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Bible Encyclopedias
1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
(Gr. Oils, light, and -ypa tv, to write), the science and art of producing pictures by the action of light on chemically prepared (sensitized) plates or films.
History. It would be somewhat difficult to fix a date when what we now know as " photographic action " was first recorded. No doubt the tanning of the skin by the sun's rays was what was first noticed, and this is as truly the effect of solar radiation as is the darkening of the sensitive paper which is now in use in photographic printing operations. We may take it that K. W. Scheele was the first to investigate the darkening action of sunlight on silver chloride. He found that when silver chloride was exposed to the action of light beneath water there was dissolved in the fluid a substance which, on the addition of lunar caustic (silver nitrate), caused the precipitation of new silver chloride, and that on applying a solution of ammonia to the blackened chloride an insoluble residue of metallic silver was left behind. He also noticed that of the rays of the spectrum the violet most readily blackened the silver chloride. In Scheele, then, we have the first who applied combined chemical and spectrum analysis to the science of photography. In 1782 J. Senebier repeated. Scheele's experiments, and found that in fifteen seconds the violet rays blackened silver chloride as much as the red rays did in twenty minutes.' In 1798 Count Rumford contributed a paper to the Philosophical Transactions entitled " An inquiry concerning the chemical properties that have been attributed to light," in which he tried to demonstrate that all effects produced on metallic solution could be brought about by a temperature somewhat less than that of boiling water. Robert Harrup in 1802, however, conclusively showed in Nicholson's Journal that, at all events, salts of mercury were reduced by visible radiation and not by change of temperature.
In 1801 we come to the next decided step in the study of photographic action, when Johann Wilhelm Ritter (1776-1810) proved the existence of rays lying beyond the violet, and found that they had the power of blackening silver chloride. Such a discovery naturally gave a direction to the investigations of others, and Thomas Johann Seebeck (1770-1831) (between 1802 and 1808) and, in 1812, Jacques Etienne Berard (1789-1869) turned their attention to this particular subject, eliciting valuable information. We need only mention two or three other cases 1 It may here be remarked that had he used a pure spectrum he would have found that the red rays did not blacken the material in the slightest degree.
where the influence of light was noticed at the beginning of the 19th century. William Hyde Wollaston observed the conversion of yellow gum guaiacum into a green tint by the violet rays, and the restoration of the colour by the red rays - both of which are the effect of absorption of light, the original yellow colour of the gum absorbing the violet rays, whilst the green colour to which it is changed absorbs the red rays. Sir Humphry Davy found that puce-coloured lead oxide, when damp, became red in the red rays, whilst it blackened in the violet rays, and that the green mercury oxide became red in the red rays - again an example of the necessity of absorption to effect a molecular or chemical change in a substance. U. R. T. Le Bouvier Desmorties in 1801 observed the change effected in Prussian blue, and Carl Wilhelm Bdckman noted the action of the two ends of the spectrum on phosphorus, a research which John William Draper extended farther in America at a later date.
To England belongs the honour of first producing a photograph by utilizing Scheele's observations on silver chloride. In June 1802 Thomas Wedgwood (1771-180) published in the Journal of the Royal Institution the paper - " An account of a 'method of copying paintings upon glass and of making profiles by the agency of light upon nitrate of silver, with observations by H. Davy." He remarks that white paper or white leather moistened with a solution of silver nitrate undergoes no change when kept in a dark place, but on being exposed to the daylight it speedily changes colour, and, after passing through various shades of grey and brown, becomes at length nearly black. The alteration of colour takes place more speedily in proportion as the light is more intense.
" In the direct beam of the sun two or three minutes are sufficient to produce the full effect, in the shade several hours are required, and light transmitted through different-coloured glasses acts upon it with different degrees of intensity. Thus it is found that red rays, or the common sunbeams passed through red glass, have very little action upon it; yellow and green are more efficacious, but blue and violet light produce the most decided and powerful effects." Wedgwood goes on to describe the method of using this prepared paper by throwing shadows on it, and inferentially by what we now call " contact printing." He states that he has been unable to fix his prints, no washing being sufficient to eliminate the traces of the silver salt which occupied the unexposed or shaded portions. Davy in a note states that he has found that, though the images formed by an ordinary camera obscura were too faint to print out in the solar microscope, the images of small objects could easily be copied on such paper.
" In comparing the effects produced by light upon muriate of silver (silver chloride) with those upon the nitrate it seemed evident that the muriate was the more susceptible, and both were more readily acted upon when moist than when dry - a fact long ago known. Even in the twilight the colour of the moist muriate of silver, spread upon paper, slowly changed from white to faint violet; though under similar circumstances no intermediate alteration was produced upon the nitrate.. .. Nothing but a method of preventing the unshaded parts of the delineations from being coloured by exposure to the day is wanting to render this process as useful as it is elegant." In this method of preparing the paper lies the germ of the silver-printing processes of modern times, and it was only by the spread of chemical knowledge that the hiatus which was to render the " process as useful as it is elegant " was filled up - when sodium thiosulphate (hyposulphite of soda), discovered by Francois Chaussier in 1799, or three years before Wedgwood published his paper, was used for making the print permanent. Here we must call attention to an important observation by Seebeck of Jena in 1810. In the Farbenlehre of Goethe he says: " When a spectrum produced by a properly constructed prism is thrown upon moist chloride of silver paper, if the printing be continued for from fifteen to twenty minutes, whilst a constant position for the spectrum is maintained by any means, I observe the following. In the violet the chloride is a reddish brown (sometimes more violet, sometimes more blue), and this coloration extends well beyond the limit of the violet; in the blue the chloride takes a clear blue tint, which fades away, becoming lighter in the green. In the yellow I usually found the chloride unaltered; sometimes, however, it had a light yellow tint; in the red and beyond the red it took a rose or lilac tint. This image of the spectrum shows beyond the red and the violet a region more or less light and uncoloured. This is how the decomposition of the silver chloride is seen in this region. Beyond the brown band,. which was produced in the violet, the silver chloride was coloured a grey-violet for a distance of several inches. In proportion as the distance from the violet increased, the tint became lighter. Beyond the red, on the contrary, the chloride took a feeble red tint for a considerable distance. When moist chloride of silver, having received the action of light for a time, is exposed to the spectrum, the blue and violet behave as above. In the yellow and red regions, on the other hand, it is found that the silver chloride becomes paler;. the parts acted upon by the red rays and by those beyond take a light coloration." This has been brought forward by J. M. Eder as being the first record we have of photographic action lending itself to production of natural colours. This observation of Seebeck was allowed to lie fallow for many years, until it was again taken up and published as a novelty.
