Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, October 5th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

June 4 - Bible-in-a-Year


1 Samuel 19

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Chapter 19

David Delivered from Saul

1 Saul ordered his son Jonathan and all his servants to kill David.(a) But Saul's son Jonathan liked David very much,(b) 2 so he told him: "My father Saul intends to kill you. Be on your guard in the morning and hide in a secret place and stay there. 3 I'll go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are and talk to him about you. When I see what he says, I'll tell you."(c)

4 Jonathan spoke well of David to his father Saul. He said to him: "The king should not sin against his servant David.(d) He hasn't sinned against you; in fact, his actions have been a great advantage to you. 5 He took his life in his hands when he struck down the Philistine,(e) and the Lord brought about a great victory for all Israel.(f) You saw it and rejoiced, so why would you sin against innocent blood by killing David for no reason?"(g)

6 Saul listened to Jonathan's advice and swore an oath: "As surely as the Lord lives, David will not be killed." 7 So Jonathan summoned David and told him all these words. Then Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he served him as he did before.(h)

8 When war broke out again, David went out and fought against the Philistines. He defeated them with such a great force that they fled from him.

9 Now an evil spirit sent from the Lord (i) came on Saul as he was sitting in his palace holding a spear.(j) David was playing the lyre,(k) 10 and Saul tried to pin David to the wall with the spear.(l) As the spear struck the wall, David eluded Saul, ran away, and escaped that night. 11 Saul sent agents to David's house to watch for him and kill him in the morning.(m) But his wife Michal(n) warned David, "If you don't escape tonight, you will be dead tomorrow!" 12 So she lowered David from the window, and he fled and escaped.(o) 13 Then Michal took the household idol and put it on the bed, placed some goat hair on its head, and covered it with a garment. 14 When Saul sent agents to seize David, Michal said, "He's sick."(p)

15 Saul sent the agents back to see David and said, "Bring him on his bed so I can kill him." 16 When the messengers arrived, to their surprise, the household idol was on the bed with some goat hair on its head.

17 Saul asked Michal, "Why did you deceive me like this? You sent my enemy away, and he has escaped!"

She answered him, "He said to me, ‘Let me go! Why should I kill you?'"

18 So David fled and escaped and went to Samuel at Ramah(q) and told him everything Saul had done to him. Then he and Samuel left and stayed at Naioth.(r)

19 When it was reported to Saul that David was at Naioth in Ramah, 20 he sent agents to seize David.(s) However, when they saw the group of prophets prophesying(t) with Samuel leading them, the Spirit of God came on Saul's agents, and they also started prophesying. 21 When they reported to Saul, he sent other agents, and they also began prophesying.(u) So Saul tried again and sent a third group of agents, and even they began prophesying. 22 Then Saul himself went to Ramah. He came to the large cistern at Secu, looked around, and asked, "Where are Samuel and David?"

"At Naioth in Ramah," someone said.

23 So he went to Naioth in Ramah. The Spirit of God also came on him,(v) and as he walked along, he prophesied until he entered Naioth in Ramah. 24 Saul then removed his clothes and also prophesied before Samuel; he collapsed and lay naked(w) all that day and all that night. That is why they say, "Is Saul also among the prophets?"(x)

Psalms 64

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Chapter 64

Psalm 64

Protection from Evildoers

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1 God, hear my voice when I complain.(a)
Protect my life from the terror of the enemy.(b)
2 Hide me from the scheming of wicked people,(c)
from the mob of evildoers,(d)
3 who sharpen their tongues like swords
and aim bitter words like arrows,(e)
4 shooting from concealed places at the innocent.
They shoot at him suddenly and are not afraid.(f)
5 They encourage each other in an evil plan;[a][b]
they talk about hiding traps and say,
"Who will see them?"[c](g)
6 They devise crimes and say,
"We have perfected a secret plan."(h)
The inner man and the heart are mysterious.

7 But God will shoot them with arrows;
suddenly, they will be wounded.(i)
8 They will be made to stumble;
their own tongues work against them.
All who see them will shake their heads.(j)
9 Then everyone will fear
and will tell about God's work,
for they will understand what He has done.(k)

10 The righteous one rejoices in the Lord
and takes refuge in Him;
all those who are upright in heart
will offer praise.(l)

Romans 9:30-10:21

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Chapter 9

30 What should we say then?(bd) Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained righteousness—namely the righteousness that comes from faith.(be) 31 But Israel, pursuing the law for righteousness,(bf) has not achieved the righteousness of the law.[v](bg) 32 Why is that? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as if it were by works.[w] They stumbled over the stumbling stone.(bh) 33 As it is written:

Look! I am putting a stone in Zion to stumble over
and a rock to trip over,
yet the one who believes on Him (bi)
will not be put to shame. (bj)[x]

Chapter 10

Righteousness by Faith Alone

1 Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God concerning them[a] is for their salvation! 2 I can testify about them that they have zeal for God,(a) but not according to knowledge. 3 Because they disregarded the righteousness from God(b) and attempted to establish their own righteousness, they have not submitted themselves to God's righteousness. 4 For Christ is the end[b] of the law for righteousness(c) to everyone who believes.(d) 5 For Moses writes about the righteousness that is from the law: The one who does these things will live by them. (e)[c] 6 But the righteousness that comes from faith(f) speaks like this: Do not say in your heart, "Who will go up to heaven?" (g)[d] that is, to bring Christ down 7 or, "Who will go down into the abyss?" (h)[e] that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.(i) 8 On the contrary, what does it say? The message is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. (j)[f] This is the message of faith that we proclaim: 9 If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord,"(k) and believe in your heart(l) that God raised Him from the dead,(m) you will be saved. 10 One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation. 11 Now the Scripture says, Everyone who believes on Him will not be put to shame, (n)[g] 12 for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek,(o) since the same Lord(p) of all(q) is rich to all who call on Him. 13 For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (r)[h]

Israel's Rejection of the Message

14 But how can they call on Him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about Him?(s) And how can they hear without a preacher?(t) 15 And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful [i] are the feet of those [j] who announce the gospel of good things! (u)[k] 16 But all did not obey the gospel.(v) For Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed our message? (w)[l] 17 So faith comes from what is heard,(x) and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.[m](y) 18 But I ask, "Did they not hear?" Yes, they did:

Their voice has gone out to all the earth,
and their words to the ends of the inhabited world. (z)[n]

19 But I ask, "Did Israel not understand?" First, Moses said:

I will make you jealous
of those who are not a nation; (aa)
I will make you angry by a nation
that lacks understanding. (ab)[o]

20 And Isaiah says boldly:

I was found
by those who were not looking for Me;
I revealed Myself
to those who were not asking for Me. (ac)[p]

21 But to Israel he says: All day long I have spread out My hands to a disobedient and defiant people. (ad)[q]

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