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Bible Encyclopedias
Variation and Selection
1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
In biology. Since the publication in 1859 of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, the theory of evolution of animals and plants (see Evolution) has rested on a linking of the conceptions of variation and selection. Living organisms vary, that is to say, no two individuals are exactly alike; the death-rate and the multiplication-rate are to a certain extent selective, that is to say, on the average, in the long run, they favour certain variations and oppress other variations. Co-operation of the two factors appears to supply a causal theory of the occurrence of evolution; the suggestion of their co-operation and the comparison of the possible results with the actual achievements of breeders in producing varieties were the features of Charles Darwin's theoretical work which made it a new beginning in the science of biology, and which reduced to insignificance all earlier work on the theory of evolution. P. Geddes, J. H. Stirling, E. Clodd and H. F. Osborn have made careful studies of preDarwinian writers on evolution, but the results of their inquiries only serve to show the greatness of the departure made by Darwin.
Several of the ancients had a vague belief in continuity between the inorganic and the organic and in the modifying or variation-producing effects of the environment. Medieval writers contain nothing of interest on the subject, and the speculations of the earliest of the modern evolutionists, such as C. Bonnet, were too vague to be of value. G. L. L. Buffon, in a cautious, tentative fashion, suggested rather than stated the mutability of species and the influence of the forces of nature in moulding organisms. Immanuel Kant, in his Theory of the Heavens (1755), foreshadowed a theory of the development of unformed matter into the highest types of animals and plants, and suggested that the gradations of structure revealed by comparative anatomy pointed to the existence of blood relationship of all organisms, due to derivation from a common ancestor. He appeared to believe, however, that the successive variations and modifications had arisen in response to mechanical laws of the organisms themselves rather than to the influence of their surroundings. J. G. von Herder suggested that increase by multiplication with the consequent struggle for existence had played a large part in the organic world, but his theme remained vague and undeveloped. Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, set forth ' ,in' Zoonomia a much more definite theory of the relation of variation to evolution, and the following passage, cited by Clodd, clearly expresses it: "When we revolve in our minds the metamorphoses of animals, as from the tadpole to the frog; secondly, the changes produced by artificial cultivation, as in the breeds of horses, dogs and sheep; thirdly, the changes produced by conditions of climate and season, as in the sheep of warm climates being covered with hair instead of wool, and the hares and partridges of northern climates becoming white in winter; when, further, we observe the changes of structure produced by habit, as shewn especially by men of different occupations; or the changes produced by artificial mutilation and prenatal influences, as in the crossing of species and production of monsters; fourth, when we observe the essential unity of plan in all warmblooded animals - we are led to conclude that they have been alike produced from a single living filament." G. R. Treviranus, in the beginning of the 10th century, laid stress on the indefiniteness of variation, but assumed that some of it was adaptive response to the environment, and some due to sexual crossing. J. B. P. Lamarck was the first author to work out a connected theory of descent and to suggest that the relationships of organic forms were due to actual affinities. He believed that life was an expanding, growing force, and that animals responded to the environment by developing new wants, seeking to satisfy these by new movements and thus by their own striving producing new organs which were transmitted to their descendants. Variation was in fact a purposive response.
