the Third Week of Lent
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Psalms 34:17
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The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,and rescues them from all their troubles.
The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.
The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The Lord hears good people when they cry out to him, and he saves them from all their troubles.
The godly cry out and the Lord hears; he saves them from all their troubles.
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears And rescues them from all their troubles.
The righteous cry, and Yahweh hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.
The righteous crie, and the Lorde heareth them, and deliuereth them out of all their troubles.
The righteous cry, and Yahweh hearsAnd delivers them out of all their troubles.
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears; He delivers them from all their troubles.
When his people pray for help, he listens and rescues them from their troubles.
But the face of Adonai opposes those who do evil, to cut off all memory of them from the earth.
[The righteous] cry, and Jehovah heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
Pray to the Lord , and he will hear you. He will save you from all your troubles.
The righteous cried, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The righteous call to the Lord , and he listens; he rescues them from all their troubles.
They cry out and Yahweh hears and delivers them from all of their troubles.
The righteous cry, and Jehovah hears; and He saves them out of all their distresses.
When the rightuous crie, the LORDE heareth them, and delyuereth the out of all their troubles.
The righteous cried, and Jehovah heard, And delivered them out of all their troubles.
The cry of the upright comes before the Lord, and he takes them out of all their troubles.
The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
The righteous crie, and the Lord heareth; and deliuereth them out of all their troubles.
The righteous crye, and God heareth them: and deliuereth them out of all their troubles.
and delivered them out of all their afflictions.
The righteous cried, and the LORD heard, and delivered them out of all their troubles.
Just men cryeden, and the Lord herde hem; and delyueride hem fro alle her tribulaciouns.
[The righteous] cried, and Yahweh heard, And delivered them out of all their troubles.
[The righteous] cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.
The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.
Those who are right with the Lord cry, and He hears them. And He takes them from all their troubles.
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles.
They made outcry, and Yahweh heard, And, out of all their straits, hath he rescued them.
(33-18) The just cried, and the Lord heard them: and delivered them out of all their troubles.
When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.
They cried, and Jehovah heard, And from all their distresses delivered them.
Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you.
The righteous cry, and the Lord hears And delivers them out of all their troubles.
Contextual Overview
Bible Verse Review
from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge
The righteous: There is no word for the righteous in the present Hebrew Text; but it is preserved in all the versions; and it was probably lost from its similitude to tzaakoo, "they cry:" - tzaakoo tazddeekim, "the righteous cry."
cry: Psalms 34:6, Psalms 34:15, Psalms 34:19, Psalms 91:15, Psalms 145:18-20, 2 Chronicles 32:20, 2 Chronicles 32:21, 2 Chronicles 32:24, Isaiah 65:24, Acts 12:5-11
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:10 - cried out 1 Samuel 26:24 - let him deliver 2 Samuel 4:9 - who hath Psalms 145:19 - he also will Acts 7:10 - delivered 1 John 5:14 - he
Gill's Notes on the Bible
[The righteous] cry,.... The word "righteous" is not in the original text, but is rightly supplied in our version, as it is in the Targum, and by Jarchi; and so Kimchi and Ben Melech observe, that these words are not to be connected with Psalms 34:16, but with Psalms 34:15; and they are indeed an amplification of the last clause of it; and the cry of the righteous is meant, to which the ears of the Lord are open; though Aben Ezra thinks that these words are to be understood of them that do evil, and of their cry to the Lord, when they turn from their evil ways; but the former sense is best;
and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles; their inward troubles, through the workings of corruption in their hearts; through the violent assaults of Satan, the blasphemous thoughts he injects into them, and his solicitations of them to sin; and through divine desertions, and their outward troubles; through afflictions of body, losses of estate and friends, and the reproaches and persecutions of men; out of all these the Lord sooner or later delivers his people who cry unto him.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth - That is, one of the advantages or benefits of being righteous is the privilege of crying unto God, or of calling on his name, with the assurance that he will hear and deliver us. No one has ever yet fully appreciated the “privilege” of being permitted to call upon God; the privilege of prayer. There is no blessing conferred upon man in his present state superior to this; and no one can fully understand the force of the argument derived from this in favor of the service of God. What a world would this be - how sad, how helpless, how wretched - if there were no God to whom the guilty, the suffering, and the sorrowful might come; if God were a Being who never heard prayer at all; if he were a capricious Being who might or might not hear prayer; if He were a Being governed by fitful emotions, who would now hear the righteous, and then the wicked, and then neither, and who dispensed His favors in answer to prayer by no certain rule!
And delivereth them out of all their troubles -
(1) He often delivers them from trouble in this life in answer to prayer.
(2) he will deliver them literally from all trouble in the life to come.
The promise is not indeed, that they shall be delivered from all trouble on earth, but the idea is that God is able to rescue them from trouble here; that He often does it in answer to prayer; and that there will be, in the case of every righteous person, a sure and complete deliverance from all trouble hereafter. Compare the notes at Psalms 34:6 : see Psalms 34:19.
Clarke's Notes on the Bible
Verse Psalms 34:17. The righteous cry — There is no word in the present Hebrew text for righteous; but all the versions preserve it. I suppose it was lost through its similitude to the word צעקו tsaaku, they cry צעקו צדיקים tsaaku tsaddikim, the righteous cry.