Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Read the Bible

Staten Vertaling

Galaten 5:11

Maar ik, broeders! Indien ik nog de besnijdenis predik, waarom word ik nog vervolgd? Zo is dan de ergernis des kruises vernietigd.

Bible Study Resources


- Nave's Topical Bible - Circumcision;   Cross;   Crucifixion;   Paul;   Zeal, Religious;   The Topic Concordance - Legalism;   Torrey's Topical Textbook - Offence;   Persecution;  


- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary - Offence;   Bridgeway Bible Dictionary - Stumbling block;   Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Discipline;   Offense;   Works of the Law;   Charles Buck Theological Dictionary - Liberty;   Easton Bible Dictionary - Cross;   Offence;   Fausset Bible Dictionary - Galatians, the Epistle to the;   Paul;   Holman Bible Dictionary - Galatians, Letter to the;   Offense;   Persecution in the Bible;   Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - Cross;   Sin;   Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - Atonement (2);   Cross, Cross-Bearing;   Crucifixion;   Galatia ;   Galatians Epistle to the;   Offence;   Offence (2);   Preaching;   Morrish Bible Dictionary - Cross;   Smith Bible Dictionary - Gala'tians, the Epistle to the,;  


- International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Pauline Theology;   Stumbling-Block;  


- Daily Light on the Daily Path - Devotion for September 1;   Every Day Light - Devotion for November 8;  

Parallel Translations

Gereviseerde Leidse Vertaling
Wat mij aangaat, broeders, indien ik weer de besnijdenis predik, waarom word ik nog vervolgd? Dan is het aanstotelijke van het kruis weggenomen.
Gereviseerde Lutherse Vertaling
Maar ik, broeders, indien ik de besnijdenis nog predikte, waarom leed ik dan nog vervolging? Dan had immers de ergernis van het kruis opgehouden.

Bible Verse Review
  from Treasury of Scripure Knowledge

if: Galatians 2:3, Acts 16:3

why: Galatians 4:29, Galatians 6:12, Galatians 6:17, Acts 21:21, Acts 21:28, Acts 22:21, Acts 22:22, Acts 23:13, Acts 23:14, 1 Corinthians 15:30, 2 Corinthians 11:23-26

the offence: Isaiah 8:14, Romans 9:32, Romans 9:33, 1 Corinthians 1:18, 1 Corinthians 1:23, 1 Peter 2:8, 1 Peter 2:9

Reciprocal: Matthew 5:30 - offend Matthew 11:6 - whosoever Acts 15:19 - that Galatians 2:18 - General Ephesians 3:1 - for Philippians 1:10 - without 1 Thessalonians 2:16 - Forbidding

Gill's Notes on the Bible

And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision,.... The apostle was traduced by the false teachers, as a preacher of circumcision himself in some places; and this they did partly to show him to be a variable and inconsistent man, who preached one doctrine in one place, and another in another place, and so not to be attended to; and partly with others, to draw them into their scheme upon his authority: what might give them the handle, or at least what they improved to this purpose, might be his circumcising of Timothy; but though he did this as a thing indifferent, and for the sake of the Jews, to make them easy; yet he never preached it after his conversion, and much less as necessary to justification and salvation, as these men did. This calumny he refutes by putting the following question or questions;

why do I yet suffer persecution? as is clear he did, for being against it, and preaching it down; great part of the persecutions the apostle endured was from the Jews, and that on account of his teaching them everywhere, that were among the Gentiles, to forsake Moses, and that they should not circumcise their children, and walk after the customs of their nation; a clear point this, that he did not preach it; had he, persecution from this quarter would not have followed him; and he could have done it with a good conscience, he must act a very weak part in suffering persecution on that account. The Arabic version gives the words a very different turn, and yet furnishes an answer to the calumny; "why do I persecute him that uses it?" that is, if I am a preacher of it, why am I so warm and violent an opposer of those that submit to it? these things are so opposite that there is no reconciling them; to the same purpose is the Ethiopic version: "then is the offence of the cross ceased". The last mentioned version reads it, "the cross of Christ"; and so the Alexandrian copy; meaning not the cross of affliction, reproach, and persecution, which Christ has enjoined every follower of his to take up and bear for his sake, and is offensive to the carnal man; nor the cross on which he suffered, or the sufferings of the cross; but the doctrine of salvation by a crucified Christ, which was an offence and a stumblingblock to the Jews; now if the apostle had preached circumcision as necessary to salvation, the other doctrine must have been dropped, and consequently the offence taken at it must have ceased, whereas it was not. The Syriac version reads by way of question, "is the offence of the cross ceased?" no it is not, a plain case then is, that the apostle did not preach circumcision, but only a crucified Christ, as necessary to salvation. Moreover, the Jews that believed would not have been so offended as they were at his preaching, had he preached the one as well the other; their offence was not that he preached Christ crucified, but that he preached, that, by the cross of Christ, circumcision and the other rituals of the ceremonial law were now abolished.