The first to found a process of photography which gave pictures that were subsequently unaffected by light was Nicephore de Niepce. His process, which he called provisionally " heliographie, dessins, et gravures," consists in coating the surface of a metallic plate with a solution of asphaltum in oil of lavender and exposing it to a camera image. He recommends that the asphaltum be powdered and the oil of lavender dropped upon it in a wine-glass, and that it be then gently heated. A polished plate is covered with this varnish, and, when dried, is ready for employment in the camera. After requisite exposure, which is very long indeed, a very faint image, requiring development, is seen. Development is effected by diluting oil of lavender with ten parts by volume of white petroleum. After this mixture has been allowed to stand two or three days it becomes clear and is ready to be used. The plate is placed in a dish and covered with the solvent. By degrees the parts unaffected by light dissolve away, and the picture, formed of modified asphaltum, is developed. The plate is then lifted from the dish, allowed to drain, and finally freed from the remaining solvents by washing in water. Subsequently, instead of using oil of lavender as the asphaltum solvent, Niepce employed an animal oil, which gave a deeper colour and more tenacity to the surface-film.
Later, Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre (1789-1851) and Niepce used as a solvent the brittle residue obtained from evaporating the oil of lavender dissolved in ether or alcohol - a transparent solution of a lemon-yellow colour being formed. This solution was used for covering glass or silver plates, which, when dried, could be used in the camera. The time of exposure varied somewhat in length. Daguerre remarked that " the time required to procure a photographic copy of a landscape is from seven to eight hours, but single monuments, when strongly lighted by the sun, or which are themselves very bright, can be taken in about three hours." Perhaps there is no sentence that illustrates more forcibly the advance made in photography from the days when this process was described. The ratio of three hours to 2 o th of a second is a fair estimate of the progress made since Niepce. The development was conducted by means of petroleum-vapour, which dissolved the parts not acted upon by light. As a rule silver plates seem to have been used, and occasionally glass; but it does not appear whether the latter material was chosen because an image would be projected through it or whether simply for the sake of effect. Viewed in the light of present knowledge, a more perfectly developable image in half-tone would be obtained by exposing the film through the back of the glass. The action of light on most organic matter is apparently one of oxidation. In the case of asphaltum or bitumen of Judaea the oxidation causes a hardening of the material and an insolubility in the usual solvents. Hence that surface of the film is generally hardened first which first feels the influence of light. Where half-tones exist, as in a landscape picture, the film remote from the surface first receiving the image is not acted upon at all, and remains soluble in the solvent. It is thus readily seen that, in the case of half-tone pictures, or even in copying engravings, if the action were not continued sufficiently long when the surface of the film farthest from the glass was first acted upon, the layer next the glass would in some places remain soluble, and on development would be dissolved away, carrying the top layer of hardened resinous matter with it, and thus give rise to imperfect pictures. In carbon-printing development from the back of the exposed film is absolutely essential, since it depends on the same principles as does heliography, and in this the same mode of procedure is advisable.
It would appear that Niepce began his researches as early as 1814, but it was not till 1827 that he had any success worth recounting. At that date he communicated a paper to Dr Bauer of Kew, the secretary of the Royal Society of London, with a view to its presentation to that society. Its publication, however, was prevented because the process, of which examples were shown, was a secret one. In an authentic MS. copy of Niepce's " Memoire," dated " Kew, le 8 Decembre 1827," he says that "in his framed drawings made on tin the tone is too feeble, but that by the use of chemical agents the tone may be darkened." This shows that Niepce was familiar with the idea of using some darkening medium even with his photographs taken on tin plates.
We have noticed in the joint process of Daguerre and Niepce that polished silver plates were used, and we know from the latter that amongst the chemical agents tried iodine suggested itself. Iodine vapour or solution applied to a silvered plate would cause the formation of silver iodide on those parts not acted upon by light. The removal of the resinous picture would leave an image formed of metallic silver, whilst the black parts of the original would be represented by the darker silver iodide. This was probably the origin of the daguerreotype process. Such observers as Niepce and Daguerre, who had formed a partnership for prosecuting their researches, would not have thus formed silver iodide without noticing that it changed in colour when exposed to the light. What parts respectively Daguerre and Niepce played in the development of the daguerreotype will probably never be known with absolute accuracy, but in a letter from Dr Bauer to Dr J. J. Bennett, F.R.S., dated the 7th of May 1839, the former says:- " I received a very interesting letter from Mons. Isidore Niepce, dated 12th March [about a month after the publication of the daguerreotype process], and that letter fully confirms what I suspected of Daguerre's manoeuvres with poor Nicephore, but Mr Isidore observes that for the present that letter might be considered confidential." Dr Bauer evidently knew more of " poor Nicephore's " work than most people, and at that early period he clearly thought that an injustice had been done to Niepce at the hands of Daguerre. It should be remarked that Nicephore de Niepce died in 1833, and a new agreement was entered into between his son Isidore de Niepce and Daguerre to continue the prosecution of their researches. It appears further that Niepce communicated his process to Daguerre on the 5th of December 1829. At his death some letters from Daguerre and others were left by him in which iodine, sulphur, phosphorus, &c., are mentioned as having been used on the metal plates, and their sensitiveness to light, when thus treated, commented upon. We are thus led to believe that a great part of the success in producing the daguerreotype is due to the elder Niepce; and indeed it must have been thought so at the time, since, on the publication of the process, life-pensions of 6000 francs and 4000 francs were given to Daguerre and to Isidore Niepce respectively. In point of chronology the publication of the discovery of the daguerreotype process was made subsequently to the Talbottype process. It will, however, be convenient to continue the history of the daguerreotype, premising that it was published on the 6th of February 1839, whilst Talbot's process was given to the world on the 25th of January of the same year.
Daguerreotype pictures were originally taken on silver-plated copper, and even now the silvered surface thus prepared serves better than electro-deposited silver of any thickness. An outline of the operations is as follows. A brightly-polished silver plate is cleaned by finely-powdered pumice and olive oil, and then by dilute nitric acid, and a soft buff is employed to give it a brilliant polish, the slightest trace of foreign matter or stain being fatal to the production of a perfect picture. The plate, thus prepared, is ready for the iodizing operation. Small fragments of iodine are scattered over a saucer, covered with gauze. Over this the plate is placed, face downwards, resting on supports, and the vapour from the iodine is allowed to form upon it a surface of silver iodide. It is essential to note the colour of the surface-formed iodide at its several stages, the varying colours being due to interference colours caused by the different thicknesses of the minutely thin film of iodide. The stage of maximum sensitiveness is obtained when it is of a golden orange colour. In this state the plate is withdrawn and removed to the dark slide of the camera, ready for exposure. A plan frequently adopted to give an even film of iodide was to saturate a card with iodine and hold the plate a short distance above the card. Long exposures were required, varying in Paris from three to thirty minutes. The length of the exposure was evidently a matter of judgment, more particularly as over-exposure introduced an evil which was called " solarization," but which was in reality due to the oxidation of the iodide by prolonged exposure to light.
