the Third Week of Lent
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Read the Bible
Amplified Bible
1 Timothy 2
A Call to Prayer
1 First of all, then, I urge that (C1)petitions (specific requests), prayers, intercessions (prayers for others) and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people,2 (C1)for (F1)kings and all who are in positions of high authority, so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.3 This kind of praying is good and acceptable and pleasing in the sight of (C1)God our Savior,4 (C1)who (F1)desires all people to be (C2)saved and to (C3)come to the knowledge and recognition of the divine truth.5 For there is only (C1)one God, and only (C2)one Mediator between God and mankind, the (C3)Man Christ Jesus,6 who (C1)gave Himself as a ransom a substitutionary sacrifice to atone for all, the (C2)testimony given at (C3)the right and proper time.7 (C1)And for this matter I was appointed a preacher and (C2)an apostle—(C3)I am telling the truth, I am not lying when I say this—a teacher of (C4)the Gentiles in faith and truth.
8 Therefore (C1)I want the men (C2)in every place to pray, (C3)lifting up (C4)holy hands, without anger and disputing or quarreling or doubt in their mind.
Women Instructed
9 Likewise, I want (C1)women to adorn themselves modestly and appropriately and discreetly in proper clothing, not with elaborately braided hair and gold or pearls or expensive clothes,10 but instead adorned by good deeds helping others, as is proper for women who profess to worship God.11 (C1)A woman must quietly receive instruction with all submissiveness.12 (C1)I do not allow a woman to (F1)teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet in the congregation.13 (C1)For Adam was formed first by God from the earth, then Eve; (VR1)14 and it was not Adam who was deceived, but (C1)the woman who was led astray and (F1)fell into sin. (VR1)15 But women will be (F1)preserved (saved) through the pain and dangers of the bearing of children (F2)if they continue in (C1)faith and love and holiness with self-control and discretion.Amplified Bible
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