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Old & New Testament Greek Lexical DictionaryGreek Lexicon

Strong's #5512 - χλευάζω

from a derivative probably of (G5491)
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  1. to mock, deride, jeer
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Liddell-Scott-Jones Definitions



jest, scoff, ἐπισκώπτων καὶ παίζων καὶ χ. Ar. Ra. 376 (lyr.); τοῖς καταγελῶσι καὶ χ. καὶ σκώπτουσι Arist. Rh. 1379a29, cf. Plb. 4.3.13, Cerc. 18 ii 5, Phld. Lib. p.29 O., etc.

2. c. acc., scoff, jeer at, treat scornfully, τινα Pl. Erx. 397d, D. 7.7, 19.23, 47.34, D.C. Fr. 109.16; ἐμαυτὴν.. λέληθα χλευάζουσ' Men. Epit. 215; c. acc. rei, Plu. Romans 10:1-21, etc.: Med., Id. Brut. 45: Pass., Epicr. 11.31 (anap.), Arist. Pr. 952b22, Plu. Sert. 13, 25, 2.504f.

Thayer's Expanded Definition

χλευάζω; imperfect ἐχλεύαζον; (χλεύη, jesting, mockery); to deride, mock, jeer: Acts 2:13 Rec.; . (2 Macc. 7:27; Wis. 11:15; Aristophanes, Demosthenes, Polybius, Diodorus, Plutarch, Lucian, others) (Compare: διαχλευάζω.)

Thayer's Expanded Greek Definition, Electronic Database.
Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 by Biblesoft, Inc.
All rights rserved. Used by permission. BibleSoft.com
Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament

* χλευάζω

(< χλεύη , a jest),

[in LXX: Wisdom of Solomon 11:14, 2 Maccabees 7:7, 4 Maccabees 5:22*;]

to jest, mock, jeer: Acts 17:32.†

* δια -χλευάζω , intensive of χλευάζω ,

to scoff, mock:

(a) c. acc;

(b) absol., Acts 2:13.†

Abbott-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament.
Copyright © 1922 by G. Abbott-Smith, D.D., D.C.L.. T & T Clarke, London.
Vocabulary of the Greek NT

1. = ";as"; : P Goodsp Cairo 4.4 (ii/B.C.) (= Selections, p. 24) εἰ ἔρρωσαι. . . εἴη ἂν ὡς αἱρούμεθα, ";if you are well, it will be as we desire,"; BGU I. 163.7 (A.D. 108) καὶ γὰρ ἄλλοι ὡς πληγέντες ὑπὸ αὐτοῦ ἀναφόριον δεδώκασι, ";for others have given information (from time to time) as having been assaulted by him,"; P Flor I. 56.18 (A.D. 234) ὡς καθήκει, and BGU IV. 1024viii. 11 (iv/v A.D.) κα ]ταβληθῆναι ὡς φονέα.

2. = ";that,"; ";how,"; after verbs of saying, thinking, etc. : P Tebt I. 10.6 (B.C. 119) φρόντισον ὡς τὰ τῆς ὑποσχέσεως ἐκπληρωθήσεται, ";take care that the terms of his agreement are fulfilled"; (Edd.), andP Tebt II. 410.10 (i/A.D.) μν [ ]σθητι ὡ ̣[ς ] ἐν τῷ Τρ [ι ]στόμῳ με ἐφιλοτ [ι ]μ ̣οῦ σὺν ἐμοὶ μεῖναι, ";remember how zealous you were at Tristomos to remain with me"; (Edd.).

3. c. ind.with ἄν, as in 1 Corinthians 12:2, cf. P Par 46.18 (B.C. 152) ὡς ἂν εὐκαιρήσω, παραχρῆμα παρέσομαι πρός σε.

4. c. conj. with ἄν, as in Romans 15:24, 1 Corinthians 11:34, Philippians 2:23, = ";as soon as,"; ";when"; : P Hib I. 44.5 (B.C. 253) ὡς ἂν οὖν λάβηις τὴν ἐπιστολὴν. . . ἀπόστειλον, ";as soon as you receive the letter, send,"; ib. 66.4 (B.C. 228) [ς δ᾽ ἂν παραγένωμαι. . . συνλαλήσω σοι, ";as soon as I arrive, I will have a conversation with you,"; and with ἐάν (= ἄν) P Fay III.16 (A.D. 95–6) ὡς ἐὰν βλέπῃς [τ ]ὴν τιμὴν πάντος ἀγόρασον τὰς τοῦ λωτίνου (ἀρταβὰς) κ ̄, ";as soon as you learn the price, be sure to buy the 20 artabae of lotus"; : see Proleg. p. 167 f.