As a matter of history it may be remarked that the development of the image by mercury vapour is said to be due to a chance discovery of Daguerre. It appears that for some time previous to the publication of the daguerreotype method he had been experimenting with iodized silver plates, producing images by what would now be called the "printing out " process. This operation involved so long an exposure that he sought some means of reducing it by the application of different reagents. Having on one occasion exposed such a plate to a camera-image, he accidentally placed it in the dark in a cupboard containing various chemicals, and found after the lapse of a night that he had a perfect image developed. By the process of exhaustion he arrived at the fact that it was the mercury vapour, which even at ordinary temperatures volatilizes, that had caused this intensification of the almost invisible camera-image. It was this discovery that enabled the exposures to be very considerably shortened from those which it was found necessary to give in mere camera-printing. The development of the image was effected by placing the exposed plate over a slightly heated (about 75° C.) cup of mercury. The vapour of mercury condensed on those places where the light had acted in an almost exact ratio to the intensity of its action. This produced a picture in an amalgam, the vapour of which attached itself to the altered silver iodide. Proof that such was the case was subsequently afforded by the fact that the mercurial image could be removed by heat. The developing box was so constructed that it was possible to examine the picture through a yellow glass window whilst the image was being brought out. The next operation was to fix the picture by dipping it in a solution of hyposulphite of soda. The image produced by this method is so delicate that it will not bear the slightest handling, and has to be protected from accidental touching.
The first great improvement in the daguerreotype process was the resensitizing of the iodized film by bromine vapour. John Frederick Goddard published his account of the use of bromine in conjunction with iodine in 1840, and A. F. J. Claudet (1797-1867) employed a combination of iodine and chlorine vapour in 1841. In 1844 Daguerre published his improved method of preparing the plates, which is in reality based on the use of bromine with iodine. That this addition points to additional sensitiveness will be readily understood when we remark that so-called instantaneous pictures of yachts in full sail, and of large size, have been taken on plates so prepared - a feat which is utterly impossible with the original process as described by Daguerre. The next improvement in the process was toning or gilding the image by a solution of gold, a practice introduced by H. L. Fizeau. Gold chloride is mixed with hyposulphite of soda, and the levelled plate, bearing a sufficient quantity of the fluid, is warmed by a spirit-lamp until the required vigour is given to the image, as a consequence of which it is better seen in most lights. Nearly all the daguerreotypes extant have been treated in this manner, and no doubt their permanence is in a great measure due to this operation. Images of this class can be copied by taking electrotypes from them, as shown by Sir W. R. Grove and others. These reproductions are admirable in every way, and furnish a proof that the daguerrean image is a relief.
Fox-Talbot Process
In January 1839 Fox Talbot described the first of his processes, photogenic drawing, in a paper to the Royal Society. He states that he began experimenting in 1834, and that in the solar microscope he obtained an outline of the object to be depicted in full sunshine in half a second. He published in the Philosophical Magazine full details of his method, which consisted essentially in soaking paper in common salt, brushing one side only of it with about a 12% solution of silver nitrate in water, and drying at the fire. Fox Talbot stated that by repeating the alternate washes of the silver and salt - always ending, however, with the former - greater sensitiveness was attained. This is the same in every respect as the method practised by Wedgwood in 1802; but, when we come to the next process, which he called " calotype " or " beautiful picture," we have a distinct advance. This process Talbot protected by a patent in 1841.
It may be briefly described as the application of silver iodide to a paper support. Carefully selected paper was brushed over with a solution of silver nitrate (too grains to the ounce of distilled water), and dried by the fire. It was then dipped into a solution of potassium iodide (500 grains being dissolved in a pint of water), where it was allowed to stay two or three minutes until silver iodide was formed. In this state the iodide is scarcely sensitive to light, but is sensitized by brushing " gallo-nitrate of silver " over the surface to which the silver nitrate had been first applied. This " gallonitrate " is merely a mixture, consisting of 100 grains of silver nitrate dissolved in a oz. of water, to which is added one-sixth of its volume of acetic acid, and immediately before applying to the paper an equal bulk of a saturated solution of gallic acid in water. The prepared surface is then ready for exposure in the camera, and, after a short insolation, develops itself in the dark, or the development may be hastened by a fresh application of the " gallo-nitrate of silver." The picture is then fixed by washing it in clean water and drying slightly in blotting paper, after which it is treated with a solution of potassium bromide, and again washed and dried. Here there is no mention made of hyposulphite of soda as a fixing agent, that having been first used by Sir J. Herschel in February 1840.
In a strictly historical notice it ought to be mentioned that development by means of gallic acid and silver nitrate was first known to Rev. J. B. Reade. When impressing images in the solar microscope he employed gallic acid and silver in order to render more sensitive the silver chloride paper that he was using, and he accidentally found that the image could be developed without the aid of light. The priority of the discovery was claimed by Fox Talbot; and his claim was sustained after a lawsuit, apparently on the ground that Reade's method had never been legally published. Talbot afterwards made many slight improvements in the process. In one of his patents he recognizes the value of the proper fixing of his photogenic drawings by hyposulphite of soda, and also the production of positive prints from the calotype negatives. We pass over his application of albumen to porcelain and its subsequent treatment with iodine vapour, as also his application of albumen in which silver iodide was held in suspension to a glass plate, since in this he was preceded by Niepce de St Victor in 1848.
Albumen Process on Glass
It was, a decided advance when Niepce de St Victor, a nephew of Nicephore de Niepce, employed a glass plate and coated it with iodized albumen. The originator of this method did not meet with much success. In the hands of Blanquart Evrard it became more practicable; but it was carried out in its greatest perfection by G. Le Gray.
The outline of the operations is as follows: The whites of five fresh eggs are mixed with about one hundred grains of potassium iodide, about twenty grains of potassium bromide and ten grains of common salt. The mixture is beaten up into a froth and allowed to settle for twenty-four hours, when the clear liquid is decanted off. A circular pool of albumen is poured on a glass plate, and a straight ruler (its ends being wrapped with waxed paper to prevent its edge from touching the plate anywhere except at the margins) is drawn over the plate, sweeping off the excess of albumen, and so leaving an even film. The plate is first allowed to dry spontaneously, a final heating being given to it in an oven or before the fire. The heat hardens the albumen, and it becomes insoluble and ready for the silver nitrate bath. One of the difficulties is to prevent crystallization of the salts held in solution, and this can only be effected by keeping them in defect rather than in excess. The plate is sensitized for five minutes in a bath of silver nitrate, acidified with acetic acid, and exposed whilst still wet, or it may be slightly washed and again dried and exposed whilst in its desiccated state. The image is developed by gallic acid in the usual way.
