Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

February 13 - Straight Thru the Bible


Numbers 7:60-10:10

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Chapter 7

60 On the ninth day Abidan son of Gideoni,(u) leader of the Benjaminites, presented an offering. 61 His offering was one silver dish weighing 3¼ pounds[aa] and one silver basin weighing 1¾ pounds,[ab] measured by the standard sanctuary shekel, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering; 62 one gold bowl weighing four ounces,[ac] full of incense; 63 one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering; 64 one male goat for a sin offering; 65 and two bulls, five rams, five male breeding goats, and five male lambs a year old, for the fellowship sacrifice. This was the offering of Abidan son of Gideoni.

66 On the tenth day Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai,(v) leader of the Danites, presented an offering. 67 His offering was one silver dish weighing 3¼ pounds[ad] and one silver basin weighing 1¾ pounds,[ae] measured by the standard sanctuary shekel, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering; 68 one gold bowl weighing four ounces,[af] full of incense; 69 one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering; 70 one male goat for a sin offering; 71 and two bulls, five rams, five male breeding goats, and five male lambs a year old, for the fellowship sacrifice. This was the offering of Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai.

72 On the eleventh day Pagiel son of Ochran,(w) leader of the Asherites, presented an offering. 73 His offering was one silver dish weighing 3¼ pounds[ag] and one silver basin weighing 1¾ pounds,[ah] measured by the standard sanctuary shekel, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering; 74 one gold bowl weighing four ounces,[ai] full of incense; 75 one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering; 76 one male goat for a sin offering; 77 and two bulls, five rams, five male breeding goats, and five male lambs a year old, for the fellowship sacrifice. This was the offering of Pagiel son of Ochran.

78 On the twelfth day Ahira son of Enan,(x) leader of the Naphtalites, presented an offering. 79 His offering was one silver dish weighing 3¼ pounds[aj] and one silver basin weighing 1¾ pounds,[ak] measured by the standard sanctuary shekel, both of them full of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering; 80 one gold bowl weighing four ounces,[al] full of incense; 81 one young bull, one ram, and one male lamb a year old, for a burnt offering; 82 one male goat for a sin offering; 83 and two bulls, five rams, five male breeding goats, and five male lambs a year old, for the fellowship sacrifice. This was the offering of Ahira son of Enan.

84 This was the dedication gift from the leaders of Israel for the altar when it was anointed:(y) 12 silver dishes, 12 silver basins, and 12 gold bowls. 85 Each silver dish weighed 3¼ pounds,[am] and each basin 1¾ pounds.[an] The total weight of the silver articles was 60 pounds[ao] measured by the standard sanctuary shekel. 86 The 12 gold bowls full of incense each weighed four ounces[ap] measured by the standard sanctuary shekel. The total weight of the gold bowls was three pounds.[aq] 87 All the livestock for the burnt offering(z) totaled 12 bulls, 12 rams, and 12 male lambs a year old, with their grain offerings, and 12 male goats for the sin offering.(aa) 88 All the livestock for the fellowship sacrifice(ab) totaled 24 bulls, 60 rams, 60 male breeding goats, and 60 male lambs a year old. This was the dedication gift for the altar after it was anointed.

89 When Moses entered the tent of meeting to speak with the Lord , he heard the voice speaking to him(ac) from above the mercy seat that was on the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim.(ad) He spoke to him that way.

Chapter 8

The Lighting in the Tabernacle

1 The Lord spoke to Moses: 2 "Speak to Aaron and tell him: When you set up the lamps, the seven lamps are to give light in front of the lampstand." 3 So Aaron did this; he set up its lamps to give light in front of the lampstand just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 4 This is the way the lampstand was made: it was a hammered work of gold, hammered from its base to its flower petals. The lampstand was made according to the pattern the Lord had shown Moses.(a)

Consecration of the Levites

5 The Lord spoke to Moses: 6 "Take the Levites from among the Israelites and ceremonially cleanse them. 7 This is what you must do to them for their purification: Sprinkle them with the purification water.(b) Have them shave their entire bodies and wash their clothes, and so purify themselves.(c)

8 "They are to take a young bull and its grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil, and you are to take a second young bull for a sin offering. 9 Bring the Levites before the tent of meeting and assemble the entire Israelite community.(d) 10 Then present the Levites before the Lord , and have the Israelites lay their hands on them. 11 Aaron is to present the Levites before the Lord as a presentation offering from the Israelites, so that they may perform the Lord 's work.(e) 12 Next the Levites are to lay their hands on the heads of the bulls. Sacrifice one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering to the Lord , to make atonement for the Levites.(f)

13 "You are to have the Levites stand before Aaron and his sons, and you are to present them before the Lord as a presentation offering. 14 In this way you are to separate the Levites from the rest of the Israelites so that the Levites will belong to Me.(g) 15 After that the Levites may come to serve at the tent of meeting, once you have ceremonially cleansed them and presented them as a presentation offering.(h) 16 For they have been exclusively assigned to Me from the Israelites.(i) I have taken them for Myself in place of all who come first from the womb, every Israelite firstborn.(j) 17 For every firstborn among the Israelites is Mine, both man and animal. I consecrated them to Myself(k) on the day I struck down every firstborn in the land of Egypt. 18 But I have taken the Levites in place of every firstborn among the Israelites. 19 From the Israelites, I have given the Levites exclusively to Aaron and his sons to perform the work for the Israelites at the tent of meeting and to make atonement on their behalf, so that no plague will come against the Israelites when they approach the sanctuary."(l)