In 1813 W. C. Wells definitely propounded the theory of natural selection, but applied it only to certain human characters. In 1831 Patrick Matthew, in the appendix to a book on naval timber and arboriculture, laid stress on the extreme fecundity of nature "who has in all the varieties of her offspring a prolific power much beyond (in many cases a thousandfold) what is necessary to fill up the vacancies caused by senile decay. As the field of existence is limited and preoccupied, it is only the hardier, more robust, better-suited-tocircumstance individuals, who are able to struggle forward to maturity, these inhabiting only the situations to which they have superior adaptation and greater power of occupancy than any other kind; the weaker and less circumstance-suited being prematurely destroyed. This principle is in constant action; it regulates the colour, the figure, the capacities and instincts; those individuals in each species whose colour and covering are best suited to concealment or protection from enemies, or defence from inclemencies or vicissitudes of climate, whose figure is best accommodated to health, strength, defence and support; whose capacities and instincts can best regulate the physical energies to self-advantage according to circumstances - in such immense waste of primary and youthful life those only come to maturity from the strict ordeal by which nature tests their adaptation to her standard of perfection and fitness to continue their kind by reproduction." G. St Hilaire and afterwards his son Isodore regarded variation as not indefinite but directly evoked by the demands of the environment. L. von Buch laid stress on geographical isolation as the cause of production of varieties, the different conditions of the environment and the segregated interbreeding gradually producing local races. K. E. von Baer and M. J. Schleiden regarded variation and the production of new or improved structures as an unfolding of possibilities latent in the stock. Robert Chambers, in the once famous Vestiges of Creation, interested and shocked his contemporaries by his denial of the fixity of species and his insistence on creation by progressive evolution, but had no better theory of the cause of variation than to suppose that organisms - "from the simplest and oldest to the highest and most recent" were possessed of "an inherent impulse, imparted by the Almighty both to advance them from the several grades and modify their structure as circumstances required." In 1852 C. Naudin compared the origin of species in nature with that of varieties under cultivation. Herbert Spencer from 1852 onwards maintained the principle of evolution and laid special stress on the moulding forces of the environment which called into being primarily new functions and secondarily new structures.
Although the pre-Darwinian writers amongst them invoked nearly every principle that Darwin or his successors have suggested, they failed to carry conviction with regard to evolution, and they neither propounded a coherent philosophy of variation nor suggested a mechanism by which variations that appeared might give rise to new species. The anticipations of Darwin were little more than formal and verbal. As T. H. Huxley pointed out in his essay on the reception of the Origin of Species in the second volume of Darwin's Life and Letters, " The suggestion that new species may result from the selective action of external conditions upon the variations from their specific type which individuals present - and which we call ` spontaneous ' because we are ignorant of their causation - is as wholly unknown to the historian of scientific ideas as it was to biological specialists before 1858. But that suggestion is the central idea of the Origin of Species, and contains the quintessence of Darwinism." C. Darwin opened his argument by consideration of plants and animals under domestication. He pointed to the efflorescence of new forms that had come into existence under the protection of man. A multitude of varieties of cultivated plants and domesticated animals existed, and these differed amongst themselves and from their nearest wild allies to an extent that, but for the fact of their domestication, would entitle them to the systematic rank of species. Some of these changes he supposed to have been the result of new conditions, including abundance of food and protection from enemies, but most he attributed to the accumulated results of selective breeding. No doubt such domesticated species might revert, and it has been shown that many do revert when restored to wild conditions, but such reversion is natural if we reflect that the domestic varieties are under the guardianship of man and have been selected according to his whim and advantage. Comparing domesticated varieties with species and varieties in nature, Darwin showed that the distinction between varieties and species was chiefly a matter of opinion, and that the discovery of new linking forms often degraded species to varieties. Species, in fact, were not fixed categories, but halting-places, often extremely difficult to choose, for the surveying mind of the systematist. He considered that a struggle for existence was the inevitable result of the operation of the principle of Malthus in the animal and vegetable worlds. The struggle would be most acute between individuals and varieties of the same species, with the result that "any being, if it vary however slightly, in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and somewhat varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected." Under natural selection the less well-adapted forms of life would on the average have a heavier death-rate and a lower multiplication-rate. He did not suggest that every variation and every character must have a "selection value," although he pointed out that, because of our ignorance of animal physiology, it was extremely rash to set down any characters as valueless to their owners. It is even more important to notice that he did not suggest that every individual with a favourable variation must be selected, or that the selected or favoured animals were better or higher, but merely that they were more adapted to their surroundings.
With regard to variation, Darwin was urgent in stating his opinion that the laws of variation were not understood and that the phrase "chance" variation was a wholly incorrect expression. He thought it probable that circumstances affecting the reproductive system of the parents had much influence in producing a plastic condition of the progeny. He doubted, but did not exclude, the importance of the direct effect of differences of climate and food and of increased use and disuse, except so far as the individual was concerned, but his opinion as to these Lamarckian factors changed from time to time. He laid much stress on the unity of the organism in every stage of its existence, with the resulting correlation of variations, so that the favouring of one particular variation entailed modifications of correlated structures. He recognized the existence of the large variations, but he believed these to be of little value in evolution, and he attached preponderating importance to relatively minute indeterminate variations. On the other hand, he was far from advocating the view that has been pithily expressed as the "selection of the fit from the fortuitous"; he recognized that variations, although perhaps suggested or excited by the environment, were determined by internal causes. He showed how different varieties in a species, or species in a genus, tended to display parallel variation, clearly indicating that the range and direction of variation were limited or determined by the nature of the organism.
Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of the Darwinian principles, had sent to Darwin early in 1858 an outline of a theory of the origin of species. Darwin found that it was, in all essential respects, identical with his own theory at the exposition of which he had been working for many years. With an unselfish generosity which must always shine in the history of science, and indeed of the human race, Darwin proposed at once to communicate his correspondent's essay to the Linnaean Society of London, but was persuaded by his friends to send with it an outline of his own views. Accordingly, on the same evening, in July 1858, both communications were made to the Linnaean Society. When Wallace found how much more fully Darwin was equipped for expounding the new views, he exhibited an unselfish modesty that fully repaid Darwin's generosity, henceforth described himself as a follower of Darwin, entitled his most important publication on the theory of evolution Darwinism, and did not issue it until 1889, long after the world had given full credit to Darwin. In most respects his ideas were closely parallel with those of Darwin. He believed that species had been formed by means of natural selection. He insisted that the great powers of increase of all organisms led to a tremendous struggle for existence, and that variability extended to every part and organ of every organism; that the variability was large in amount in proportion to the size of the part affected, and occurred in a considerable proportion of the individuals of those large and dominant species which might be supposed to be breaking up into new species. He pointed to the changes wrought on domesticated organisms by the artificial selection of similar variations, and drew the inference that there must be parallel occurrences under wild nature. In the sphere of nature, with its vast numbers and constant pressure, not every more favoured individual would survive, nor every surviving individual be the more favoured, but throughout the changes and chances there would be a constant and important bias in favour of the individuals more fitted to their conditions. Wallace, however, brought into his scheme a factor excluded by Darwin. He believed that behind the natural world lay a spiritual world, irruptions from which had disturbed the natural sequence of causation, certainly in the production of the higher emotional and mental qualities of man, probably in the appearance of self-consciousness, and possibly in the first origin of life.
It is to be remembered that the origin of species by the modification of pre-existing species, - in fact, the doctrine of organic evolution, - although first made credible by Darwin. and Wallace, does not depend upon their theory of the relation of natural selection to variation. The theory of evolution is supported by a great range of evidence, much of which was first collected by Darwin, and which has been enormously increased by subsequent workers excited by his genius. Such evidence relates to the facts of classification, structure, development, and geographical and geological distribution. It now remains to examine in closer detail the further knowledge that has been gained with regard to variation and the bearing of that on the Darwinian position.
Magnitude of Variation
Darwin was well aware that variation ranged from differences so minute as to become apparent only on careful measurement to those large departures from the normal which may be called abnormalities, malformations or monstrosities. He was of the opinion that the summation of minute differences had played a preponderating if not exclusive part in the formation of species. Wallace, whilst insisting that the range of observed and measured variation was much larger in proportion to the size of the organisms or parts of organism affected than was generally believed, leaned to the Darwinian view in excluding from the normal factors in the origin of species variations of the extremer ranges of magnitude. Later writers, and in particular W. Bateson and H. de Vries, have urged that as species are discontinuous - that is to say, marked off by structural differences of considerable magnitude - it is more probable that they have arisen from similarly discontinuous variations. De Vries gave the name "mutations" to such considerable variations (it is to be noted that a further concept, that of the mode of origin, has been added to the word mutation, and that the conception of relative size is being removed from it), and Bateson, de Vries and other writers have added many striking cases to those recorded by Darwin. It is doubtful, however, if there is any philosophical basis for distinguishing between variations merely by their magnitude. Differences which at their first appearance are very minute may result in the kind of variations which certainly would be classed as discontinuous. When the cells of the morula stage of an embryo are shaken asunder, each, instead of forming the appropriate part of a single organism, may form a complete new organism. And similarly in the development of a complicated organism, the suppression or doubling of a single cell or group of cells may bring about striking differences in the symmetry of the adult, or the reduction or increase in the number of metameric organs. A slight change in the structure or activity of a gland, by altering the internal secretion, may produce widespread alterations even in an adult organism; and we have good reason to suppose that, if compatible with viability, such minute changes would have even a greater ultimate effect if they occurred in an embryo. Even amongst the extreme advocates of the theory of mutations, the importance of magnitude is being discounted by their suggestion that some of the minute variations which have hitherto been regarded by them as insignificant "fluctuating variations" may be significant mutations. This in effect is to say that not magnitude but something else has to be sought for if we are to pick out amongst observed variations those which may be the material for the differentiation of species. So far as magnitude is concerned, the attack on the Darwinian position has failed, and it is agreed that species may be discontinuous and none the less have been produced from minute variations.
