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Thursday, September 19th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Passage Lookup: Hosea 5,6,7,8

Christian Standard Bible ®CSB
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Hosea 5:1
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Hear this, priests!(a) Pay attention, house of Israel! Listen, royal house! For the judgment applies to you because you have been a snare at Mizpah(b) and a net spread out on Tabor.
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:2
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Rebels(c) are deeply involved in slaughter;(d) I will be a punishment for all of them.[a]
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:3
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I know Ephraim,(e) and Israel is not hidden from Me. For now, Ephraim,(f) you have acted promiscuously; Israel is defiled.
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:4
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Their actions do not allow them to return to their God,(g) for a spirit of promiscuity is among them,(h) and they do not know the Lord .(i)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:5
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Israel's arrogance testifies against them.[b](j) Both Israel and Ephraim stumble because of their wickedness;(k) even Judah will stumble with them.(l)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:6
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They go with their flocks and herds to seek the Lord (m) but do not find Him;(n) He has withdrawn from them.(o)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:7
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They betrayed the Lord ;(p) indeed, they gave birth to illegitimate children.(q) Now the New Moon(r) will devour them along with their fields.(s)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:8
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Blow the horn in Gibeah,(t) the trumpet in Ramah;(u) raise the war cry in Beth-aven:(v) After you, Benjamin!(w)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:9
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Ephraim will become a desolation(x) on the day of punishment;(y) I announce what is certain among the tribes of Israel.(z)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:10
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The princes of Judah are like those who move boundary markers;(aa) I will pour out My fury(ab) on them like water.(ac)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:11
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Ephraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment,(ad) for he is determined to follow what is worthless.[c]
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:12
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So I am like rot to Ephraim(ae) and like decay to the house of Judah.
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:13
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When Ephraim saw his sickness and Judah his wound, Ephraim went to Assyria(af) and sent a delegation to the great king.[d](ag) But he cannot cure you or heal your wound.(ah)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:14
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For I am like a lion to Ephraim(ai) and like a young lion to the house of Judah. Yes, I will tear them to pieces and depart.(aj) I will carry them off, and no one can rescue them.(ak)
Cross References:  
Hosea 5:15
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I will depart and return to My place until they recognize their guilt and seek My face;(al) they will search for Me in their distress.(am)
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:1
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Come, let us return to the Lord .(a) For He has torn us,(b) and He will heal us;(c) He has wounded us, and He will bind up our wounds.(d)
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:2
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He will revive us after two days,(e) and on the third day He will raise us up so we can live in His presence.(f)
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:3
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Let us strive to know the Lord .(g) His appearance is as sure as the dawn.(h) He will come to us like the rain,(i) like the spring showers that water the land.
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:4
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What am I going to do with you, Ephraim?(j) What am I going to do with you, Judah? Your loyalty is like the morning mist(k) and like the early dew that vanishes.
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:5
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This is why I have used the prophets to cut them down;[a](l) I have killed them with the words of My mouth. My judgment strikes like lightning.[b]
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:6
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For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God(m) rather than burnt offerings.(n)
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:7
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But they, like Adam,[c] have violated the covenant;(o) there they have betrayed Me.(p)
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:8
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Gilead is a city of evildoers,(q) tracked with bloody footprints.(r)
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:9
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Like raiders who wait in ambush for someone,(s) a band of priests murders on the road to Shechem.(t) They commit atrocities.(u)
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:10
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I have seen something horrible(v) in the house of Israel: Ephraim's promiscuity is there;(w) Israel is defiled.
Cross References:  
Hosea 6:11
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A harvest is also appointed for you, Judah.(x) When I[d] return My people from captivity,(y)
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:1
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when I heal Israel,(a) the sins of Ephraim(b) and the crimes of Samaria(c) will be exposed. For they practice fraud;(d) a thief breaks in; a raiding party pillages outside.(e)
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:2
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But they never consider that I remember all their evil.(f) Now their sins are all around them;(g) they are right in front of My face.