After the application of albumen many modifications were introduced in the shape of starch, serum of milk, gelatin, all of which were intended to hold iodide in situ on the plate; and the development in every case seems to have been by gallic acid. At one time the waxed-paper process subsequently introduced by Le Gray was a great favourite. Paper that had been made translucent by white wax was immersed in a solution of potassium iodide until impregnated with it, after which it was sensitized in the usual way, development being by gallic acid. In images obtained by this process the high lights are represented by metallic silver, whilst the shadows are translucent. Such a print is called a " negative." When silver chloride paper is darkened by the passage of light through a negative, we get the highest lights represented by white paper and the shadows by darkened chloride. A print of this kind is called a " positive." Collodion Process. - A great impetus was given to photography in 1850, on the introduction of collodion (q.v.), a very convenient vehicle on account of the facility with which the plates are prepared, and also because it is a substance as a rule totally unaffected by silver nitrate, which is not the case with other organic substances. Thus albumen forms a definite silver compound, as do gelatin, starch and gum. The employment of collodion was first suggested by Le Gray, but it remained for Frederick Scott Archer of London, closely followed by P. W. Fry, to make a really practical use of the discovery. When collodion is poured on a glass plate it leaves on drying a hard transparent film which under the microscope is slightly reticulated. Before drying, the film is gelatinous and perfectly adapted for holding in situ salts soluble in ether and alcohol. Where such salts are present they crystallize out when the film is dried, hence such a film is only suitable where the plates are ready to be immersed in the silver bath. As a rule, about five grains of the soluble gun-cotton are dissolved in an ounce of a mixture of equal parts of ether and alcohol, both of which must be of low specific gravity, .725 and 805 respectively. If the alcohol or ether be much diluted with water the gun-cotton (pyroxylin) precipitates, but, even if less diluted, it forms a film which is " crapey " and uneven. Such was the material which Le Gray proposed and which Archer brought into practical use. The opaque silver plate with its one impression was abandoned; and the paper support of Talbot, with its inequalities of grain and thickness, followed suit, though not immediately. When once a negative had been obtained with collodion on a glass plate - the image showing high lights by almost complete opacity and the shadows by transparency (as was the case, too, in the calotype process) - any number of impressions could be obtained by means of the silver-printing process introduced by Fox Talbot, and they were found to possess a delicacy and refinement of detail that certainly eclipsed the finest print obtained from a calotype negative. To any one who had practised the somewhat tedious calotype process, or the waxed-paper process of Le Gray with its still longer preparation and development, the advent of the collodion method must have been extremely welcome, since it effected a saving in time, money and uncertainty. The rapidity of photographic action was much increased, and the production of a different character of pictures thus became possible.
We give an outline of the procedure. A glass plate is carefully cleaned by a detergent such as a cream of tripoli powder and spirits of wine (to which a little ammonia is often added), then wiped with a soft rag, and finally polished with a silk handkerchief or chamois leather. A collodion containing soluble iodides and bromides is made to flow over the plate, all excess being drained off when it is covered. A good standard formula for the collodion is-55 grains of pyroxylin, 5 oz. of alcohol, 5 oz. of ether; and in this liquid are dissolved 22 grains of ammonium iodide, 2 grains of cadmium iodide and 2 grains of cadmium bromide. When the collodion is set the plate is immersed in a bath of silver nitrate - a vertical form being that mostly used in England, whilst a horizontal dish is used on the continent of Europe - a good formula for which is 350 grains of silver nitrate with 10 oz. of water. The plate is steadily lowered into this solution, and moved in it until all the repellent action between the aqueous solution of the silver and the solvents of the collodion is removed, when it is allowed to rest for a couple of minutes, after which period it is taken out and placed in the dark slide ready for exposure in the camera. After undergoing proper exposure the plate is withdrawn, and in a room lighted with yellow light the developing solution is applied, which originally was a solution of pyrogallic acid in water restrained in its action by the addition of acetic acid. One of the old formulae employed by P. H. Delamotte was 9 grains of pyrogallic acid, 2 drachms of glacial acetic acid and 3 oz. of water. The image gradually appears after the application of this solution, building itself up from the silver nitrate clinging to the film, which is reduced to the metallic state by degrees. Should the density be insufficient a few drops of silver nitrate are added to the pryogallic acid solution and the developing action continued.
In 1844 Robert Hunt introduced another reducing agent, which is still the favourite, viz. ferrous sulphate. By its use the time of necessary exposure of the plate is reduced and the image develops with great rapidity. A sample of this developing solution is 20 grains of ferrous sulphate, 20 minims of acetic acid, with I oz. of water. This often leaves the image thinner than is requisite for the formation of a good print, and it is intensified with pyrogallic acid and silver. Other intensifiers are used to increase the deposit on a plate by means of mercury or uranium, followed by other solutions to still further darken the double salts formed on the film.
Such intensifying agents have to be applied to the image after the plate is fixed, which is done by a concentrated solution of hyposulphite of soda or by potassium cyanide, the latter salt having been first introduced by Martin and Marc Antoine Augustin Gaudin in 1853 (La Lumiere, April 23, 1853). Twenty-five grains of potassium cyanide to one ounce of water is the strength of the solution usually employed. The reaction of both these fixing agents is to form with the sensitive salts of silver double hyposulphites or cyanides, which are soluble in water and salt. The utility of bromides in the collodion process seems to have been recognized in its earliest days, Scott Archer (1852) and R. J. Bingham (1850) both mentioning it. We notice this, since as late as 1866 a patent-right in its use was sought to be enforced in America, the patent being taken out by James Cutting in July 1854.
Positive Pictures by the Collodion Process
In the infancy of the collodion process it was shown by Horne that a negative image could be made to assume the appearance of a positive by whitening the metallic silver deposit. This he effected by using with the pyrogallic acid developer a small quantity of nitric acid. A better result was obtained by P. W. Fry with ferrous sulphate and ferrous nitrate, whilst Hugh Diamond gave effect to the matter in a practical way. F. Scott Archer used mercuric chloride to whiten the image. To Robert Hunt, however, must be rewarded the credit of noticing the action of this salt on the image (Phil. Trans., 1843). The whitened picture may be made to stand out against black velvet, or black varnish may be poured over the film to give the necessary black background, or, more recently, the positive pictures may be produced on japanned iron plates (ferrotype plates) or on japanned leather. This process is still occasionally practised by itinerant photographers.
Moist Collodion Process
It is seen that for the successful working of the collodion process it was necessary that the plate should be exposed very shortly after its preparation; this was a drawback, inasmuch as it necessitated taking a heavy equipment into the field. In 1856, Sir William Crookes and J. Spiller published in the Philosophical Magazine a process whereby they were enabled to keep a film moist (so as to prevent crystallization of the silver nitrate) several days, enabling plates to be prepared at home, exposed in the field, and then developed in the dark room. The plate was prepared in the usual way and a solution of zinc nitrate and silver nitrate in water was made to flow over it. The hygroscopic nature of the zinc salt kept sufficient moisture on the plate to attain the desired end. Various modifications in procedure have been made.
