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Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Passage Lookup: Proverbs 5:15-8:11

New American Standard BibleNAS
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Proverbs 5:15
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Drink water from your own cistern, And (F1)fresh water from your own well.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 5:16
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Should your (C1)springs overflow into the street, Streams of water in the public squares?
Cross References:  
Proverbs 5:17
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Let them be yours alone, And not for strangers with you.
Proverbs 5:18
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Let your (C1)fountain be blessed, And (C2)rejoice in the (C3)wife of your youth.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 5:19
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Like a loving (C1)doe and a graceful mountain goat, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be (F1)exhilarated always with her love.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 5:20
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For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an (F1)(C1)adulteress, And embrace the breasts of a (C2)foreigner?
Cross References:  
Proverbs 5:21
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For the (C1)ways of everyone are before the eyes of the LORD, And He (C2)observes all his paths.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 5:22
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His (C1)own wrongdoings will trap the wicked, And he will be held by the ropes of his sin.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 5:23
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He will (C1)die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his foolishness he will go astray.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:1
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My son, if you have become a (C1)guarantor for your neighbor, Or have given a handshake for a stranger,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:2
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If you have been ensnared by the words of your mouth, Or caught by the words of your mouth,
Proverbs 6:3
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Then do this, my son, and save yourself: Since you have come into the (F1)hand of your neighbor, Go, humble yourself, and be urgent with your neighbor to free yourself.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:4
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Give no (C1)sleep to your eyes, Nor slumber to your eyelids;
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:5
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Save yourself like a gazelle from the hunter's hand, And like a (C1)bird from the hand of the fowler.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:6
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Go to the (C1)ant, you (F1)(C2)lazy one, Observe its ways and be wise,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:7
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Which, having (C1)no chief, Officer, or ruler,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:8
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Prepares its food (C1)in the summer And gathers its provision in the harvest.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:9
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How long will you lie down, you (F1)lazy one? When will you arise from your sleep?
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:10
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"(C1)A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to (F1)rest,"
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:11
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(C1)Then your poverty will come in like a (F1)drifter, And your need like (F2)an armed man.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:12
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A (C1)worthless person, a wicked man, Is one who walks with a (C2)perverse mouth,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:13
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Who (C1)winks with his eyes, who (F1)signals with his feet, Who (F2)points with his fingers;
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:14
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Who, with (C1)perversion in his heart, continually (C2)devises evil, Who (F1)(C3)spreads strife.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:15
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Therefore (C1)his disaster will come suddenly; (C2)Instantly he will be broken and there will be (C3)no healing.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:16
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There are six things that the LORD hates, Seven that are an abomination (F1)to Him:
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:17
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(C1)Haughty eyes, a (C2)lying tongue, And hands that (C3)shed innocent blood,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:18
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A heart that devises (C1)wicked plans, (C2)Feet that run rapidly to evil,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:19
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A (C1)false witness who declares lies, And one who (F1)(C2)spreads strife among brothers.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:20
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(C1)My son, comply with the commandment of your father, And do not ignore the (F1)teaching of your mother;
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:21
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(C1)Bind them continually on your heart; Tie them around your neck.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:22
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When you (C1)walk, (F1)they will guide you; When you sleep, (F1)they will watch over you; And when you awake, (F1)they will talk to you.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:23
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For (C1)the commandment is a lamp and the (F1)teaching is light; And rebukes for discipline are the way of life
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:24
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To (C1)keep you from the evil woman, From the smooth tongue of the foreign woman.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:25
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(C1)Do not desire her beauty in your heart, Nor let her capture you with her (C2)eyelids.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:26
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For (C1)the price of a prostitute reduces one to a loaf of bread, And (F1)an adulteress (C2)hunts for a precious life.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:27
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Can anyone take fire in his lap And his clothes not be burned?
Proverbs 6:28
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Or can a person walk on hot coals And his feet not be scorched?
Proverbs 6:29
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So is the one who (C1)goes in to his neighbor's wife; Whoever touches her (C2)will not (F1)go unpunished.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:30
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People do not despise a thief if he steals To (C1)satisfy (F1)himself when he is hungry;
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:31
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But when he is found, he must (C1)repay seven times as much; He must give up all the property of his house.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:32
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One who commits adultery with a woman is (C1)lacking (F1)sense; He who would (C2)destroy (F2)himself commits it.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:33
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He will find wounds and disgrace, And his shame will not be removed.
