Lectionary Calendar
Friday, March 14th, 2025
the First Week of Lent
There are 37 days til Easter!
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Read the Bible

Bishop's Bible

Romans 14

1 Hym that is weake in the fayth, receaue: not to iudgementes of disputyng.2 One beleueth yt he may eate euery thyng: Another which is weake, eateth hearbes.3 Let not hym that eateth, dispise hym that eateth not: And let not hym which eateth not, iudge hym that eateth. For God hath receaued hym.4 What art thou that iudgest another mans seruaunt? To his owne maister he standeth or falleth: Yea, he shalbe holden vp. For god is able to make him stande.5 This man putteth difference betwene day and day. Another man counteth all dayes alyke. Let euery man be fully perswaded in his owne mynde.6 He that esteemeth the day, esteemeth it vnto ye Lorde: And he that esteemeth not the day to the Lorde, he doeth not esteeme it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lorde, for he geueth God thankes: And he that eateth not, eateth not to the Lorde, and geueth God thankes.7 For none of vs lyueth to hym selfe, and no man dyeth to hym selfe.8 For yf we lyue, we lyue vnto ye Lorde: And if we dye, we dye vnto the Lorde. Whether we lyue therfore, or dye, we are the Lordes.9 For to this ende Christe both dyed and rose agayne and reuyued, that he myght be Lorde both of dead & quicke.10 But why doest thou then iudge thy brother? Either, why doest thou despise thy brother? We shalbe all brought before the iudgement seate of Christe.11 For it is written, I lyue, sayth the Lorde: and all knees shall bowe to me, & all tongues shall geue prayse to God.12 So shal euery one of vs geue accompt of hym selfe to God.13 Let vs not therfore iudge one another any more: But iudge this rather, that no man put a stumblyng blocke, or an occasion to fall, in his brothers way.14 For I knowe, and am perswaded by the Lorde Iesus, that there is nothyng common of it selfe: but vnto hym that iudgeth it to be common, to hym is it common.15 But yf thy brother be greeued with thy meat, nowe walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not hym with thy meat, for whom Christe dyed.16 Let not your good be euyll spoken of.17 For the kyngdome of God, is not meat and drinke: but righteousnesse, & peace, and ioy in the holy ghost.18 For he that in these thynges serueth Christe, pleaseth God, and is comended of men.19 Let vs therfore folowe those thynges which make for peace, & thynges wherwith one may edifie another.20 Destroy not the worke of God for meates sake. All thinges are pure: but it is euyll for that man, which eateth with offence.21 It is good neither to eate fleshe, neither to drinke wine, neither any thyng wherby thy brother stumbleth, either falleth, or is made weake.22 Hast thou fayth? Haue it with thy selfe before God. Happy is he that condempneth not hym selfe in the thyng which he aloweth.23 For he that maketh conscience, is damned yf he eate, because [he eateth] not of fayth: For whatsoeuer is not of fayth, is sinne.

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