Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Words'

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For one, the Qur'an is considered by Muslims to consist entirely of words spoken by Allah himself.
Paul Weyrich, American Critic (1942-  )
The words of the Bible, and the Bible alone, should be heard from the pulpit.
Ellen G. White, American Writer (1827-1915)
An enormous part of our mature experience cannot not be expressed in words.
Alfred North Whitehead, English Mathematician (1861-1947)
Speak out in acts; the time for words has passed, and only deeds will suffice.
Alfred North Whitehead, English Mathematician (1861-1947)
The words of my book nothing, the drift of it everything.
Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)
For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'.
John Greenleaf Whittier, American Poet (1807-1892)
Big words seldom accompany good deeds.
Charlotte Whitton, Canadian Politician (1896-1975)
Most metaphysical words in Hopi are verbs, not nouns as in European languages.
Benjamin Whorf, American Scientist (1897-1941)
Marilyn was terrible to work with. I was fond of her, she was a nice girl, but she was a damaged girl. She was very difficult. You couldn't get her on the set; she didn't know the words.
Richard Widmark, American Actor (1914-2008)
Most people think that shadows follow, precede or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories.
Elie Wiesel, American Novelist (1928-  )
Words can sometimes, in moments of grace, attain the quality of deeds.
Elie Wiesel, American Novelist (1928-  )
You may choose your words like a connoisseur, And polish it up with art, But the word that sways, and stirs, and stays, Is the word that comes from the heart.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, American Writer (1850-1919)
It is an excellent rule to be observed in all disputes, that men should give soft words and hard arguments; that they should not so much strive to vex as to convince each other.
John Wilkins, English Clergyman (1614-1672)
A politician's words reveal less about what he thinks about his subject than what he thinks about his audience.
George Will, Journalist (1941-  )
Words are mere shadows cast by ideas. But the ideas they represent are real.
Roy H. Williams, American Businessman
No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.
Robin Williams, American Comedian (1952-  )
I compose my own stuff. I've been writing songs with words. I've been playing more on the keyboard because I can transpose it to sheet music on the computer.
Alicia Witt, American Actress (1975-  )
My hope and prayer is that the body of Christ in America will awake with holy boldness, a boldness content neither with silence nor mere words but that backs up those words with action and results.
Frank R. Wolf, American Politician (1939-  )
Neither James Madison, for whom this lecture is named, nor any of the other Framers of the Constitution, were oblivious, careless, or otherwise unaware of the words they chose for the document and its Bill of Rights.
Diane Wood, American Judge (1950-  )
Is there not an art, a music, and a stream of words that shalt be life, the acknowledged voice of life?
George Edward Woodberry, American Critic
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