Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

May 17 - Different Topics


Job 39-40

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 39

1 Do you know when mountain goats give birth?
Have you watched the deer in labor?
2 Can you count the months they are pregnant[a]
so you can know the time they give birth?
3 They crouch down to give birth to their young;
they deliver their newborn.[b]
4 Their offspring are healthy and grow up in the open field.
They leave and do not return.[c]

5 Who set the wild donkey free?
Who released the swift donkey from its harness?
6 I made the wilderness(a) its home,
and the salty(b) wasteland its dwelling.
7 It scoffs at the noise of the village
and never hears the shouts of a driver.(c)
8 It roams the mountains for its pastureland,
searching for anything green.
9 Would the wild ox be willing to serve you?
Would it spend the night by your feeding trough?
10 Can you hold the wild ox(d) to a furrow by its harness?
Will it plow the valleys behind you?
11 Can you depend on it because its strength is great?
Would you leave it to do your hard work?
12 Can you trust the wild ox to harvest your grain
and bring it to your threshing floor?

13 The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully,
but are her feathers and plumage like the stork's?[d](e)
14 She abandons her eggs on the ground
and lets them be warmed in the sand.
15 She forgets that a foot may crush them
or that some wild animal may trample them.
16 She treats her young harshly, as if they were not her own,
with no fear that her labor may have been in vain.
17 For God has deprived her of wisdom;
He has not endowed her with understanding.(f)
18 When she proudly[e] spreads her wings,
she laughs at the horse and its rider.

19 Do you give strength to the horse?
Do you adorn his neck with a mane?[f]
20 Do you make him leap like a locust?
His proud snorting fills one with terror.
21 He paws[g] in the valley and rejoices in his strength;
He charges into battle.[h]
22 He laughs at fear, since he is afraid of nothing;
he does not run from the sword.
23 A quiver rattles at his side,
along with a flashing spear and a lance.[i]
24 He charges ahead[j] with trembling rage;
he cannot stand still at the trumpet's sound.
25 When the trumpet blasts, he snorts defiantly.[k]
He smells the battle from a distance;
he hears the officers' shouts and the battle cry.

26 Does the hawk take flight by your understanding
and spread its wings to the south?
27 Does the eagle soar at your command
and make its nest(g) on high?
28 It lives on a cliff where it spends the night;
its stronghold is on a rocky crag.
29 From there it searches for prey;(h)
its eyes penetrate the distance.
30 Its brood gulps down blood,
and where the slain are, it is there.(i)

Chapter 40

1 The Lord answered Job:

2 Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him?
Let him who argues with God give an answer.[a]

3 Then Job answered the Lord :

4 I am so insignificant. How can I answer You?(a)
I place my hand over my mouth.
5 I have spoken once, and I will not reply;
twice, but now I can add nothing.(b)

6 Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:(c)

7 Get ready to answer Me like a man;
When I question(d) you, you will inform Me.
8 Would you really challenge My justice?
Would you declare Me guilty(e) to justify yourself?(f)
9 Do you have an arm like God's?
Can you thunder with a voice like His?

10 Adorn yourself with majesty(g) and splendor,
and clothe yourself with honor and glory.
11 Unleash your raging anger;(h)
look on every proud person and humiliate him.(i)
12 Look on every proud person and humble him;(j)
trample the wicked where they stand.[b]
13 Hide them together in the dust;
imprison them in the grave.[c]
14 Then I will confess to you
that your own right hand(k) can deliver you.(l)

15 Look at Behemoth,
which I made along with you.
He eats grass like an ox.
16 Look at the strength of his loins
and the power in the muscles of his belly.
17 He stiffens his tail like a cedar tree;
the tendons of his thighs are woven firmly together.
18 His bones are bronze tubes;
his limbs are like iron rods.
19 He is the foremost of God's works;(m)
only his Maker can draw the sword against him.
20 The hills yield food for him,
while all sorts of wild animals play there.
21 He lies under the lotus plants,
hiding in the protection[d] of marshy reeds.
22 Lotus plants cover him with their shade;
the willows by the brook surround him.
23 Though the river rages, Behemoth is unafraid;
he remains confident, even if the Jordan surges up to his mouth.
24 Can anyone capture him while he looks on,[e]
or pierce his nose with snares?

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