Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

October 3 - Straight Thru the Bible


Nahum 3

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 3

Nineveh's Downfall

1 Woe to the city of blood,(a)
totally deceitful,
full of plunder,
never without prey.(b)
2 The crack of the whip
and rumble of the wheel,
galloping horse
and jolting chariot!(c)
3 Charging horseman,
flashing sword,
shining spear;
heaps of slain,
mounds of corpses,
dead bodies without end(d)
they stumble over their dead.
4 Because of the continual prostitution of the prostitute,
the attractive mistress of sorcery,
who betrays nations by her prostitution
and clans by her witchcraft,(e)
5 I am against you.(f)
This is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts.
I will lift your skirts over your face
and display your nakedness to nations,
your shame to kingdoms.(g)
6 I will throw filth on you
and treat you with contempt;
I will make a spectacle of you.
7 Then all who see you will recoil from you, saying,
"Nineveh is devastated;
who will show sympathy to her?"
Where can I find anyone to comfort you?

8 Are you better than Thebes[a](h)
that sat along the Nile
with water surrounding her,
whose rampart was the sea,
the river[b][c] her wall?
9 Cush and Egypt were her endless source of strength;
Put and Libya were among her[d] allies.
10 Yet she became an exile;
she went into captivity.
Her children were also dashed to pieces(i)
at the head of every street.
They cast lots for her dignitaries,(j)
and all her nobles were bound in chains.
11 You[e] also will become drunk;
you will hide yourself.[f]
You also will seek refuge from the enemy.

12 All your fortresses are fig trees
with figs that ripened first;
when shaken, they fall—
right into the mouth of the eater!

13 Look, your troops are like women among you;
the gates of your land
are wide open to your enemies.
Fire will devour the bars of your gates.

14 Draw water for the siege;
strengthen your fortresses.
Step into the clay and tread the mortar;
take hold of the brick-mold!
15 The fire will devour you there;
the sword will cut you down.
It will devour you like the young locust.(k)
Multiply yourselves like the young locust,
multiply like the swarming locust!
16 You have made your merchants(l)
more numerous than the stars of the sky.
The young locust strips[g] the land
and flies away.
17 Your court officials are like the swarming locust,
and your scribes like clouds of locusts,
which settle on the walls on a cold day;
when the sun rises, they take off,
and no one knows where they are.

18 King of Assyria, your shepherds slumber;
your officers sleep.
Your people are scattered across the mountains
with no one to gather them together.(m)
19 There is no remedy for your injury;
your wound is severe.(n)
All who hear the news about you
will clap their hands because of you,
for who has not experienced
your constant cruelty?

Habakkuk 1-3

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 1

1 The oracle that Habakkuk the prophet saw.(a)

Habakkuk's First Prayer

2 How long,(b) Lord , must I call for help(c)
and You do not listen
or cry out to You about violence
and You do not save?
3 Why do You force me to look at injustice?(d)
Why do You tolerate[a] wrongdoing?
Oppression and violence are right in front of me.
Strife is ongoing, and conflict escalates.
4 This is why the law is ineffective
and justice never emerges.
For the wicked restrict(e) the righteous;
therefore, justice(f) comes out perverted.

God's First Answer

5 Look at the nations[b](g) and observe(h)
be utterly astounded!(i)
For something is taking place in your days
that you will not believe(j)
when you hear about it.(k)
6 Look! I am raising up(l) the Chaldeans,[c]
that bitter,(m) impetuous nation
that marches across the earth's open spaces
to seize territories not its own.
7 They are fierce(n) and terrifying;
their views of justice and sovereignty
stem from themselves.
8 Their horses are swifter(o) than leopards(p)
and more fierce[d] than wolves of the night.
Their horsemen charge ahead;
their horsemen come from distant lands.
They fly like an eagle, swooping to devour.(q)
9 All of them come to do violence;
their faces(r) are set in determination.[e]
They gather(s) prisoners like sand.(t)
10 They mock(u) kings,
and rulers are a joke to them.
They laugh(v) at every fortress
and build siege ramps to capture(w) it.
11 Then they sweep(x) by like the wind
and pass through.
They are guilty;[f] their strength is their god.

