde of the lode) sawe her, he toke her, and laye with her, and forced her,
Genesis 35:4
Then gaue they him all the straunge goddes that were vnder their handes, and their earynges, and he buried them vnder an Oke that stode besyde Sichem,
Deuteronomy 11:30
which are beyonde Iordane the waye towarde the goinge downe of the Sonne, in the lode of the Cananites, which dwell in ye playne felde ouer agaynst Gilgal, besyde the Oke groue of More.
Joshua 20:7
Then appoynted they Kedes in Galile vpon mount Nepthali, and Sechem vpon mount Ephraim, and Kiriatharba, that is Hebron vpon mout Iuda.
Joshua 24:32
The bones of Ioseph, which the children of Israel had broughte out of Egipte, buried they at Sichem, in the pece of the londe, yt Iacob boughte of the children of Hemor ye father of Sichem for an hundreth pens, and was the enheritaunce of the children of Ioseph.

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And there are diversities of operations, There are some that are ordinary, as the good work of grace, and the several parts of it, the work of faith, the labour of love, and patience of hope, which the Spirit of God begins, carries on, and finishes in all the elect of God, and members of Christ; and there are others which are extraordinary, and are here meant, and hereafter specified.

But it is the same God which worketh all in all. Interpreters in general understand by God here, God the Father; as by the Lord in the preceding verse, the Lord Jesus Christ, as distinct from the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:4 and apprehend that this furnishes out a considerable proof of a trinity of persons in the Godhead, which I will not deny; but I rather think that the Holy Ghost is designed in each verse, by Spirit, Lord, and God; since the various gifts, administrations, and operations, are particularly and peculiarly ascribed to him in the following verses; and the distribution of them is said to be the effect of his sovereign will; and so we have a most illustrious testimony of his proper deity and personality; who is the only true "Jehovah" with the Father and Son, to which the word "Lord" in the New Testament generally answers, and who is the omnipotent God, "which worketh all in all"; all the works of nature throughout the universe, and all the, works of grace in the hearts of all his people, and all the extraordinary operations effected by any of them.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

Of operations - Of works; to wit, of miracles, such as God produces in the church, in the establishment and defense of his religion. There are different operations on the mind and heart; and different powers given to man, or different qualifications in building up and defending his cause. Or it may be, possibly, that Paul here refers to the works of God mainly for mere “illustration,” and by the word “operations” means the works which God has performed in creation and providence. His works are various. They are not all alike, though they come from the same hand. The sun, the moon, the stars, the earth are different; the trees of the forest, the beasts of the field, the fowls of the air, the inhabitants of the deep are different; the flowers, and shrubs, and herbs are different from each other; yet. however much they may vary, they are formed by the same hand. are the productions of the same God, are to be regarded as proofs of the same wisdom and power. The same thing should be expected in his church; and we should anticipate that the endowments of its members would be various.

But it is the same God - The same Father; all these operations are produced by the same God. They should not, therefore, be undervalued or despised; nor should anyone be unduly elated, or pride himself on what has been conferred by God alone.

All in all - All these operations are to be traced to him. His agency is everywhere. It is as really seen in the insect’s wing as in the limbs of the mammoth; as really in the humblest violet as in the loftiest oak of the forest. All, therefore, should regard themselves as under his direction, and should submit to his arrangements. If people regard their endowments as the gift of God, they will be thankful for them, and they will not be disposed to despise or undervalue others who have been placed in a more humble condition and rank in the church.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse 1 Corinthians 12:6. Diversities of operations — ενεργηματων. Miraculous influences exerted on others; such as the expulsion of demons, inflicting extraordinary punishments, as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira, Elymas the sorcerer, c., the healing of different diseases, raising the dead, &c.: all these proceeded from God the Father, as the fountain of all goodness and power, and the immediate dispenser of every good and perfect gift.

In the three preceding verses we find more than an indirect reference to the doctrine of the sacred Trinity.

GIFTS are attributed to the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:4.

ADMINISTRATIONS to the Lord Jesus, 1 Corinthians 12:5.

OPERATIONS to God the Father, 1 Corinthians 12:6.

He who may think this fanciful must account for the very evident distinctions here in some more satisfactory way.

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