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Bible Encyclopedias
The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia
A family deriving its name from Prado in Castile. Its members have mostly distinguished themselves in the Levant. Among them may be mentioned:
David Pardo:
Rabbinical commentator and liturgical poet; born at Venice March 29, 1719; died at Jerusalem 1792; son of Jacob Pardo of Ragusa, rabbi in Venice. After finishing his studies, Pardo left Venice and went to Ragusa. He then lived for some years in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where he engaged in teaching. From Sarajevo he went to Spalato, Dalmatia, where the rabbi, Abraham David Papo, engaged him as teacher at the yeshibah. After the death of Papo's successor, Isaac Ẓedaḳah, Pardo was elected chief rabbi of the city. Among his disciples were Shabbethai Ventura, David Pinto, and Abraham Curiel. In 1752 Pardo began to publish, his first work being "Shoshannim le-Dawid" (Venice, 1752), a commentary on the Mishnah.
In 1764 Pardo accepted the position of chief rabbi at Sarajevo, where he succeeded Joshua Isaac Maggioro. He employed his leisure time in writing and publishing various works. Toward the end of his life he went to Jerusalem, where he died.
Besides the above-mentioned commentary on the Mishnah, Pardo wrote the following works: "Maskil le-Dawid" (Venice, 1760), supercommentary on Rashi's commentary on the Pentateuch; "Miktam le-Dawid" (Salonica, 1769), responsa; "Ḥasde Dawid" (part , Leghorn, 1776; part , ib. 1790), commentary on the Tosefta; "Ḥuḳḳat ha-Pesaḥ" (Leghorn, 1796), a ritual for the Passover season; "La-Menaẓẓeaḥ le-Dawid" (Salonica, 1795), novellœ on various Talmudic topics; "Sifre debe-Rab" (ib. 1804), commentary on Sifre. Among his liturgical works are the following: "Sekiyyot ha-Ḥemdah" (Salonica, 1756; often reprinted), ritual for the first day of Nisan; "Shirah Ḥadashah" (Amsterdam, 1776 [?]), the history of Esther in verse; "Mizmor le-Dawid" (Leghorn, 1818), notes on Shulḥan 'Aruk, Eben ha'Ezer; "Shif'at Rebibim" (Leghorn, 1788, and often reprinted), prayers for holy days, with a poetical presentation of the Temple service on the Day of Atonement and other piyyuṭim, published by his disciple Elisha Ḥabillo, called also "Mercado." Notes of Pardo's on the Talmud are found in the Vienna edition of 1860-72, and on Alfasi in the Wilna edition of 1881-86. The library of the Jewish community at Rustchuk owns a "Miktam le-Dawid" bearing the author's signature.
Pardo married a young woman of Spalato, who aided him in literary labors. She bore him three sons, named Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham, and one daughter. The last-named married Abraham Penso, author of the "Appe Zuṭre" (Salonica, 1798). Abraham Pardo married a daughter of the bibliographer Ḥayyim Joseph David Azulai.
- Miktam le-Dawid, part , pp. 1, 207;
- part , Nos. 2, 10, 12, 21, 31; part , Nos. 2, 5; part , p. 207;
- Maskil le-Dawid, Preface;
- Shoshannim le-Dawid, Preface;
- Shif'at Rebibim, title-page.
David ben Joseph Pardo:
Dutch ḥakam; born at Salonica in the second half of the sixteenth century; died at Amsterdam March 15, 1657. He went with his father to the latter city, where he became ḥakam of the Bet Yisrael congregation (founded 1618). This congregation was consolidated in 1638 with the other two congregations in Amsterdam, and Pardo was appointed ḥakam together with Isaac Aboab da Fonseca, Manasseh ben Israel, and Saul Levi Morteira. He was besides a trustee of the cemetery and ḥazzan of the Biḳḳur Ḥolim. In 1625 he founded the Ḥonen Dallim benevolent society.
Pardo published a transcription in Latin characters of Ẓaddiḳ ben Joseph Formon's "Obligacion de los Coraçones," a translation of the "Ḥobot ha-Lebabot" (Amsterdam, 1610).
- Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 884;
- Zedner, Cat. Hebr. Books Brit. Mus. s.
David ben Joseph Pardo:
Rabbi; born in Amsterdam; son of Joseph Pardo, ḥazzan in London. He translated into Spanish under the title "Compendio de Dinim" (Amsterdam, 1689) his father's "Shulḥan Ṭahor." The other works attributed to him by Fürst ("Bibl. Jud." 3:67) were written by David ben Jacob Pardo.