Causes of Variation
Darwin was careful to insist that we did not know the laws of variation, and that when variation was attributed to "chance" no more should be read into the statement than an expression of our ignorance of the causation. It cannot now be doubted that a very large amount of observed variation, and especially of the indefinite variation which is sometimes spoken of as fluctuating variation, and which is usually distributed indefinitely round a mean, is directly associated with or induced by the environment. On various grounds attempts have been made to exclude such variation from the material for the making of species. The variations which de Vries has called mutations, and which were at first associated by Bateson with what he called discontinuous variations as the exclusive source of new species, are now supposed by de Vries to be distinguished from fluctuating variations by their mode of origin. Such mutations are not the product of the environment, but are an outcrop of the constitution of the germinal material of the varying organism, the result either of causes as yet undetected, or of the premutations and eliminations suggested by the work of Mendel (see Mendelism). These attempts to reject environmental variation rest on several grounds. In the first place the variations in question are "acquired characters." When Darwin and Wallace framed their theories it was practically assumed that acquired characters were inherited, and the continuous slow action of the environment, moulding each generation to a slight extent in the same direction, was readily accepted by a generation inspired by Sir C. Lyell's doctrine of uniformi tarianism in geological change, as a potent force. A. Weismann, however, from theoretical considerations and from analysis of supposed cases has at the least thrown doubt on the transmission of acquired characters. And so the newer school discard acquired characters and all the Lamarckian factors and leave the board clear for "mutations." Analysis of any acquired character, however, shows that there are two factors involved. The organism is not a passive medium; the amount and nature of the response it makes to the action of environment depends on its own qualities, and these qualities, on any theory of inheritance, pass from generation to generation. Successful organisms, or well-adapted organisms, are those that have responded to the environment, whether by large or small variations, in suitable fashion. It is the character as acquired that affords the opportunity for selection, but the quality of responding to the environment so as to produce that character is transmitted. The conceptions of Weismann afford no ground for rejecting fluctuating variations from the materials for the production of species.
In the second place, it has been urged, particularly by de Vries, that experiment and observation have shown that the possible range of fluctuating variation is strictly limited. Breeders, he says, who try to build up qualities by the selection of the fluctuating variations that occur soon find that they reach a maximum beyond which their efforts fail, unless they turn to the more rarely occurring but heritable mutations. Something will be said later in this article as to the limitation of variation; here it is necessary only to say that de Vries is introducing no new idea. It is well known that some races and some organs in plants and animals are extremely variable, and that others are much less variable, and further, that whilst some of these differences may be due to intrinsic causes, others can be modified by experiment. As Sir W. T. Thiselton-Dyer has pointed out, what is called "specific stability" is a familiar obstacle to the producer of novelties, but one which he frequently succeeds in breaking down by cultural and other methods. In a survey of the palaeontological history of plants and animals, it is plain that extreme stability and extreme mutability both have occurred, sometimes having persisted for untold ages, sometimes having succeeded one another for varying periods. As yet no solid reason has been alleged for excluding fluctuating variations, on account of their limitation, from the materials for specific change. J. Cossar Ewart and H. M. Vernon have adduced experimental evidence as to the induction of variation by such causes as difference in the ages of the parents, in the maturity or freshness of the conjugating germ cells, and in the condition of nutrition for the embryos. Such cases show in the plainest way the co-operation of external or environmental and internal or constitutional factors.
