Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Question'

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I had earlier concluded that a war with Iraq would be a distraction from the successful and expeditious completion of our aims in Afghanistan. Now I had come to question whether the White House was telling the truth.
Bob Graham, American Politician (1936-  )
I loved being asked 2,000 questions a day, storyboarding every move, knowing as though by instinct exactly where the camera had to be, because it was my story.
Richard Grant, American Author
But now it's kind of a given that a 15-year-old would have a record deal and sell a quarter of a million records. No one's expecting her to answer any deep theological questions. And I'll tell you, I was asked some deep theological questions from the git-go.
Amy Grant, American Musician (1960-  )
I'm glad you asked that question, because of any musical situation I've been in, the communication feels great here with Russell. He really pays close attention to what I'm doing because he cares.
Benny Green, British Musician (1927-1998)
I believe that it is a whole lifetime of work on Shakespeare's part that enabled him to do what he did. But the question is how you can explain this whole lifetime in such a way to make it accessible and available to us, to me.
Stephen Greenblatt, American Critic (1943-  )
The boldness of asking deep questions may require unforeseen flexibility if we are to accept the answers.
Brian Greene, American Physicist (1963-  )
Sometimes attaining the deepest familiarity with a question is our best substitute for actually having the answer.
Brian Greene, American Physicist (1963-  )
The traditional practice is that the justices don't ask the attorney general any questions, so as not to embarrass him. But Bobby Kennedy had let them know that he didn't mind if they asked him questions and they did.
Harold H. Greene, American Judge (1923-2000)
A profound political question is suddenly on the table: Must the country continue to give precedence to private financial gain and market determinism over human lives and broad public values?
William Greider, American Author
I said to the German Ambassador that, as long as there was only a dispute between Austria and Serbia alone, I did not feel entitled to intervene; but that, directly it was a matter between Austria and Russia, it became a question of the peace of Europe, which concerned us all.
Edward Grey, British Politician (1862-1933)
It is no longer a question of a Christian going about to convert others to the faith, but of each one being ready to listen to the other and so to grow together in mutual understanding.
Bede Griffiths, British Clergyman (1906-1993)
I appeal to you, my friends, as mothers: are you willing to enslave your children? You stare back with horror and indignation at such questions. But why, if slavery is not wrong to those upon whom it is imposed?
Angelina Grimke, American Activist
People recognize me, call me Ron, and ask me questions. It's really cool and weird as well.
Rupert Grint, English Actor (1988-  )
Anyone who agrees to be interviewed must decide where to draw the line between what is public and what is private. But the line can shift, depending on who is asking the questions.
Terry Gross, American Journalist
The one thing I seek above all else is understanding. Sometimes I'm so frustrated and I don't get it. But I'm lucky to have a good management team and people around me who explain things and answer my questions.
Justin Guarini, American Musician (1978-  )
If I were asked for a one line answer to the question' What makes a woman good in bed?' I would say, 'A man who is good in bed.'
Bob Guccione, -
There are no right answers to wrong questions.
Ursula K. Le Guin, American Writer (1929-  )
The only questions that really matter are the ones you ask yourself.
Ursula K. Le Guin, American Writer (1929-  )
Don't tell your friends about your indigestion. 'How are you' is a greeting, not a question.
Arthur Guiterman, American Comedian (1871-1943)
The real question is: How do you react? What do you do next? Evade responsibilities? Bury yourself in work? What do you do? All three of my novels take up that question, although none gives an answer.
David Guterson, American Author (1956-  )
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