Dry Plates
It would appear that the first experiments with collodion dry plates were due to Marc Antoine Augustin Gaudin. In La Lumiere of the 22nd of April and the 27th of May 1854 he describes his researches on the question; whilst in England G. R. Muirhead, on the 4th of August 1854, stated that light acts almost as energetically on a dry surface as on a wet after all the silver has been washed away from the former previous to desiccation. J. M. Taupenot, however, seems to have been the first to use a dry-plate process that was really workable. His original plan was to coat a plate with collodion, sensitize it in the ordinary manner, wash it, cause a solution of albumen to flow over the surface, dry it, dip it in a bath of silver nitrate acidified with acetic acid, and wash and dry it again. The plate was then in a condition to be exposed, and was to be developed with pyrogallic acid and silver. In this method we have a double manipulation, which is long in execution, though perfectly effective.
A great advance was made in all dry-plate processes by the introduction of what is known as the " alkaline developer," which is, however, inapplicable to all plates on which silver nitrate is present in the free state. The developers previously described, either for collodion or paper processes, were dependent on the reduction of metallic silver by some such agent as ferrous sulphate, the reduction taking place gradually and the reduced particles aggregating on those portions of the film which had been acted upon by light. The action of light being to reduce the silver iodide, bromide or chloride, these reduced particles really acted as nuclei for the crystallized metal. It will be evident that in such a method of development the molecular attraction Sodium carbonate.. ioo parts.
Sodium sulphite. 125 Potassium bromide acts at distances relatively great compared with the diameters of the molecules themselves. If it were possible to reduce the altered particles of silver salt it was plain that development would be more rapid, and also that the number of molecules reduced by light would be smaller if the metallic silver could be derived from silver compounds within shorter distances of the centres of molecular attraction. Alkaline development accomplished this to a very remarkable extent; but the method is only really practicable when applied to films containing silver bromide and chloride, as silver iodide is only slightly amenable to the alkaline development. The introduction of this developer is believed to be of American origin; and it is known that in the year 1862 Major C. Russell used it with the dry plates he introduced.
An alkaline developer consists of an alkali, a reducing agent and a restraining agent. These bodies, when combined and applied to the solid silver bromide or chloride, after being acted upon by light, were able to reduce the sub-bromide or sub-chloride, and to build up an image upon it, leaving the unaltered bromide intact, except so far as it was used in the building up. In 1877 Sir W. Abney investigated this action. A dry plate was prepared by the bath process in the usual manner (to be described below), and exposed in the camera. The exposed film was covered with another film of collodiobromide emulsion, which of course had not seen the light. An image was obtained from the double film by means of the alkaline developer, which penetrated through the upper unexposed film. The development was prolonged until an image appeared through the unexposed film, when the plate was fixed, washed and dried. A piece of gelatinous paper was cemented on the upper film, and a similar piece on the lower after both had been stripped off the glass. When quite dry the two papers were forcibly separated, a film adhering to each. The upper film, although never exposed to light, showed an image in some cases more intense than the under film. The action of the alkaline developer was here manifest: the silver bromide in close contiguity to the exposed particles was reduced to the metallic state. Hence, from this and similar experiments, Abney concluded that silver bromide could not exist in the presence of a freshly precipitated or reduced metallic silver, and that a sub-bromide was immediately formed. From this it will be seen that the deposited silver is well within the sphere of molecular attraction, and that consequently a less exposure (i.e. the reduction of fewer molecules of the sensitive salt) would give a developable image.
The alkalis used embraced the alkalis themselves and the mono-carbonates. The sole reducing agent up till recent times was pyrogallic acid. In the year 1880 Abney found that hydroquinone was even more effective than pyrogallic acid, its reducing power being stronger. Various other experimentalists tried other kindred substances, but without adding to the list of really useful agents until recently.
The following are some of the most effective: - Eikonogen Developer. Eikonogen 25 parts.
Sodium sulphite 50 „ Sodium carbonate. 50 „ Potassium bromide. z Water moo „ This is a one-solution developer, and acts energetically.
3 Water ..... loon „ A and B ,;solutions are mixed together in equal proportions.
Besides these, there are several more, such as adurol, glycin, pyrocatechin, which have been used with more or less success. They all give a black in lieu of that dark olive-green deposit of silver which is so often found with pyrogallol developers. All are alkaline developers, and the image is built up from the sensitive salt within the film. They are applicable to gelatin or collodion plates, but for the latter rather more bromide of an alkali is added, to retard fogging.
Another set of developers for dry plates dependent on the reduction of the silver bromide and the metallic state is founded on the fact that certain organic salts of iron can be utilized. In 1877 M. Carey Lea of Philadelphia and William Willis announced almost simultaneously that a solution of ferrous oxalate in neutral potassium oxalate was effective as a developer, and from that time its use has been acknowledged. In 1882 J. M. Eder demonstrated that gelatino-silver chloride plates could be developed with ferrous citrate, which could not be so readily accomplished with ferrous oxalate. The exposure for chloride plates when developed by the latter was extremely prolonged. In the same year Abney showed that if ferrous oxalate were dissolved in potassium citrate a much more powerful agent was formed, which allowed not only gelatino-chloride plates to be readily developed but also collodio-chloride plates. These plates were undevelopable except by the precipitation method until the advent of the agents last-mentioned owing to the fact that the chloride was as readily reduced as the sub-chloride.
Amongst the components of an alkaline developer we mentioned a restrainer. This factor, generally a bromide or chloride of an alkali, serves probably to form a compound with the silver salt which has not been acted upon by light, and which is less easily reduced than is the silver salt alone - the altered particles being left intact. The action of the restrainer is regarded by some as due to its combination with the alkali. But whichever theory is correct the fact remains that the restrainer does make the primitive salt less amenable to reduction. Such restrainers as the bromides of the alkalis act through chemical means; but there are others which act through physical means, an example of which we have in the preparation of a gelatin plate. In this case the gelatin wraps up the particles of the silver compound in a colloidal sheath, as it were, and the developing solution only gets at them in a very gradual manner, for the natural tendency of all such reducing agents is to attack the particles on which least 'work has to be expended. In the case of silver sub-bromide the developer has only to remove one atom of bromine, whereas it has to remove two in the case of silver bromide. The sub-bromide formed by light and that subsequently produced in the act of development are therefore reduced. A large proportion of gelatin compared with the silver salt in a film enables an alkaline developer to be used without any chemical restrainer; but when the gelatin bears a small proportion to the silver such a restrainer has to be used. With collodion films the particles of bromide are more or less unenveloped, and hence in this case some kind of chemical restrainer is absolutely necessary. We may say that the organic iron developers require less restraining in their action than do the alkaline developers.