Habakkuk's Second Prayer

12 Are You not from eternity, Yahweh my God?
My Holy One,(y) You[g] will not die.
Lord , You appointed them to execute judgment;
my Rock,(z) You destined them to punish us.
13 Your eyes(aa) are too pure(ab) to look on evil,
and You cannot tolerate wrongdoing.
So why do You tolerate those who are treacherous?(ac)
Why are You silent
while one[h] who is wicked swallows up
one[i] who is more righteous than himself?
14 You have made mankind
like the fish of the sea,(ad)
like marine creatures that have no ruler.
15 The Chaldeans pull them all up with a hook,
catch them in their dragnet,(ae)
and gather them in their fishing net;
that is why they are glad and rejoice.
16 That is why they sacrifice to their dragnet
and burn incense to their fishing net,
for by these things their portion is rich
and their food plentiful.(af)
17 Will they therefore empty their net[j]
and continually slaughter nations without mercy?

Chapter 2

Habakkuk Waits for God's Response

1 I will stand at my guard post
and station myself on the lookout tower.(a)
I will watch to see what He will say to me(b)
and what I should[a] reply about my complaint.

God's Second Answer

2 The Lord answered me:

Write down this vision;(c)
clearly inscribe it on tablets
so one may easily read it.[b]
3 For the vision is yet for the appointed time;
it testifies about the end and will not lie.
Though it delays, wait for it,
since it will certainly come and not be late.(d)
4 Look, his ego is inflated;[c]
he is without integrity.
But the righteous one will live by his faith.[d](e)
5 Moreover, wine[e] betrays;
an arrogant man is never at rest.[f]
He enlarges his appetite like Sheol,
and like Death he is never satisfied.(f)
He gathers all the nations to himself;
he collects all the peoples for himself.

The Five Woe Oracles

6 Won't all of these take up a taunt against him,
with mockery and riddles about him?
They will say:

Woe to him who amasses what is not his—
how much longer?—
and loads himself with goods taken in pledge.(g)
7 Won't your creditors suddenly arise,
and those who disturb you wake up?
Then you will become spoil for them.(h)
8 Since you have plundered many nations,
all the peoples who remain will plunder you—
because of human bloodshed
and violence against lands, cities,
and all who live in them.(i)

9 Woe to him who dishonestly makes
wealth for his house[g]
to place his nest on high,
to escape from the reach of disaster!(j)
10 You have planned shame for your house
by wiping out many peoples
and sinning against your own self.
11 For the stones will cry out(k) from the wall,
and the rafters will answer them
from the woodwork.

12 Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed
and founds a town with injustice!(l)
13 Is it not from the Lord of Hosts
that the peoples labor only to fuel the fire
and countries exhaust themselves for nothing?(m)
14 For the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of the Lord 's glory,
as the waters cover the sea.(n)

15 Woe to him who gives his neighbors drink,
pouring out your wrath[h]
and even making them drunk,
in order to look at their nakedness!
16 You will be filled with disgrace instead of glory.
You also—drink,
and expose your uncircumcision![i]
The cup in the Lord 's right hand
will come around to you,
and utter disgrace will cover your glory.(o)
17 For your violence against Lebanon
will overwhelm you;
the destruction of animals will terrify you[j]
because of your human bloodshed and violence
against lands, cities, and all who live in them.

18 What use is a carved idol
after its craftsman carves it?
It is only a cast image, a teacher of lies.
For the one who crafts its shape trusts in it
and makes idols that cannot speak.
19 Woe to him who says to wood: Wake up!
or to mute stone: Come alive!
Can it teach?
Look! It may be plated with gold and silver,
yet there is no breath in it at all.

20 But the Lord is in His holy temple;
let everyone on earth
be silent in His presence.(p)

Chapter 3

Habakkuk's Third Prayer

1 A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet. According to Shigionoth.[a](a)

2  Lord , I have heard the report about You;
Lord , I stand in awe of Your deeds.
Revive Your work in these years;
make it known in these years.
In Your wrath remember mercy!