Barnes' Notes on the Bible

And I, brethren - Paul here proceeds to vindicate himself from giving countenance to the doctrines which they had advanced there. It is evident that the false teachers in Galatia appealed to Paul himself, and alleged that he insisted on the necessity of circumcision, and that they were teaching no more than he taught. On what they founded this is unknown. It may have been mere slander; or it may have arisen from the fact that he had circumcised Timothy Acts 16:3, and, possibly, that he may have encouraged circumcision in some other similar cases. Or it may have been inferred from the fact (which was undoubtedly true) that Paul in general complied with the customs of the Jews when he was with them. But his conduct and example had been greatly perverted. He had never enjoined circumcision as necessary to salvation; and had never complied with Jewish customs where there was danger that it would be understood that he regarded them as at all indispensable, or as furnishing a ground of acceptance with God.

If I yet preach circumcision - If I preach it as necessary to salvation; or if I enjoin it on those who are converted to Christianity.

Why do I yet suffer persecution? - That is, from the Jews. “Why do they oppose me? Circumcision is the special badge of the Jewish religion; it implies all the rest (see Galatians 5:2); and if I preach the necessity of that, it would satisfy the Jews, and save me from persecution. They would never persecute one who did that as they do me; and the fact that I am thus persecuted by them is full demonstration that I am not regarded as preaching the necessity of circumcision.” It is remarkable that Paul does not expressly deny the charge. The reason may be, that his own word would be called in question, or that it might require much explanation to show why he had recommended circumcision in any case, as in the case of Timothy; Acts 16:3. But the fact that he was persecuted by the Jews settled the question, and showed that he did not preach the necessity of circumcision in any such sense as to satisfy them, or in any such sense as was claimed by the false teachers in Galatia. In regard to the fact that Paul was persecuted by the Jews; see Acts 14:1-2, Acts 14:19; Acts 17:4-5, Acts 17:13; compare Paley, Hora Paulina, Galat. no. v.

Then is the offence of the cross ceased - “For if I should preach the necessity of circumcision, as is alleged, the offence of the cross of Christ would be removed. The necessity of depending on the merits of the sacrifice made on the cross would be taken away, since then people could be saved by conformity to the laws of Moses. The very thing that I have so much insisted on, and that has been such a stumbling-block to the Jews (see the note at 1 Corinthians 1:23), that conformity to their rites was of no avail, and that they must be saved only by the merits of a crucified Saviour, would be done away with.” Paul means that if this had been done, he would have saved himself from giving offence, and from the evils of persecution. He would have preached that people could be saved by conformity to Jewish rites, and that would have saved him from all the persecutions which he had endured in consequence of preaching the necessity of salvation by the cross.

Clarke's Notes on the Bible

Verse 11. If I yet preach circumcision — it is very likely that some of the false apostles, hearing of Paul's having circumcised Timothy, Acts 16:3, which must have been done about this time, reported him as being an advocate for circumcision, and by this means endeavoured to sanction their own doctrine. To this the apostle replies: Were it so, that I am a friend to this measure, is it likely that I should suffer persecution from the Jews? But I am every where persecuted by them, and I am persecuted because I am known to be an enemy to circumcision; were I a friend to this doctrine, the offence of the cross-preaching salvation only through the sacrifice of Christ, would soon cease; because, to be consistent with myself, if I preached the necessity of circumcision I must soon cease to preach Christ crucified, and then the Jews would be no longer my enemies.

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