Isaac ben David Pardo:
Rabbi in Sarajevo, Bosnia; brother of Jacob Pardo. He was the author of "To'afot Re'em" (Salonica, 1801), a commentary on the responsa of R. Aḥai of Shabḥa, with an index of the different responsa.
Jacob ben David Pardo:
Rabbi at Ragusa and Spalato in the eighteenth century. He was the author of: "Marpe Lashon" (Venice, 1780), prayers and religious poems for children, printed conjointly with his "Tehillah be-Ereẓ," poems on the earthquake in Ragusa; "Ḳehillat Ya'aḳob" (ib. 1784), commentary on the Earlier Prophets; "Toḳfo shel Nes" (ib. 1789), introduction to the "Ma'aseh Nissim" of Aaron Cohen Ragusano; "Appe Zuṭre" (ib. 1797), novellæ to the treatise "Hilkot Ishshut," e., precepts for women; "Minḥat Aharon" (ib. 1809), precepts for the religious ritual upon awakening, for the three daily prayers, and moral precepts; "Mishkenot Ya'aḳob" (Leghorn, 1824), commentary on Isaiah, published by his son David Samuel.
Jacob Vita Pardo:
Son of David Samuel Pardo; born in Ragusa 1822; died in 1843 at Padua, where he was a student at the Collegium Rabbinicum; his body was conveyed to Verona for burial. Five of his sermons, preached in Padua and Verona, were published after his death. When but eighteen years old he wrote a commentary on Micah, which was published by Samuel David Luzzatto as the first supplement to Joseph Almanzi's "Abne Zikkaron," Prague, 1841. The commentary is not complete, extending only to ch. 4:8. An obituary, written by Luzzatto in memory of his talented pupil, serves as an introduction to the work.
- Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. cols. 883-884, 1245-1246, 1517-1518;
- Azulai, Shem ha-Gedolim, p. 46;
- Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael, 1:48b;
- Mortara, Indice;
- Benjacob, Oẓar ha-Sefarim, pp. 46, 312 et passim;
- Oẓar Neḥmad, 1:170;
- Abne Zikkaron, Supplements 2 and 3, Prague, 1841;
- Fürst, Bibl. Jud. 3:67.
Joseph Pardo:
English ḥazzan; died in 1677. He appears to have gone to London from Amsterdam, where his father, David, was a rabbi. He wrote "Shulḥan Ṭahor," a compendium of the first two parts of Joseph Caro's Shulḥan 'Aruk, which was edited by his son, David, and printed at Amsterdam in 1686, dedicated to the "Kaal Kodes de Londres," but with an approbation from the bet din of Amsterdam. The book has been reprinted several times: Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1696, and, with notes by Moses Isserles, 1713; and Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1704.
- Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. cols. 1517-1518;
- Monatsschrift, 8:387;
- De Castro, Auswahl von Grabsteinen.
Joseph Pardo:
Rabbi; born at Salonica; died at Amsterdam Oct. 10, 1619. He emigrated to Holland and was appointed ḥakam of the Bet Ya'aḳob congregation in Amsterdam founded by Jacob Tirado, holding office from 1597 till his death. In 1615 he founded the Hermandad de las Huerfanas and Moher ha-Betulot, now the Santa Compania de Dotar Orphas e Donzelas. Some liturgical poems by him are included in the "Imre No'am" (Amsterdam, 1628; very rare).
His eldest son, Isaac Pardo, died at Uskup in Turkey, and his second son, Abraham Pardo, at Jerusalem.
- De Barrios, Casa de Jacob, pp. 22, 24;
- idem, Vida de Ishac Huziel, pp. 38 et seq.;
- Koenen, Geschiedenis der Joden in Nederland, pp. 143, 428;
- Kayserling, in Monatsschrift, 1859, 8:386;
- epitaph in De Castro, Keur van Grafsteenen, etc., p. 60, No. 6.
Josiah Pardo:
Dutch rabbi; son-in-law and disciple of Saul Levi Morteira. He removed to Rotterdam, where he was teacher at the yeshibah de los Pintos, which was transferred to Amsterdam in 1669. He was also ḥakam of the Ḥonen Dallim benevolent society. He emigrated to Curaçoa, where he was ḥakam in 1674, and later he filled a similar post at Jamaica.
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Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Pardo'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​p/pardo.html. 1901.