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:3
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They please the king with their evil,(h) the princes with their lies.(i)
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:4
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All of them commit adultery;(j) they are like an oven heated by a baker who stops stirring the fire from the kneading of the dough until it is leavened.
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:5
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On the day of our king, the princes are sick with the heat of wine(k)— there is a conspiracy with traitors.[a]
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:6
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For they—their hearts like an oven— draw him into their oven. Their anger smolders all night; in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire.
Hosea 7:7
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All of them are as hot as an oven,(l) and they consume their rulers.(m) All their kings fall; not one of them calls on Me.[b]
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:8
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Ephraim has allowed himself to get mixed up with the nations. Ephraim is unturned bread baked on a griddle.
Hosea 7:9
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Foreigners consume his strength,(n) but he does not notice.(o) Even his hair is streaked with gray, but he does not notice.
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:10
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Israel's arrogance testifies against them,[c](p) yet they do not return to Yahweh their God,(q) and for all this, they do not seek Him.
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:11
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So Ephraim has become like a silly, senseless dove;(r) they call to Egypt,(s) and they go to Assyria.(t)
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:12
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As they are going, I will spread My net over them;(u) I will bring them down like birds of the sky. I will discipline them in accordance with the news that reaches[d] their assembly.
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:13
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Woe to them,(v) for they fled from Me;(w) destruction to them, for they rebelled against Me! Though I want to redeem them,(x) they speak lies against Me.
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:14
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They do not cry to Me from their hearts; rather, they wail on their beds. They slash themselves[e](y) for grain and new wine;(z) they turn away from Me.
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:15
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I trained and strengthened their arms,(aa) but they plot evil against Me.(ab)
Cross References:  
Hosea 7:16
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They turn, but not to what is above;[f] they are like a faulty bow.(ac) Their leaders will fall by the sword because of the cursing of their tongue.(ad) They will be ridiculed for this in the land of Egypt.(ae)
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:1
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Put the horn to your mouth!(a) One like an eagle comes against the house of the Lord ,(b) because they transgress My covenant(c) and rebel against My law.(d)
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:2
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Israel cries out to Me,(e) "My God, we know You!"
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:3
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Israel has rejected what is good;(f) an enemy will pursue him.
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:4
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They have installed kings,(g) but not through Me. They have appointed leaders, but without My approval. They make their silver and gold(h) into idols for themselves for their own destruction.[a]
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:5
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Your calf-idol[b](i) is rejected, Samaria.(j) My anger burns against them. How long will they be incapable of innocence?(k)
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:6
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For this thing is from Israel— a craftsman made it,(l) and it is not God. The calf of Samaria will be smashed to bits!
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:7
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Indeed, they sow the wind(m) and reap the whirlwind.(n) There is no standing grain; what sprouts fails to yield flour.(o) Even if they did, foreigners would swallow it up.
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:8
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Israel is swallowed up!(p) Now they are among the nations like discarded pottery.(q)
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:9
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For they have gone up to Assyria(r) like a wild donkey going off on its own. Ephraim has paid for love.(s)
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:10
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Even though they hire lovers among the nations, I will now round them up, and they will begin to decrease in number(t) under the burden of the king and leaders.(u)
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:11
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When Ephraim multiplied his altars for sin,(v) they became his altars for sinning.
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:12
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Though I were to write out for him ten thousand points of My instruction,(w) they would be[c] regarded as something strange.
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:13
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Though they offer sacrificial gifts[d](x) and eat the flesh,(y) the Lord does not accept them. Now He will remember their guilt(z) and punish their sins;(aa) they will return to Egypt.(ab)
Cross References:  
Hosea 8:14
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Israel has forgotten his Maker(ac) and built palaces;(ad) Judah has also multiplied fortified cities. I will send fire on their cities,(ae) and it will consume their citadels.
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