5. c. inf. : P Giss I, 47.8 (time of Hadrian) (= Chrest. I. p. 383) where reference is made to a θῶραξ made ὡς μὴ κάμνειν τὸν φοροῦντα αὐτόν, ";so as not to weary the person carrying it,"; and P Oxy VIII. 1120.19 (early iii/A.D.), where a widow complains that a certain Thonis had carried off her slave Theodora μὴ ἔχων κατ᾽ αὐτῆς ἐξουσίαν, ὡς ἐν παντὶ σθένει βίαν με σχεῖν, ";though he had no power over her, so that I am subjected to unmitigated violence"; (Ed.) : cf. Luke 9:52.The literary phrase ὡς ἔπος εἰπεῖν (in NT only Hebrews 7:9) occurs in a would-be literary papyrus, a dispute concerning property, P Oxy I. 67.14 (A.D. 338) πάντα μέν, ὡς ἔπος ἐστὶν εἰπεῖν, ὅσα εἰσχύειν τι δύν [α ]τ [αι ] παρὰ τὴν τῶν νόμων [ἰσχὺ ]ν πρὸς ὀλίγον εἰσχύει, ";everything, it may be said, that is able to withstand the power of the law withstands but for a short time"; (Edd.).

6. = ὅτι : P Oxy XVII. 2110.6 (A.D. 370) παρατίθημι ἐν ὑμῖν ὡς οὐ χρὴ λύεσθαι τὰ διατυπωθέντα, ";I put it to you that the ordinances should not be infringed"; (Edd.), ib..34 ὀν ̣ε ̣[ι ]δ ̣ίζομεν ὡς οὐ προσήκει αὐτὸν ἐνοχλεῖσθαι προφάσι ἐπιμελείας τῆς αὐτῆς ἐρεᾶς ἐσθῆτος, ";we find fault saying that it is not right that he should be burdened on the score of the administration of the said woollen clothing"; (Edd.).

7. ὡς ὅτι (2 Thessalonians 2:2, 2 Corinthians 5:19; 2 Corinthians 11:21 : Lightfoot Notes p. 110) in later Greek is practically = simple ὅτι, e.g. Dion. Hal. Antt. ix. 14 ἐπιγνοὺς ὡς [om. ὡς, Kiessling] ὅτι ἐν ἐσχάτοις εἰσὶν οἱ κατακλεισθέντες ἐν τοῖς λόφοις, CPR I. 19.3 (iv/A.D.) πρώην βίβλια ἐπιδέδωκα τῇ σῇ ἐπιμελείᾳ ὡς ὅτι ἐβουλήθην τινὰ ὑπάρχοντά μου ἀποδόσθαι : see further Proleg. p. 212 Jannaris Gr. § 1754.

8. = ";about,"; as in P Amh II. 72 (A.D. 246) δηλῶ τὰ καταλειφθέντα ὑπ᾽ α [ ]τοῦ σύνπαντα ἄξια εἶναι ὡς ταλάντων τριῶν, ";I declare that the property left by him is worth in all about three talents"; (Edd,). This usage is specially common in notifications of age, e.g. P Tebt II. 381.4 (a Will—A.D. 123) (= Selections, p. 77) Θαῆσις. . . ὡς ἐτῶν ἑβδομήκοντα ὀκτώι, ";Thaesis being about seventy eight years of age"; : cf. Luke 3:23, and see Deissmann’s note in P Meyer, p. 26.


The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.
Copyright © 1914, 1929, 1930 by James Hope Moulton and George Milligan. Hodder and Stoughton, London.
Derivative Copyright © 2015 by Allan Loder.
List of Word Forms
διαχλευαζοντες διαχλευάζοντες εχλευαζον εχλεύαζον ἐχλεύαζον χλευάζοντες χλεύασμα χλευασμόν χλευασμός diachleuazontes diachleuázontes echleuazon echleúazon
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