Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Connection'

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A poem in form still has to have voice, gesture, a sense of discovery, a metaphoric connection, as any poetry does.
Robert Morgan, American Soldier (1918-2004)
If you see something that you feel is familiar it gives you an important kind of emotional connection.
Marc Newson, Australian Designer
Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious, and they must be brought into connection with action. They must be woven together.
Anais Nin, American Author (1903-1977)
This meeting was like many of the meetings that I would go to over the course of two years. The only way I can describe it is that, well, the president is like a blind man in a roomful of deaf people. There is no discernible connection.
Paul O'Neill, American Politician (1935-  )
Now, there are sometimes making a connection between one section and another that sometimes you do want to see the pattern because it helps you to lead into the next thing - it's a rhetorical thing, where you just see how the pattern has to go into the next thing.
Leo Ornstein, American Composer (1892-2002)
The weather and my mood have little connection. I have my foggy and my fine days within me; my prosperity or misfortune has little to do with the matter.
Blaise Pascal, French Philosopher (1623-1662)
George M. is where I met my dear friend Joel Grey. We connected at rehearsal one day during a five-minute break. We were both looking out the same window and we knew in five minutes that we'd made a connection.
Bernadette Peters, American Actress (1948-  )
The biggest compliment to me is that guys really approach me and they have a connection with me, so there must be something I'm doing that is authentic, otherwise they wouldn't connect with me so strongly. It's a real compliment.
Jeremy Piven, American Actor (1965-  )
But I do have a computer at home and a pretty good ISDN connection.
Jon Postel, American Scientist (1943-1998)
Of course the case of the Christian Church planted among the nations must differ, in various ways, from that of any sect forming in connection with religious awakening in a territory of professing Christianity.
Robert Rainy, Scottish Clergyman (1826-1906)
I believe in love at first sight. You want that connection, and then you want some problems.
Keanu Reeves, Canadian Actor (1964-  )
I think there's some connection between absolute discipline and absolute freedom.
Alan Rickman, British Actor (1946-  )
I've made a connection with the television audience by being a proud Latino man. I am passionate for what I do, courageous in the face of peril, honest and straightforward.
Geraldo Rivera, American Journalist (1943-  )
Burleigh, absolutely; and a lot about Elizabeth. I mean I found when I play Henry V a lot of connections with the hidden history of the connection between Francis Bacon and Elizabeth.
Mark Rylance, English Actor (1960-  )
The cholera most forcibly teaches us our mutual connection. Nothing shows more powerfully the duty of every man to look after the needs of others.
Titus Salt, English Businesman (1803-1876)
When I accepted the commission, I had something of an epiphany in the research I did about the agency, actually the science of espionage. I realized there is a connection between the sciences and the invisible forces of man.
James Sanborn, American Sculptor
My connection with the Reich Ministers was of a purely official nature and was very infrequent.
Fritz Sauckel, German Soldier (1894-1946)
All around the world one heard or read that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.
Peter Schuyler, English Politician (1657-1724)
I like being alone and I think this movie, as much as it is an investigation of connection and people bonding, I also think it's just as much about loneliness.
Jason Schwartzman, American Actor (1980-  )
In 1988, King Hussein of Jordan said that it doesn't take any connection any more to those territories, and he would like to split from those territories. So according to the international law, it doesn't belong to anyone.
Silvan Shalom, Israeli Politician (1958-  )
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