Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Faith'

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It is only by risking our persons from one hour to another that we live at all. And often enough our faith beforehand in an uncertified result is the only thing that makes the result come true.
William James, American Philosopher (1842-1910)
Faith means belief in something concerning which doubt is theoretically possible.
William James, American Philosopher (1842-1910)
Our faith is faith in someone else's faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case.
William James, American Philosopher (1842-1910)
There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man's lack of faith in his true Self.
William James, American Philosopher (1842-1910)
But back to your question, it was a wonderful experience with the Art Ensemble, and I keep in contact and sort of follow what's going on, but it was also very important to make this step, you may say this leap of faith.
Joseph Jarman, American Musician (1937-  )
Of course, bad marriages are so pervasive that they have invaded the faith community too.
Jerry B. Jenkins, American Novelist (1949-  )
I am sensitive to the value of faith and religion and spirituality in people's lives because I'm a journalist.
Peter Jennings, Canadian Journalist (1938-  )
Don't be confused that my interest in religion, faith, and spirituality is driven by any sense of faith or spirituality of my own.
Peter Jennings, Canadian Journalist (1938-  )
With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistani Politician (1876-1948)
Some theists in evolutionary science acquiesce to these tacit rules and retain a personal faith while accepting a thoroughly naturalistic picture of physical reality.
Phillip E. Johnson, American Educator
My mom taught me to go after my dreams. I have this faith in myself that I must have gotten from her.
Amy Jo Johnson, American Actress (1970-  )
My mother was the influence in my life. She was strong; she had great faith in the ultimate triumph of justice and hard work. She believed passionately in education.
John H. Johnson, American Businessman (1918-2005)
The separation of church and state is a source of strength, but the conscience of our nation does not call for separation between men of state and faith in the Supreme Being.
Lyndon B. Johnson, American President (1908-1973)
Our society is illuminated by the spiritual insights of the Hebrew prophets. America and Israel have a common love of human freedom, and they have a common faith in a democratic way of life.
Lyndon B. Johnson, American President (1908-1973)
The Negro people of America... have cut our forests, tilled our fields, built our railroads, fought our battles, and in all of their trials they have manifested a simple faith, a grateful heart, a cheerful spirit, and an undivided loyalty .
Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, American Educator (1890-1976)
When the Negro cries with pain from his deep hurt and lays his petition for elemental justice before the nation, he is calling upon the American people to kindle about that crucible of race relationships the fires of American faith.
Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, American Educator (1890-1976)
Now they have come to the place where their faith can no longer feed on the bread of repression and violence. They ask for the bread of liberty, of public equality, and public responsibility. It must not be denied them.
Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, American Educator (1890-1976)
If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.
John Paul Jones, American Soldier (1747-1792)
When a person is determined to believe something, the very absurdity of the doctrine confirms them in their faith.
Junius, -
To try to fashion something from suffering, to relish our triumphs, and to endure defeats without resentment: all that is compatible with the faith of a heretic.
Walter Kaufmann, German Philosopher (1921-1980)
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