3 God comes from Teman,
the Holy One from Mount Paran.(b) Selah
His splendor covers the heavens,
and the earth is full of His praise.(c)
4 His brilliance is like light;
rays are flashing from His hand.
This is where His power is hidden.
5 Plague goes before Him,
and pestilence follows in His steps.
6 He stands and shakes[b] the earth;
He looks and startles the nations.
The age-old mountains break apart;
the ancient hills sink down.
His pathways are ancient.
7 I see the tents of Cushan[c] in distress;
the tent curtains of the land of Midian tremble.
8 Are You angry at the rivers, Lord ?
Is Your wrath against the rivers?
Or is Your rage against the sea
when You ride on Your horses,
Your victorious chariot?
9 You took the sheath from Your bow;
the arrows are ready[d] to be used with an oath.[e](d) Selah
You split the earth with rivers.
10 The mountains see You and shudder;(e)
a downpour of water sweeps by.
The deep roars with its voice(f)
and lifts its waves[f] high.
11 Sun and moon stand still in their lofty residence,(g)
at the flash of Your flying arrows,
at the brightness of Your shining spear.
12 You march across the earth with indignation;
You trample down the nations in wrath.
13 You come out to save Your people,
to save Your anointed.[g]
You crush the leader of the house of the wicked
and strip him from foot[h] to neck. Selah
14 You pierce his head
with his own spears;
his warriors storm out to scatter us,
gloating as if ready to secretly devour the weak.
15 You tread the sea with Your horses,
stirring up the great waters.(h)

Habakkuk's Confidence in God Expressed

16 I heard, and I trembled within;(i)
my lips quivered at the sound.
Rottenness entered my bones;
I trembled where I stood.
Now I must quietly wait for the day of distress
to come against the people invading us.
17 Though the fig tree does not bud
and there is no fruit on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
18 yet I will triumph in Yahweh;
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation!(j)
19 Yahweh my Lord is my strength;
He makes my feet like those of a deer(k)
and enables me to walk on mountain heights!(l)

For the choir director: on[i] stringed instruments.

Zephaniah 1:1-13

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 1

1 The word of the Lord that came to Zephaniah son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah(a) son of Amon, king of Judah.

The Great Day of the Lord

2 I will completely sweep away everything
from the face of the earth(b)
this is the Lord 's declaration.
3 I will sweep away man and animal;(c)
I will sweep away the birds of the sky
and the fish of the sea,
and the ruins[a] along with the wicked.(d)
I will cut off mankind
from the face of the earth.
This is the Lord 's declaration.

4 I will stretch out My hand(e) against Judah
and against all the residents of Jerusalem.
I will cut off every vestige of Baal(f)
from this place,
the names of the pagan priests(g)
along with the priests;
5 those who bow in worship on the rooftops(h)
to the heavenly host;
those who bow and pledge loyalty to the Lord (i)
but also pledge loyalty to Milcom;[b](j)
6 and those who turn back from following the Lord ,
who do not seek the Lord or inquire of Him.
7 Be silent in the presence of the Lord God ,(k)
for the Day of the Lord is near.(l)
Indeed, the Lord has prepared a sacrifice;(m)
He has consecrated His guests.(n)

8 On the day of the Lord 's sacrifice
I will punish the officials, the king's sons,
and all who are dressed in foreign clothing.
9 On that day(o) I will punish
all who skip over the threshold,[c](p)
who fill their master's house
with violence and deceit.

10 On that day—
this is the Lord 's declaration—
there will be an outcry from the Fish Gate,(q)
a wailing from the Second District,(r)
and a loud crashing from the hills.
11 Wail, you residents of the Hollow,[d]
for all the merchants[e] will be silenced;
all those loaded with silver will be cut off.

12 And at that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps
and punish the men who settle down comfortably,[f](s)
who say to themselves:
The Lord will not do good or evil.
13 Their wealth will become plunder
and their houses a ruin.
They will build houses but never live in them,
plant vineyards but never drink their wine.(t)

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