Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Read the Bible

The Holy Bible, Berean Study Bible

Acts 11:8

'No, Lord,' I said, 'for nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Gentiles;   Glorifying God;   Peter;   Scofield Reference Index - Holy Spirit;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Caesarea;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Peter;   Vision;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Baptism ;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Clean;   Peter;   Philippians, Epistle to;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Paul;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Acts;   1 Peter;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Galatians, Epistle to the;   Mark, Gospel According to;   Vision;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Christ, Christology;   Clean, Unclean, Common;   Law;   Mouth Lips;   Peter;   Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types - Unclean;  


- Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia - Kingdom of Judah;   Kingdom or Church of Christ, the;   International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Uncleanness;   The Jewish Encyclopedia - Christianity in Its Relation to Judaism;  

Parallel Translations

Simplified Cowboy Version
"'I can't do it,' I said to the Lord. 'I ain't never eaten unclean stuff and I'm not gonna start now.'
New American Standard Bible (1995)
"But I said, 'By no means, Lord, for nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
Legacy Standard Bible
But I said, ‘By no means, Lord, for nothing defiled or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
Bible in Basic English
But I said, No, Lord; for nothing common or unclean has ever come into my mouth.
Darby Translation
And I said, In no wise, Lord, for common or unclean has never entered into my mouth.
New King James Version
But I said, "Not so, Lord! For nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth.'
Christian Standard Bible®
"‘No, Lord!' I said. ‘For nothing common or ritually unclean has ever entered my mouth!'
World English Bible
But I said, 'Not so, Lord, for nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.'
Wesley's New Testament (1755)
But I said, In no wise, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath ever entered into my mouth.
Weymouth's New Testament
"`On no account, Lord,' I replied, `for nothing unholy or impure has ever gone into my mouth.'
King James Version (1611)
But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or vncleane hath at any time entred into my mouth.
Literal Translation
But I said, Not at all, Lord, because never has anything common or unclean entered into my mouth.
Miles Coverdale Bible (1535)
But I sayde: Oh no, LORDE, for there neuer entred eny commen or vncleane thinge in to my mouth.
Mace New Testament (1729)
but I said, Lord, by no means: for I never did eat any thing impure, and defiled.
Amplified Bible
"But I said, 'Not at all, Lord; for nothing common (unholy) or [ceremonially] unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
American Standard Version
But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath ever entered into my mouth.
Revised Standard Version
But I said, 'No, Lord; for nothing common or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
Tyndale New Testament (1525)
And I sayd: God forbyd lorde for nothinge comen or vnclene hath at eny tyme entred into my mouth.
Update Bible Version
But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.
Webster's Bible Translation
But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth.
Young's Literal Translation
and I said, Not so, Lord; because anything common or unclean hath at no time entered into my mouth;
New Century Version
But I said, ‘No, Lord! I have never eaten anything that is unholy or unclean.'
New English Translation
But I said, ‘Certainly not, Lord, for nothing defiled or ritually unclean has ever entered my mouth!'
Contemporary English Version
But I said, "Lord, I can't do that! I've never taken a bite of anything that is unclean and not fit to eat."
Complete Jewish Bible
I said, ‘No, sir! Absolutely not! Nothing unclean or treif has ever entered my mouth!'
English Standard Version
But I said, ‘By no means, Lord; for nothing common or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
Geneva Bible (1587)
And I said, God forbid, Lord: for nothing polluted or vncleane hath at any time entred into my mouth.
George Lamsa Translation
And I said, Far be it, my Lord: for never has anything defiled and unclean entered my mouth.
Hebrew Names Version
But I said, 'Not so, Lord, for nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.'
International Standard Version
But I replied, 'Absolutely not, Lord, for nothing common or unclean has ever entered my mouth!'
Etheridge Translation
And I said, Not so, my Lord; for nothing hath entered my mouth that is unclean or profane. [fn]
Murdock Translation
And I said: Far be it, my Lord. For never hath any thing polluted or unclean entered my mouth.
New Living Translation
"‘No, Lord,' I replied. ‘I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure or unclean.'
New Life Bible
But I said, ‘No, Lord! Nothing that is unclean has ever gone into my mouth.'
English Revised Version
But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath ever entered into my mouth.
New Revised Standard
But I replied, ‘By no means, Lord; for nothing profane or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
J.B. Rotherham Emphasized Bible
But I said - By no means, Lord, because, a common or unclean thing, hath at no time entered into my mouth.
Douay-Rheims Bible
And I said: Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath ever entered into my mouth.
King James Version
But I said, Not so, Lord: for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth.
Lexham English Bible
But I said, ‘Certainly not, Lord! For nothing common or unclean has ever entered into my mouth!'
Bishop's Bible (1568)
But I sayde, Not so Lorde: For nothyng common or vncleane hath at any tyme entred into my mouth.
Easy-to-Read Version
"But I said, ‘I can't do that, Lord! I have never eaten anything that is not pure or fit to be used for food.'
New American Standard Bible
"But I said, 'By no means, Lord, for nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
Good News Translation
But I said, ‘Certainly not, Lord! No ritually unclean or defiled food has ever entered my mouth.'
Wycliffe Bible (1395)
But Y seide, Nay, Lord; for comyn thing ether vnclene entride neuer in to my mouth.

Contextual Overview

1The apostles and brothers throughout Judea soon heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. 2So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers took issue with him 3and said, "You visited uncircumcised men and ate with them." 4But Peter began and explained to them the whole sequence of events: 5"I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision of something like a large sheet being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came right down to me. 6I looked at it closely and saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds of the air. 7Then I heard a voice saying to me, 'Get up, Peter, kill and eat.' 8'No, Lord,' I said, 'for nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'9But the voice spoke from heaven a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.' 10This happened three times, and everything was drawn back up into heaven.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

common: Mark 7:2, Romans 14:14

unclean: Leviticus 10:10, Leviticus 11:47, Ezra 9:11, Ezra 9:12, Hosea 9:3, Romans 14:14, 1 Corinthians 7:14

Reciprocal: Genesis 48:18 - Not so Joshua 22:19 - unclean Matthew 15:11 - that which goeth Mark 7:15 - nothing


Genesis 10:25
And two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided, and his brother was named Joktan.
Genesis 10:32
All these are the clans of Noah's sons, according to their generations and nations. From these the nations of the earth spread out after the flood.
Genesis 11:4
"Come," they said, "let us build for ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens, that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of all the earth."
Genesis 11:9
That is why it is called Babel, for there the LORD confused the language of the whole world, and from that place the LORD scattered them over the face of all the earth.
Genesis 49:7
Cursed be their anger, for it is strong, and their wrath, for it is cruel! I will disperse them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel.
Deuteronomy 32:8
When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He divided the sons of man, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.
Luke 1:51
He has performed mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who are proud in the thoughts of their hearts.

Gill's Notes on the Bible

But I said, not so, Lord,.... For he took the voice he heard to be the voice of the Lord, and yet he was not obedient to the heavenly vision, and even though he was an hungry; which shows what a strict observer he was of the ceremonies of the law, and how much he was prejudiced in favour of them:

for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth; he had not suffered anything to come within his lips; he had not even tasted, and much less ate anything that was forbidden by the ceremonial law, so strictly had he observed it.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

See Acts 10:9-33.

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