With our present knowledge it is impossible to discriminate between variation that may or that may not be the material for the differentiation of species by scrutinizing either magnitude or probable causation. It is equally impossible to draw an exact line between variation induced by the environment and variation that may be termed intrinsic. Extrinsic and intrinsic factors are involved in every case, although there is a range from instances in which the external factor appears to be extreme to instances where the intrinsic factor is dominant. Even the results of mutilation involve an intrinsic factor, for they range, according to the organ and organism affected, from complete regeneration to the most imperfect healing. In the effects of exercise, of physiological activity and the gross results of such external agencies as food, temperature, climate, light, pressure and so forth the intrinsic factor appears to become more important. The interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors also differs with the age of the organism affected: the more nearly adult it may be, the more direct appears to be the influence of the environment; the more nearly embryonic the organism may be, the less direct is the result of a force impressed from without. The old organism is more stable and responds in obvious ways to direct assaults from without; the young organism is at once less stable and more profoundly modified by environmental change, replying in terms less easy to predict from knowledge of the nature and amount of the impinging agency. And finally, there are a series of variations, amongst which no doubt are the mutations of de Vries and the disintegrations and recombinations of the unit factors with which Mendel and his followers have worked, in which the external or environmental factor is most remote from the actual result.
Correlated Variation
Every organism is an individual, its different parts, organs and functions being associated in a degree of intimacy that varies, but that corresponds roughly with the integration of the individual and its place in the ascending scales of animal or vegetable life. One aspect of organic individuality is the correlation of variations, the fact that when one part varies, other parts vary more or less simultaneously. So far, our knowledge of correlation is almost entirely empirical, and the arrangement of the observed facts cannot be brought into exact harmony with our guesses at their causation.
Much correlation is the inevitable result of organic structure. The various parts of a living organism affect each other in adult life and during growth. If, for instance, the testes fail to develop normally, the secretion which they discharge into the blood is abnormal in character and amount, with the result that the characters of the remotest parts of the body are more or less profoundly affected. It is now known that similar internal secretions, or hormones, pass into the blood from every organ and tissue, so reaching and affecting every part of the body. If we reflect on the multitude and complexity of such actions and reactions in operation from the youngest stages to the end of the life of each individual, we cannot be surprised at any correlation. Change in the size of any part or organ, however it may have been produced, must bring with it many others changes, directly or indirectly. A difference in calibre, elasticity or branching of a blood vessel, the smallest variation in a nerve or group of vessel-cells, any anatomical or physiological divergence, is reflected throughout the organism. Much of the character of organisms is due to various symmetries, radial, bilateral, metameric and so forth, and these symmetries arise, partly at least, from the mode of growth by cell division and the marshalling of groups of cells to the places where they are destined to proliferate. Here, again, a variation in the order, nature and number of the divisions, in itself simple, may result in symmetrical or correlated changes in all the progeny of the affected embryonic part.
Every new individual starts life (see Reproduction) as a mass of germinal material derived from one or from two parents, but with a coherent individuality of its own. This individuality is the result of the particular selection of qualities it receives from its parents, a selection that obviously differs in different cases, as, save in the case of "identical twins," which are supposed to be the product of a single fertilized ovum, no individual pair of brothers, or pair consisting of brother and sister, are alike. We are still ignorant of the causes that determine the associated selection of inherited qualities that go to the making of any individual. Those who have followed up the work of Mendel believe that the qualities of the new individual are a precise selection from and reconstruction of the parental qualities, and that were complete analysis possible, the characters of the new individual could be predicted with chemical accuracy. On other views of inheritance, there would be required for prediction knowledge not only of the immediate parents but of the whole line of ancestry, with the result that prediction could reach only some degree of probability for any single individual and be accurate only for the average of a sufficient number of individuals. But whatever be the theory of the mode of inheritance, or the mechanism by which the germinal plasm of an individual is made up, it is plain that there is correlation between the various qualities of an individual due to the mode of origin of its germ plasm as a selected individual portion of the parental germ plasm.
Observed cases of correlation cover almost every kind of anatomical and physiological fact, and range from simple cases such as the relation between height of body and length of face to such an unexpected nexus as that between fertility and height in mothers of daughters. The statistical investigation of correlations forms a new branch of biological inquiry, generally termed "Biometrics," inaugurated by F. Galton and carried on by Karl Pearson and the late W. F. R. Weldon.