Proverbs 6:34
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For (C1)jealousy (F1)enrages a man, And he will not have compassion on the (C2)day of vengeance.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 6:35
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He will not (F1)accept any settlement, Nor will he be (F2)satisfied though you make it a large gift.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:1
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My son, (C1)keep my words And treasure my commandments within you.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:2
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(C1)Keep my commandments and live, And my (F1)teaching (C2)as the (F2)apple of your eye.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:3
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(C1)Bind them on your fingers; (C2)Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:4
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Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," And call understanding your intimate friend,
Proverbs 7:5
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So that they may keep you from an (F1)adulteress, From the foreigner who flatters with her words.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:6
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For (C1)at the window of my house I looked out (C2)through my lattice,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:7
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And I saw among the (C1)naive, And discerned among the (F1)youths A young man (C2)lacking (F2)sense,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:8
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Passing through the street near (C1)her corner; And he walks along the way to (C2)her house,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:9
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In the (C1)twilight, in the (F1)evening, In the (F2)middle of the night and the darkness.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:10
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And behold, a woman comes to meet him, (C1)Dressed as a prostitute and cunning of heart.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:11
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She is (C1)boisterous and rebellious, Her (C2)feet do not remain at home;
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:12
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She is now in the streets, now (C1)in the public squares, And (C2)lurks by every corner.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:13
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So she seizes him and kisses him, (F1)And with a (C1)brazen face she says to him:
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:14
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"(F1)I was due to offer (C1)peace offerings; Today I have (C2)paid my vows.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:15
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-"Therefore I have come out to meet you, To seek your presence diligently, and I have found you.
Proverbs 7:16
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-"I have spread my couch with (C1)coverings, With colored (C2)linens of Egypt.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:17
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-"I have sprinkled my bed With (C1)myrrh, aloes, and (C2)cinnamon.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:18
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-"Come, let's drink our fill of love until morning; Let's delight ourselves with caresses.
Proverbs 7:19
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-"For (F1)my husband is not at home; He has gone on a long journey.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:20
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-"He has taken a (C1)bag of money (F1)with him. At the full moon he will come home."
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:21
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With her many persuasions she entices him; With her (F1)(C1)flattering lips she seduces him.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:22
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Suddenly he follows her As an ox goes to the slaughter, Or as (F1)one walks in ankle bracelets to the discipline of a fool,
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:23
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Until an arrow pierces through his liver; As a (C1)bird hurries to the snare, So he does not know that it will cost him his life.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:24
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Now therefore, my sons, (C1)listen to me, And pay attention to the words of my mouth.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:25
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Do not let your heart (C1)turn aside to her ways, Do not stray into her paths.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:26
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For many are the (F1)victims she has brought to ruin, And (C1)numerous are all those slaughtered by her.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 7:27
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Her (C1)house is the way to Sheol, Descending to the chambers of death.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:1
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Does not (C1)wisdom call, And understanding (F1)raise her voice?
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:2
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On top of (C1)the heights beside the way, Where the paths meet, she takes her stand;
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:3
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Beside the (C1)gates, at the opening to the city, At the entrance of the doors, she cries out:
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:4
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"To you, people, I call, And my voice is to (F1)mankind.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:5
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-"You (C1)naive ones, understand prudence; And, you (C2)fools, understand (F1)wisdom!
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:6
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-"Listen, for I will speak (C1)noble things; And the opening of my lips will reveal (C2)right things.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:7
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-"For my (C1)mouth will proclaim truth; And wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:8
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-"All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; There is nothing (C1)crooked or perverted in them.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:9
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-"They are all (C1)straightforward to him who understands, And right to those who (C2)find knowledge.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:10
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-"Accept my (C1)instruction and not silver, And knowledge rather than choice gold.
Cross References:  
Proverbs 8:11
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-"For wisdom is (C1)better than (F1)jewels; And (C2)all desirable things cannot compare with her.
Cross References:  
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