Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Constitution'

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And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of all mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God.
Salmon P. Chase, American Politician (1808-1873)
The Constitution in all its provisions looks to an indestructible union disposed of indestructible States.
Salmon Portland Chase, American Politician (1808-1873)
If the Constitution is worth anything, if the Declaration of Independence is worth anything, if the boys who died on the field of battle did not die in vain, fair employment practices are correct and necessary.
Dennis Chavez, American Politician (1888-1962)
The Constitution gives every American the inalienable right to make a damn fool of himself.
John Ciardi, English Dramatist (1916-1986)
Most faults are not in our Constitution, but in ourselves.
Ramsey Clark, American Public Servant (1927-  )
The Constitution of the United States was made not merely for the generation that then existed, but for posterity- unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity.
Henry Clay, American Statesman (1777-1852)
Among the expected glories of the Constitution, next to the abolition of Slavery was that of Rum.
George Clymer, American Politician (1739-1813)
To every people the land is given on condition. Perceived or not, there is a Covenant, beyond the constitution, beyond sovereign guarantee, beyond the nation's sweetest dreams of itself.
Leonard Cohen, Canadian Musician (1934-  )
The Magna Carta is widely known to be one of the foundational documents for our Constitution. I can only imagine that a mention of that in a court decision would be forbidden by our friends on the right.
John Conyers, American Politician (1929-  )
To live under the American Constitution is the greatest political privilege that was ever accorded to the human race.
Calvin Coolidge, American President (1872-1933)
I'm a little skeptical about using the Constitution this way, but I also believe marriage is between a man and a woman and that the courts shouldn't legislate this matter.
Pete Coors, American Businessman (1946-  )
Howard Phillips of the Constitution Party asked me to consider seriously running for president in 2008 and I am doing so.
Jerome Corsi, American Author (1946-  )
The Constitution was the expression not only of a political faith, but also of political fears. It was wrought both as the organ of the national interest and as the bulwark of certain individual and local rights.
Herbert Croly, American Author (1869-1930)
The adoption by Jefferson and the Republicans of the political structure of their opponents is of an importance hardly inferior to that of the adoption of the Constitution by the states.
Herbert Croly, American Author (1869-1930)
One of the things I learned in law school is that there's nothing wrong or undesirable or dishonorable or destructive about amending the Constitution.
Adrian Cronauer, American Entertainer (1938-  )
It's not written in the Constitution or anything else.... Congress, just out of the clear blue sky, said the airwaves belong to the people, which means, in essence, that it belongs to Congress.
Adrian Cronauer, American Entertainer (1938-  )
A corollary is that, when laws are out of touch with the people, those laws can and should be changed - from the most simple local regulations to the highest law of the land, our federal Constitution.
Adrian Cronauer, American Entertainer (1938-  )
The right of petition, I have said, was not conferred on the People by the Constitution, but was a pre-existing right, reserved by the People out of the grants of power made to Congress.
Caleb Cushing, American Diplomat (1800-1879)
You well know, sir, that when the Constitution was submitted to the People of the respective States for their adoption or rejection, it awakened the warmest debates of the several State conventions.
Caleb Cushing, American Diplomat (1800-1879)
Upon the Constitution, upon the pre-existing legal rights of the People, as understood in this country and in England, I have argued that this House is bound to revive the Petition under debate.
Caleb Cushing, American Diplomat (1800-1879)
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