In Major Russell's process the plate was prepared by immersion in a strong solution of silver nitrate and then washed and a preservative applied. The last-named agent executes two functions, one being to absorb the halogen liberated by the action of light and the other to preserve the film from atmospheric action. Tannin, which Major Russell employed, if we mistake not, is a good absorbent of the halogens, and acts as a varnish to the film. Other collodion dry-plate processes carried out by means of the silver-nitrate bath were very numerous at one time, many different organic bodies being also employed. In most cases ordinary iodized collodion was made use of, a small percentage of soluble bromide being as a rule added to it. When plates were developed by the alkaline method this extra bromide induced density, since it was the silver bromide alone which was amenable to it, the icdide being almost entirely unaffected by the weak developer which was at that time in general use.
xxi. 16 a Metol Developer. Solution A.
Metol 2 parts.
Sodium sulphite 18 „ Water 100 „ Solution B.
Sodium carbonate.. 6 parts.
Potassium bromide T „ Water.. loo „ For use, take one part of A to from 1 to 3 parts of B.
Amidol Developer. Amidol 3 parts.
Sodium sulphite Too „ Potassium bromide T to 3 „ Water moo „ This developer requires no addition of alkali.
Ortol Developer. Solution A.
Ortol I 5 parts.
Sodium metabisulphite 7 „ Water. moo „ Dry-Plate Bath Process. - One of the most successful bath dry-plate processes was introduced by R. Manners Gordon. The plate was given an edging of albumen and then coated with ordinary iodized collodion to which one grain per ounce of cadmium bromide had been added. It was kept in the silvernitrate bath for ten minutes, after which it was washed thoroughly. The following preservative was then applied: - Gum arabic i { Sugar candy Water 2. S Gallic acid. Water These ingredients were mixed just before use and, after filtering, applied for one minute to the plate, which was allowed to drain and set up to dry naturally. Great latitude is admissible in the exposure; it should rarely be less than four times or more than twenty times that which would be required for a wet plate under ordinary circumstances. The image may be developed with ferrous sulphate restrained by a solution of gelatin and glacial acetic acid, to which a solution of silver nitrate is added just before application, or by an alkaline developer.
In photographic processes not only has the chemical condition of the film to be taken into account but also the optical. When light falls on a semi-opaque or translucent film it is scattered by the particles in it and passes through the glass plate to the back. Here the rays are partly transmitted and partly reflected, a very small quantity of them being absorbed by the material of the glass. Theory points out that the strongest reflection from the back of the glass should take place at the " critical " angle. In 1875 Abney investigated the subject and proved that practice agreed with theory in every respect, and that the image of a point of light in development on a plate was surrounded by a ring of reduced silver caused by the reflection of the scattered light from the back surface of the glass, and that this ring was shaded inwards and outwards in such a manner that the shading varied with the intensity of the light reflected at different angles. To avoid " halation," as this phenomenon is called, it was usual to cover the back of dry plates with some material which should be in optical contact with it, and as nearly as possible of the same density as glass, and which at the same time should absorb all the photographically active rays. This was called " backing a plate." Collodion Emulsion Processes. - In 1864 W. B. Bolton and B. J. Sayce published the germ of a process which revolutionized photographic manipulations. In the ordinary collodion process a sensitive film is procured by coating a glass plate with collodion containing the iodide and bromide of some soluble salt, and then, when set, immersing it in a solution of silver nitrate in order to form silver iodide and bromide in the film. The question that presented itself to Bolton and Sayce was whether it might not be possible to get the sensitive salts of silver formed in the collodion whilst liquid, and a sensitive film given to a plate by merely letting this collodion, containing the salts in suspension, flow over the glass plate. Gaudin had attempted to do this with silver chloride, and later G. W. Simpson had succeeded in perfecting a printing process with collodion containing silver chloride, citric acid and silver nitrate; but the chloride until recently has been considered a slow working salt, and nearly incapable of development. Up to the time of W. B. Bolton and B. J. Sayce's experiments silver iodide had been considered the staple of a sensitive film on which to take negatives; and though bromide had been used by Major Russell and others, it had not met with so much favour as to lead to the omission of the iodide. At the date mentioned the suspension of silver iodide in collodion was not thought practicable, and the inventors of the process turned their attention to silver bromide, which they found could be secured in such a fine state of division that it remained suspended for a considerable time in collodion, and even when precipitated could be resuspended by simple agitation. The outline of the method was to dissolve a soluble bromide in plain collodion, and and to it drop by drop an alcoholic solution of silver nitrate, the latter being in excess or defect according to the will of the operator. To prepare a sensitive surface the collodion containing the emulsified sensitive salt was poured over a glass plate, allowed to set, and washed till all the soluble salts resulting from the double decomposition of the soluble bromide and the silver nitrate, together with the unaltered soluble bromide or silver nitrate, were removed, when the film was exposed wet, or allowed to dry and then exposed. The rapidity of these plates was not in any way remarkable, but the process had the great advantage of doing away with the sensitizing nitrate of silver bath, and thus avoiding a tiresome operation. The plates were developed by the alkaline method, and gave images which, if not primarily dense enough, could be intensified by the application of pyrogallic acid and silver nitrate as in the wet collodion process. Such was the crude germ of a method which was destined to effect a complete change in the aspect of photographic negative taking 1; but for some time it lay dormant. In fact there was at first much to discourage trial of it, since the plates often became veiled on development.
M. Carey Lea of Philadelphia, and W. Cooper, jun., of Reading, may be said to have given the real impetus to the method. Carey Lea, by introducing an acid into the emulsion, established a practicable collodion emulsion process, which was rapid and at the same time gave negative pictures free from veil. To secure the rapidity Carey Lea employed a fair excess of silver nitrate, and Colonel H. Stuart Wortley gained further rapidity by a still greater increase of it; the free use of acid was the only means by which this could be effected without hopelessly spoiling the emulsion. The addition of the mineral acids such as Carey Lea employed is to prevent the formation of (or to destroy when formed) any silver sub-bromide or oxide, either of which acts as a nucleus on which development can take place. Abney first showed the theoretical effect of acids on the sub-bromide, as also the effect of oxidizing agents on both the above compounds (see below). A more valuable modification was introduced in 1874 by W. B. Bolton, one of the originators of the process, who allowed the ether and the alcohol of the collodion to evaporate, and then washed away all the soluble salts from the gelatinous mass formed of pyroxylin and sensitive salt. After washing for a considerable time, the pellicle was dried naturally or washed with alcohol, and then the pyroxylin redissolved in ether and alcohol, leaving an emulsion of silver bromide, silver chloride or silver iodide, or mixtures of all suspended in collodion. In this state the plate could be coated and dried at once for exposure. Sometimes, in fact generally, preservatives were used, as in the case of dry plates with the bath, in order to prevent the atmosphere from rendering the surface of the film spotty or insensitive on development. This modification had the great advantage of allowing a large quantity of sensitive salt to be prepared of precisely the same value as to rapidity of action and quality of film.
