Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 7th, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

July 20 - Straight Thru the Bible


Psalms 132:1-135:14

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 132

Psalm 132

David and Zion Chosen

A song of ascents.

1  Lord , remember David
and all the hardships he endured,(a)
2 and how he swore an oath to the Lord ,
making a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob:(b)
3 "I will not enter my house[a]
or get into my bed,[b]
4 I will not allow my eyes to sleep
or my eyelids to slumber(c)
5 until I find a place for the Lord ,
a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob."(d)

6 We heard of the ark in Ephrathah;[c](e)
we found it in the fields of Jaar.[d](f)
7 Let us go to His dwelling place;
let us worship at His footstool.(g)
8 Rise up, Lord , come to Your resting place,
You and Your powerful ark.(h)
9 May Your priests be clothed with righteousness,
and may Your godly people shout for joy.(i)
10 Because of Your servant David,
do not reject Your anointed one.[e](j)

11 The Lord swore an oath to David,
a promise He will not abandon:
"I will set one of your descendants[f]
on your throne.(k)
12 If your sons keep My covenant
and My decrees that I will teach them,
their sons will also sit on your throne forever."(l)

13 For the Lord has chosen Zion;
He has desired it for His home:(m)
14 "This is My resting place forever;
I will make My home here
because I have desired it.(n)
15 I will abundantly bless its food;
I will satisfy its needy with bread.(o)
16 I will clothe its priests with salvation,
and its godly people will shout for joy.(p)
17 There I will make a horn grow for David;(q)
I have prepared a lamp for My anointed one.(r)
18 I will clothe his enemies with shame,(s)
but the crown he wears[g] will be glorious."(t)

Chapter 133

Psalm 133

Living in Harmony

A Davidic song of ascents.

1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in harmony!(a)
2 It is like fine oil on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down Aaron's beard
onto his robes.(b)
3 It is like the dew of Hermon[a]
falling on the mountains of Zion.(c)
For there the Lord has appointed the blessing—
life forevermore.(d)

Chapter 134

Psalm 134

Call to Evening Worship

A song of ascents.

1 Now praise the Lord ,
all you servants of the Lord
who stand in the Lord 's house at night!(a)
2 Lift up your hands in the holy place
and praise the Lord !(b)

3 May the Lord ,
Maker of heaven and earth,
bless you from Zion.(c)

Chapter 135

Psalm 135

Yahweh Is Great

1 Hallelujah!
Praise the name of Yahweh.
Give praise, you servants of Yahweh(a)
2 who stand in the house of Yahweh,
in the courts of the house of our God.(b)
3 Praise Yahweh, for Yahweh is good;
sing praise to His name, for it is delightful.(c)
4 For Yahweh has chosen Jacob for Himself,
Israel as His treasured possession.(d)

5 For I know that Yahweh is great;
our Lord is greater than all gods.(e)
6 Yahweh does whatever He pleases
in heaven and on earth,
in the seas and all the depths.(f)
7 He causes the clouds to rise from the ends of the earth.
He makes lightning for the rain
and brings the wind from His storehouses.(g)

8 He struck down the firstborn of Egypt,
both man and beast.(h)
9 He sent signs and wonders against you, Egypt,
against Pharaoh and all his officials.(i)
10 He struck down many nations
and slaughtered mighty kings:(j)
11 Sihon king of the Amorites,
Og king of Bashan,
and all the kings of Canaan.(k)
12 He gave their land as an inheritance,
an inheritance to His people Israel.(l)

13 Yahweh, Your name endures forever,
Your reputation, Yahweh,
through all generations.(m)
14 For Yahweh will vindicate His people
and have compassion on His servants.(n)

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