We quote from the article "Variation and Selection," in the tenth edition of this Encyclopaedia, an exposition of the biometric method by Weldon: The characters of individual animals or plants depend upon so many complex conditions, most of which are generally unknown to us, that the statements we can make concerning them are of a peculiar kind. We cannot predict with any exactness the characters of a single unborn individual; but if we consider a large number of unborn individuals, we can predict with considerable accuracy the percentage of individuals which will have the mean character proper to their generation, or will differ from that mean character within any assigned limits. So long as we confine our attention to one or two individuals, we fail to detect any order in the occurrence of variations; but when we examine large numbers we find that it is possible to arrange them in an orderly series, which can be easily and simply described. The series into which we can arrange the results of observing phenomena of complex causation, whether exhibited by living organisms or not, have certain properties in common, which are dealt with by the theory of chance. Many of the properties of such series, and the methods of describing them, are dealt with elsewhere (see Probability: Law of Error); and the frequency with which the mean value or any deviation from the mean value of a character occurs in a race of animals or of plants may probably always be expressed in terms of one or other of the series there described. The theory of chance was applied to the study of human variation by Quetelet; but the most important applications of this theory to biological problems are due in the first instance to Francis Galton, who used the theory of correlation in describing the relation between the deviation of one character in an animal body from the mean proper to its race and that of a second character in the same body (correlation as commonly understood), or between deviation of a parent from the mean of its generation and deviation of offspring from the mean of the following generation (inheritance). The conceptions indicated by Galton have been extended and added to by Karl Pearson, who has also developed the theory of chance so as to provide a means of describing many series of complex results in a simpler and more accurate way than was hitherto possible.
The conception of a race of animals or of plants as a group of individuals capable of being arranged in an orderly series with respect to the condition of a particular character enables us to define the "type" of that character proper to the race. Table I. shows the number of female swine which had a given number of "Mtiller's glands" on the right fore leg, in a sample of 2000 swine observed by Davenport in Chicago. If we take the whole number of glands in the series, and divide this by the whole number of swine, we obtain the mean number of glands per swine. For many purposes this is the most convenient "type" of the series. Two TABLE I.
Number of Glands. | Number of Swine. | Number of Glands. | Number of Swine. | 0 | 15 | 6 | 134 | 209 | 7 | 72 | 2 | 365 | 8 | 22 | 482 | 9 | 8 | 4 | 414 | 10 | 2 | 5 | 277 | other ways of determining a "ty pe" will be obvious by reference to the diagram, fig. 1, in which the observed results are recorded by the thick continuous line, and the form of Pearson's "generalized probability curve" best fitted to represent them by a dotted line. The ordinate of the dotted curve which contains its "centre of gravity" has, of course, for its abscissa the "mean" number of glands; the maximum ordinate of the curve is, however, at 2.98, or sensibly at 3 glands, showing what Pearson has called the "modal" number of glands, or the number occurring most frequently. The ordinate which divides the area of the dotted curve into two equal areas is the median of Galton: it lies in this case nearly at 3.38 glands. The best simple measure of the frequency of deviations from the mean character is the "standard deviation" or "error of mean square" of the system (see article Probability), in this case equal to 1.68 glands. In cases of nearly symmetrical distribution about the mean, the three "types," the mean, the median and the mode, may sensibly coincide. For example, in Powis's table of the frequency of statures in male Australian criminals between 40 and 50 years of age (Biometrika, vol. i. part 1, p. 41), the mean stature is 66.91 in., the modal 66.96 in., the median lying between the FIG. I. two. In other cases the difference between the three may be considerable. As an example of extreme asymmetry we may take de Vries's record of the frequency with which given numbers of petals occur in a certain race of buttercups. Pearson has shown (Phil. Trans., A., 1893) that this frequency may be closely represented by the curve whose equation is y = O.21 122 5 x-( 332 (7.3 2 53 - x) 3.142. The curve, and the observations it represents, are drawn in fig. 2. The two are compared numerically in Table II. Here the mode is at 4.5 petals, the mean at 5.6 petals, the median lying of course between the two. TABLE II.