A great advance in the use of the collodion bromide process was made by Colonel Stuart Wortley, who in June 1873 made known the powerful nature of a strongly alkaline developer as opposed to the weak one which up to that time had usually been employed for a collodion emulsion plate, or indeed for any dry plate.
An example of the preparation of a collodion emulsion and the developer is the following: 21 oz. of alcohol, 5 oz. of ether, 75 grains of pyroxylin. In 1 oz. of alcohol are dissolved zoo grains of zinc bromide 2; it is then acidulated with 4 or 5 drops of nitric acid, and added to half the above collodion. In 2 drachms of water are dissolved 330 grains of silver nitrate, 1 oz. of alcohol being added. The silvered alcohol is next poured into the other half of the collodion and the brominized collodion dropped in, care being taken to shake between the operations. An emulsion of silver bromide is formed in suspension; and it is in every case left for 10 to 20 hours to what is technically called " ripen," or, in other words, to become creamy when poured out upon a glass plate. When the emulsion has ripened it may be used at once or be poured out into a flat dish and the solvents allowed to evaporate till the pyroxylin becomes gelatinous. In this state it is washed in water till all the soluble salts are carried away. After this it may be either spread out on a cloth and dried or treated with two or three doses of alcohol, and then redissolved in equal parts of alcohol (specific gravity, .805) and ether (specific gravity, 720). In this condition it is a washed emulsion, and a glass plate can be coated with it and the film dried, or it may be washed and some of the many preservatives, such as albumen, beer, coffee, gum, &c., applied.
The type of a useful alkaline developer for collodion plates is as follows: 1.5Pyrogallic acid. 96 grs.
Alcohol 1 oz.
Potassium bromide. 12 grs.
Water distilled. 1 oz.
3, Ammonium carbonate. 80 grs.
Water. 1 oz.
To develop the plate 6 minims of No. 1, z drachm of No. 2, and 3 drachms of No. 3 are mixed together and made to flow over the plate after washing the preservative off under the tap. Sometimes the 1 An account of Sayce's process is to be found in the Photographic News of October 1865, or the Photographic Journal of the same date.
2 The advantages of this salt were pointed out by Leon Warnerke in 1875.
. 20 grs. 6 r d.
3 grs.. .. 2 dr.
4 "Carrolling." By H. P. Robinson.
Portrait Study. By James Craig Annan.
Portrait. By David OcTAVIUS Hill, R. S. A.
development is conducted in a flat dish, sometimes the solution is poured on the plate.' The unreduced salts are eliminated by either cyanide of potassium or sodium hyposulphite. Intensity may be given to the image, if requisite, either before or after the " fixing " operation. Where resort is had to ferrous oxalate development, the developer is made in one of two ways - (I) by saturating a saturated solution of neutral potassium oxalate with ferrous oxalate, and adding an equal volume of a solution (to grains to 1 oz. of water) of potassium bromide to restrain the action, or (2) by mixing, according to Eder's plan, 3 volumes by measure of a saturated solution of the potassium oxalate with I volume by measure of a saturated solution of ferrous sulphate, and adding to the ferrous oxalate solution thus obtained an equal bulk of the above solution of potassium bromide. The development is conducted in precisely the same manner as indicated above, and the image is fixed by one of the same agents.
Gelatin Emulsion Process
The facility with which silver bromide emulsion could be prepared in collodion had turned investigation into substitutes for it. As early as September 1871 Dr R. L. Maddox had tried emulsifying the silver salt in gelatin, and had produced negatives of rare excellence. In November 1873 J. King described a similar process, getting rid of the soluble salts by washing. Efforts had also been made in this direction by J. Burgess in July 1873. R. Kennett in 1874 may be said to have been the first to put forward the gelatin emulsion process in a practical and workable form, as he then published a formula which gave good and quick results. It was not till 1878, however, that the great capabilities of silver bromide when held in suspension by gelatin were fairly known; in March of that year C. Bennett showed that by keeping the gelatin solution liquid at a low temperature for as long as seven days extraordinary rapidity was conferred on the sensitive salt. The molecular condition of the silver bromide seemed to be altered, and to be amenable to a far more powerful developer than had hitherto been dreamt of. In 1874 J. S. Stas had shown that various modifications of silver bromide and chloride were possible, and it seemed that the green molecular condition (one of those noted by Stas) of the bromide was attained by prolonged warming. _ It may be said that the advent of rapid plates was 1878, and that the full credit of this discovery should be allotted to C. Bennett. Both Kennett and Bennett got rid of the soluble salts from the emulsion by washing; and in order to attain success it was requisite that the bromide should be in excess of that necessary to combine with the silver nitrate used to form the emulsion. In June 1879 Abney showed that a good emulsion might be formed by precipitating a silver bromide by dropping a solution of a soluble bromide into a dilute solution of silver nitrate. The supernatant liquid was decanted, and after two or three washings with water the precipitate was mixed with the proper amount of gelatin. D. B. van Monckhoven of Ghent, in experimenting with this process, hit upon the plan of obtaining the emulsion by acting on silver carbonate with hydrobromic acid, which left no soluble salts to be extracted. He further, in August 1879, announced that he had obtained great rapidity by adding to the bromide emulsion a certain quantity of ammonia. This addition rapidly altered the silver bromide from its ordinary state to the green molecular condition referred to above. At this point we have the branching off of the gelatin emulsion process into two great divisions, viz. that in which rapidity was gained by long-continued heating, and the other in which it was gained by the use of ammonia - a subdivision which is maintained to the present day. Opinions as to the merits of the two methods are much divided, some maintaining that the quality of the heated emulsion is better than that produced by alkalinity, and vice versa. We may mention that in 1881 Dr A. Herschel introduced a plan for making an alcoholic gelatin emulsion with the idea of inducing rapid drying of the plates, and in the same year H. W. Vogel of Berlin introduced a method of combining gelatin and pyroxylin together by means of a solvent which acted on the gelatin and allowed the addition of alcohol in order to dissolve the pyroxylin. This " collodio-gelatin emulsion " was only a shortlived process, which is not surprising, since its preparation involved the inhalation of the fumes of acetic acid.
1 For further details the reader is referred to Instruction in Photography, I I th ed., p. 362.
The warming process introduced by Bennett was soon superseded. Colonel Stuart Wortley in 1879 announced that, by raising the temperature of the vessel in which the emulsion was stewed to 150° F., instead of days being required to give the desired sensibility only a few hours were necessary. A further advance was made by boiling the emulsion, first practised, we believe, by G. Mansfield in 1879. Another improvement was effected by W. B. Bolton by emulsifying the silver salt in a small quantity of gelatin and then raising the emulsion to boiling point, boiling it for from half an hour to an hour, when extreme rapidity was attained. Many minor improvements in this process have been made from time to time. It may be useful to give an idea of the relative rapidities of the various processes we have described.
