the Seventh Week after Epiphany
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Read the Bible
Geneva Bible
Romans 14
1 Him that is weake in the faith, receiue vnto you, but not for controuersies of disputations.2 One beleeueth that he may eate of all things: and another, which is weake, eateth herbes.3 Let not him that eateth, despise him that eateth not: and let not him which eateth not, condemne him that eateth: for God hath receiued him.4 Who art thou that condemnest another mans seruant? hee standeth or falleth to his owne master: yea, he shalbe established: for God is able to make him stand.5 This man esteemeth one day aboue another day, & another ma counteth euery day alike: let euery man be fully perswaded in his minde.6 He that obserueth the day, obserueth it to the Lord: and he that obserueth not the day, obserueth it not to the Lorde. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord: for he giueth God thankes: and he that eateth not, eateth not to the Lord, and giueth God thankes.7 For none of vs liueth to himselfe, neither doeth any die to himselfe.8 For whether wee liue, we liue vnto the Lorde: or whether we die, we die vnto the Lorde: whether we liue therefore, or die, we are the Lords.9 For Christ therefore died and rose againe, and reuiued, that he might be Lord both of the dead and the quicke.10 But why doest thou condemne thy brother? or why doest thou despise thy brother? for we shal all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ.11 For it is written, I liue, sayth the Lord, and euery knee shall bowe to me, and all tongues shall confesse vnto God.12 So then euery one of vs shall giue accounts of himselfe to God.13 Let vs not therefore iudge one another any more: but vse your iudgement rather in this, that no man put an occasion to fall, or a stumbling blocke before his brother.14 I know, and am perswaded through the Lord Iesus, that there is nothing vncleane of it selfe: but vnto him that iudgeth any thing to be vncleane, to him it is vncleane.15 But if thy brother be grieued for the meate, nowe walkest thou not charitably: destroy not him with thy meate, for whome Christ dyed.16 Cause not your commoditie to be euill spoken of.17 For the kingdome of God, is not meate nor drinke, but righteousnes, and peace, and ioye in the holy Ghost.18 For whosoeuer in these things serueth Christ, is acceptable vnto God, and is approoued of men.19 Let vs then followe those things which concerne peace, and wherewith one may edifie another.20 Destroy not the worke of God for meates sake: all things in deede are pure: but it is euill for the man which eateth with offence.21 It is good neither to eate flesh, nor to drinke wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or made weake.22 Hast thou faith? haue it with thy selfe before God: blessed is hee that condemneth not himselfe in that thing which he aloweth.23 For he that doubteth, is condemned if he eate, because he eateth not of faith: and whatsoeuer is not of faith, is sinne.