Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Order'

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Whoever removes the Cross and its interpretation by the New Testament from the center, in order to replace it, for example, with the social commitment of Jesus to the oppressed as a new center, no longer stands in continuity with the apostolic faith.
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Swiss Theologian (1905-1988)
We no longer dare to believe in beauty and we make of it a mere appearance in order the more easily to dispose of it.
Hans Urs von Balthasar, Swiss Theologian (1905-1988)
Painting is the passage from the chaos of the emotions to the order of the possible.
Balthus, French Artist (1908-2001)
I've never been convinced that experience is linear, circular, or even random. It just is. I try to put it in some kind of order to extract meaning from it, to bring meaning to it.
Toni Cade Bambara, American Author (1939-1995)
In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, to struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life.
Albert Bandura, Canadian Psychologist (1925-  )
In all honesty, at that time, I never saw myself as an author... I was just a Mom in a state of panic, trying to enter a short story contest to win the prize money in order to keep the lights on in my home.
Leslie Banks, British Actor (1890-1952)
Few men have led a more active life - bodily or mentally - from a constitutional anxiety for regularity, precision, and order, during fifty years' business career, from which I had retired.
William Banting, English Celebrity
That's what keeps me going: dreaming, inventing, then hoping and dreaming some more in order to keep dreaming.
Joseph Barbera, American Cartoonist (1911-2006)
The award is important in order to bring people to the movie theater. That's the only principle meaning of any award.
Javier Bardem, Spanish Actor (1969-  )
I do respect people's faith, but I don't respect their manipulation of that faith in order to create fear and control.
Javier Bardem, Spanish Actor (1969-  )
Our identities have no bodies, so, unlike you, we cannot obtain order by physical coercion. We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge.
John Perry Barlow, American Writer (1947-  )
You do not know our culture, our ethics, or the unwritten codes that already provide our society more order than could be obtained by any of your impositions.
John Perry Barlow, American Writer (1947-  )
A lot of these angles are really about trying to mimic broadcast sports angles in order to anchor the scene, to sort of normalize it before it becomes abstracted.
Matthew Barney, American Artist (1967-  )
The institutional investor remains the bigger influence on individual trades simply because the institutional investor has more money to support the order and that will have more of an impact on the stock.
Maria Bartiromo, American Journalist (1967-  )
The average trade of an individual is in the thousands of shares, whereas the institutional trade can be in the millions of shares. Clearly, the bigger the order, the bigger the move in the stock.
Maria Bartiromo, American Journalist (1967-  )
The voice will guide you-will tell you what to do. In order to do that, you must be quite sensitive with the instrument and accept this daily conversation with your voice.
Cecilia Bartoli, Italian Musician (1966-  )
Writing can sometimes be exploitative. I like to take a few steps of remove in order to respect the privacy of the subject. If readers make the link, they have engaged with the poem.
John Barton, Canadian Poet
The poet must decide not to impose his feelings in order to write without sentimentality.
John Barton, Canadian Poet
My progress was rendered delightful by the sylvan elegance of the groves, chearful meadows, and high distant forests, which in grand order presented themselves to view.
William Bartram, American Environmentalist (1739-1823)
If we bestow but a very little attention to the economy of the animal creation, we shall find manifest examples of premeditation, perseverance, resolution, and consumate artifice, in order to effect their purpose.
William Bartram, American Environmentalist (1739-1823)
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