Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Students'

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The best method for preventing destructive cult involvement is preventative education. If students and the public at large are more aware of destructive groups beforehand they may better understand and resist their recruitment efforts.
Rick Ross, American Celebrity (1952-  )
Now, it's my belief that Python is a lot easier than to teach to students programming and teach them C or C++ or Java at the same time because all the details of the languages are so much harder. Other scripting languages really don't work very well there either.
Guido van Rossum, Dutch Scientist
Once I completed the Cube and demonstrated it to my students, I realized it was nearly impossible to put down.
Erno Rubik, Hungarian Inventor (1944-  )
I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students.
Carl Sagan, American Scientist (1934-1996)
I can find in my undergraduate classes, bright students who do not know that the stars rise and set at night, or even that the Sun is a star.
Carl Sagan, American Scientist (1934-1996)
Here, class attendance is expected and students are required to take notes, which they are tested on. What is missing, it seems to me, is the use of knowledge, the practical training.
Harrison Salisbury, American Journalist (1908-1993)
Journalism students need to understand it and need a solid background in the liberal arts, in sociology, economics, literature and language, because they won't get it later on.
Harrison Salisbury, American Journalist (1908-1993)
Through art and science in their broadest senses it is possible to make a permanent contribution towards the improvement and enrichment of human life and it is these pursuits that we students are engaged in.
Frederick Sanger, English Scientist (1918-  )
Students of American history will recall that the important place where work gets done in the legislative body, almost without exception, is in the committees, more so than on the floor although sometimes more attention is paid to the floor.
Paul Sarbanes, American Politician (1933-  )
I teach at USC, and it's obvious to anyone who teaches college students that they don't cover much modern history and certainly not the modern presidency.
Robert Scheer, American Journalist (1936-  )
If giving points to some students to achieve greater diversity is a quota system in violation of the Constitution, how can the awarding of points to the children of a less diverse alumni be upheld?
Adam Schiff, American Politician (1960-  )
The most frequent complaint I hear from college students is that professors inject their leftist political comments into their courses even when they have nothing to do with the subject.
Phyllis Schlafly, American Activist (1924-  )
There are certain authors that do not turn students on; it is the truth. Homer happens to be one of them.
William Scott, -
Lately I've been going to all these high schools talking to the students, answering their questions, listening to what they have to say. It has been an incredible journey to be around them and try to give them what my mother gave me.
Jill Scott, American Musician (1972-  )
Unequal funding resources also results in unequal educational opportunity when you consider studies that show that one half of low income students who are qualified to attend college do not attend because they can't afford to.
Bobby Scott, American Politician (1947-  )
While there are many obstacles that deter students from going to college, finances by no means should be the deciding factor.
Bobby Scott, American Politician (1947-  )
The advice I am giving always to all my students is above all to study the music profoundly... music is like the ocean, and the instruments are little or bigger islands, very beautiful for the flowers and trees.
Andres Segovia, Spanish Musician (1893-1987)
Religion and morality are critical to how students think about politics and form opinions on political issues.
Jeanne Shaheen, -
There's definitely a world view among college students that appreciates the need to act in the international community.
Jeanne Shaheen, -
In the year 1915 a series of trivial incidents led some Chinese students in Cornell University to take up the question of reforming the Chinese language.
Hu Shih, Chinese Philosopher (1891-1962)
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