Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Space'

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Space is going to be commonplace.
Christa McAuliffe, American Astronaut (1948-1986)
I told them how excited I would be to go into space and how thrilled I was when Alan Shepard made his historic flight, and when John Kennedy announced on the news that the men had landed safely on the moon, and how jealous I was of those men.
Christa McAuliffe, American Astronaut (1948-1986)
When you're interviewing someone, even your mother - you have to sort of deal with you have to get some objective space from yourself and the person but you also have to find what's the best way to get the information from that person.
James McBride, American Writer
The creative conquest of space will serve as a wonderful substitute for war.
James S. McDonnell, American Businessman (1899-1980)
Amongst Women concentrated on the family, and the new book concentrates on a small community. The dominant units in Irish society are the family and the locality. The idea was that the whole world would grow out from that small space.
John McGahern, Irish Writer (1934-2006)
Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space, but when you return, it's the same old place.
Barry McGuire, American Musician (1937-  )
Darkness is to space what silence is to sound, i.e., the interval.
Marshall McLuhan, Canadian Sociologist (1911-1980)
For tribal man space was the uncontrollable mystery. For technological man it is time that occupies the same role.
Marshall McLuhan, Canadian Sociologist (1911-1980)
The house is in turmoil with records on every space. In the kitchen and in the dining room is covered with records. I don't have a big enough house to accommodate everything.
Marian McPartland, English Musician (1918-  )
I wanted to create a picture in music of what could be up there in outer space.
Joe Meek, British Businessman (1929-1967)
Lighter computers and lighter sensors would let you have more function in a given weight, which is very important if you are launching things into space, and you have to pay by the pound to put things there.
Ralph Merkle, American Scientist (1952-  )
Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.
Hermann Minkowski, Lithuanian Mathematician (1864-1909)
Any type of operating system that I wanted to be able to hack, I basically compromised the source code, copied it over to the university because I didn't have enough space on my 200 megabyte hard drive.
Kevin Mitnick, American Celebrity (1963-  )
From the beginning I thought about working with the body in movement, the space between the body and clothes. I wanted the clothes to move when people moved. The clothes are also for people to dance or laugh.
Issey Miyake, Japanese Designer (1935-  )
If you take 2001: A Space Odyssey as an example of somebody who creates a new language in film by what he was able to accomplish with art direction, photography, lighting, etc., it is still a gold standard for science fiction.
Matthew Modine, American Actor (1959-  )
I used to get quite upset that I'd make friends with a guy or a girl and then within the space of three years we'd move and go and live somewhere else, and you'd have to say goodbye to that person.
Dominic Monaghan, Irish Actor (1976-  )
I think about that 'empty' space a lot. That emptiness is what allows for something to actually evolve in a natural way. I've had to learn that over the years - because one of the traps of being an artist is to always want to be creating, always wanting to produce.
Meredith Monk, American Composer (1942-  )
To give a character life in a short space of time, it helps if you arrive on screen with a past.
Jeanne Moreau, French Actress (1928-  )
The same contingencies of time and space that force a statesman or soldier to make decisions, impel the historian, though with less urgency, to make up his mind.
Samuel E. Morison, American Historian (1887-1976)
At the very least we should be given a bit of credit and a little bit of space, and maybe the media should think we could help them discover why English teams do not win European competitions.
Jose Mourinho, Portuguese Coach (1963-  )
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