20 Moses, Aaron, and the entire Israelite community did this to the Levites. The Israelites did everything to them the Lord commanded Moses regarding the Levites. 21 The Levites purified themselves and washed their clothes; then Aaron presented[a] them before the Lord as a presentation offering. Aaron also made atonement for them to ceremonially cleanse them. 22 After that, the Levites came to do their work at the tent of meeting in the presence of Aaron and his sons. So they did to them as the Lord had commanded Moses concerning the Levites.

23 The Lord spoke to Moses: 24 "In regard to the Levites: From 25 years old or more, a man enters the service in the work at the tent of meeting.(m) 25 But at 50 years old he is to retire from his service in the work and no longer serve. 26 He may assist his brothers to fulfill responsibilities[b] at the tent of meeting,(n) but he must not do the work. This is how you are to deal with the Levites regarding their duties."

Chapter 9

The Second Passover

1 In the first month of the second year after their departure from the land of Egypt, the Lord told Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai:(a) 2 "The Israelites are to observe the Passover at its appointed time.(b) 3 You must observe it at its appointed time on the fourteenth day of this month at twilight; you are to observe it according to all its statutes and ordinances."(c) 4 So Moses told the Israelites to observe the Passover, 5 and they observed it in the first month on the fourteenth day at twilight in the Wilderness of Sinai. The Israelites did everything as the Lord had commanded Moses.

6 But there were some men who were unclean because of a human corpse, so they could not observe the Passover on that day.(d) These men came before Moses and Aaron the same day 7 and said to him, "We are unclean because of a human corpse. Why should we be excluded from presenting the Lord 's offering at its appointed time with the other Israelites?"

8 Moses replied to them, "Wait here until I hear what the Lord commands for you."

9 Then the Lord spoke to Moses: 10 "Tell the Israelites: When any one of you or your descendants is unclean because of a corpse(e) or is on a distant journey, he may still observe the Passover to the Lord . 11 Such people are to observe it in the second month, on the fourteenth day at twilight. They are to eat the animal with unleavened bread and bitter herbs;(f) 12 they may not leave any of it until morning or break any of its bones.(g) They must observe the Passover according to all its statutes.

13 "But the man who is ceremonially clean, is not on a journey, and yet fails to observe the Passover is to be cut off from his people, because he did not present the Lord 's offering at its appointed time. That man will bear the consequences of his sin.

14 "If a foreigner resides with you and wants to observe the Passover to the Lord ,(h) he is to do so according to the Passover statute and its ordinances. You are to apply the same statute to both the foreign resident and the native of the land."(i)

Guidance by the Cloud

15 On the day the tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, the tent of the testimony,(j) and it appeared like fire above the tabernacle from evening until morning. 16 It remained that way continuously: the cloud would cover it,[a] appearing like fire at night.(k) 17 Whenever the cloud was lifted up above the tent, the Israelites would set out; at the place where the cloud stopped, there the Israelites camped.(l) 18 At the Lord 's command the Israelites set out, and at the Lord 's command they camped. As long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle, they camped.

19 Even when the cloud stayed over the tabernacle many days, the Israelites carried out the Lord 's requirement and did not set out. 20 Sometimes the cloud remained over the tabernacle for only a few days. They would camp at the Lord 's command and set out at the Lord 's command. 21 Sometimes the cloud remained only from evening until morning; when the cloud lifted in the morning, they set out. Or if it remained a day and a night, they moved out when the cloud lifted. 22 Whether it was two days, a month, or longer,[b] the Israelites camped and did not set out as long as the cloud stayed over the tabernacle. But when it was lifted, they set out. 23 They camped at the Lord 's command, and they set out at the Lord 's command. They carried out the Lord 's requirement according to His command through Moses.

Chapter 10

Two Silver Trumpets

1 The Lord spoke to Moses: 2 "Make two trumpets of hammered silver to summon the community(a) and have the camps set out. 3 When both are sounded in long blasts, the entire community is to gather before you at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 4 However, if one is sounded, only the leaders, the heads of Israel's clans,(b) are to gather before you.

5 "When you sound short blasts, the camps pitched on the east(c) are to set out. 6 When you sound short blasts a second time, the camps pitched on the south(d) are to set out. Short blasts are to be sounded for them to set out. 7 When calling the assembly together, you are to sound long blasts, not short ones. 8 The sons of Aaron, the priests, are to sound the trumpets. Your use of these is a permanent statute throughout your generations.

9 "When you enter into battle in your land against an adversary who is attacking you, sound short blasts on the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the Lord your God and be delivered from your enemies.(e) 10 You are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and your fellowship sacrifices and on your joyous occasions, your appointed festivals, and the beginning of each of your months. They will serve as a reminder for you before your God: I am Yahweh your God."(f)

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