Daguerreotype, originally.. half an hour's exposure.
Calotype. 2 or 3 minutes' Collodion .... 10 seconds' Collodion emulsion.. 15 seconds' Rapid gelatin emulsion. 1 1 6 th second Technique Of Photography Gelatin Emulsions. The following is an outline of two representative processes. All operations should be conducted in light which can act but very slightly on the sensitive salts employed, and this is more necessary with this process than with others on account of the extreme ease with which the equilibrium of the molecules is upset in giving rise to the molecule which is developable. The light to work with is gaslight or candlelight passing through a sheet of Chance's stained red glass backed by orange paper. Stained red glass allows but few chemically effective rays to pass through it, whilst the orange paper diffuses the light. If daylight be employed, it is as well to have a double thickness of orange paper. The following should be weighed out: I. Potassium iodide.. 5 grs.
2. Potassium bromide 3. Nelson's No. I photographic gelatin 30 4. Silver nitrate ... 1 1 37 3 50 75 Autotype or other hard gelatin. 100 „ 5 ' Nelson's No. I gelatin 100 „ Nos. 3 and 5 are rapidly covered with water or washed for a few seconds under the tap to get rid of any dust. No. 2 is dissolved in 12 oz. of water, and a little tincture of iodine added till it assumes a light sherry colour. No. 1 is dissolved in 60 minims of water. No. 4 is dissolved in 2 oz. of water, and No. 3 is allowed to swell up in 1 oz. of water, and is then dissolved by heat. All the flasks containing these solutions are placed in water at 150° F. and carried into the " dark room," as the orange-lighted chamber is ordinarily called; Nos. 3 and 4 are then mixed together in a jar or flask, and No. 2 added drop by drop till half its bulk is gone, when No. 1 is added to the remainder, and the double solution is dropped in as before. When all is added there ought to be formed an emulsion which is very ruddy when examined by gaslight, or orange by daylight. The flask containing the emulsion is next placed in boiling water, which is kept in a state of ebullition for about threequarters of an hour. It is then ready, when the contents of the flask have cooled down to about loo° F., for the addition of No. 5, which should in the interval be placed in 2 oz. of water to swell and finally be dissolved. The gelatin emulsion thus formed is placed in a cool place to set, after which it is turned into a piece of coarse canvas or mosquito netting made into a bag. By squeezing, threads of gelatin containing the sensitive salt can be made to fall into cold water; by this means the soluble salts are extracted. This is readily done in two or three hours by frequently changing the water, or by allowing running water to flow over the emulsion-threads. The gelatin is next drained by straining canvas over a jar and turning out the threads on to it, after which it is placed in a flask, and warmed till it dissolves, half an ounce of alcohol being added. Finally it is filtered through chamois leather or swansdown calico. In this state it is ready for the plates.
The other method of forming the emulsion is with ammonia. The same quantities as before are weighed out, but the solutions of Nos. 2 and 3 are first mixed together and No. 4 is dissolved in I oz. of water, and strong ammonia of specific gravity 880 added to it till the oxide first precipitated is just redissolved. This solution is then dropped into Nos. 2 and 3 as previously described, and finally No. I is added. In this case no boiling is required. but to secure rapidity it is as well that the emulsion should be kept an hour at a temperature of about 90° F., after which half the total quantity of No. 5 is added. When set the emulsion is washed, drained, and redissolved as before; but in order to give tenacity to the gelatin the remainder of No. 5 is added before the addition of the alcohol, and before filtering.
Coating the Plates
Glass plates are best cleaned with nitric acid, rinsed, and then treated with potash solution, rinsed again, and dried with a clean cloth. They are then ready for receiving the emulsion, which, after being warmed to about 120° F., is poured on them to cover well the surface. This being done, the plates are placed on a level shelf and allowed to stay there till the gelatin is thoroughly set; they are then put in a drying cupboard, through which a current of warm air is made to pass. It should be remarked that the warmth is only necessary to enable the air to take up the moisture from the plates. They ought to dry in about twelve hours, and they are ready for use.
With a good emulsion and on a bright day the exposure of a plate to a landscape, with a lens whose aperture is one-sixteenth that of the focal distance, should not be more than one-half to one-fifth of a second. This time depends, of course, on the nature of the view; if there be foliage in the immediate foreground it will be longer. In the portrait-studio, under the same circumstances, an exposure with a portrait lens may be from half a second to four or five seconds.
Development of the Plate
To develop the image either a ferrous oxalate solution or alkaline pyrogallic acid may be used. No chemical restrainer such as potassium bromide is necessary, since the gelatin itself acts as a physical restrainer. If the alkaline developer be used, the following may be taken as a good standard: - Pyrogallol 1. Citric acid grs.
50 10 „, Water 1 oz.
2 8 Potassium bromide 10 grs.
Water. ... 1 oz.
3 Ammonia, 880 I dr.
Water 9 One dram of each of these is taken and the mixtur made up to 2 oz. with water. The plate is placed in a dish and the above poured over it without stoppage, whereupon the image gradually appears and, if the exposure has been properly timed, gains sufficient density for printing purposes. It is fixed in a solution of hyposulphite of soda, as in the other processes already described, and then thoroughly washed for two or three hours to eliminate all the soluble salt. This long washing is necessary on account of the nature of the gelatin.
Intensifying the Negative. - Sometimes it is necessary to intensify the negative, which can be done in a variety of ways with mercury salts. An excellent plan, introduced by Chapman Jones, is to use a saturated solution of mercuric chloride in water. After thorough washing the negative is treated with ferrous oxalate. This process can be repeated till sufficient density is attained. With most other methods with mercury the image is apt to become yellow and to fade; with this apparently it is not.
Varnishing the Negative
The negative is often protected by receiving first a film of plain collodion and then a coat of shellac or other photographic varnish. This protects the gelatin from moisture and also from becoming stained with the silver nitrate owing to contact with the sensitive paper used in silver printing. Another varnish is a solution of celloidin in amyl acetate. This is an excellent protection against damp.
Printing Processes. The first printing process may be said to be that of Fox Talbot (see above), which has continued to be generally employed (with the addition of albumen to give a surface to the print - an addition first made, we believe, by Fox Talbot).
Paper for printing is prepared by mixing 150 parts of ammonium chloride with 240 parts of spirits of wine and 2000 parts of water, though the proportions may vary. These ingredients are dissolved, and the whites of fifteen fairly-sized eggs are added and the whole beaten up to a froth. In hot weather it is advisable to add a drop of carbolic acid to prevent decomposition. The albumen is allowed two or three days to settle, when it is filtered through a sponge placed in a funnel, or through two or three thicknesses of fine muslin, and transferred to a flat dish. The paper is cut of convenient size and allowed to float on the solution for about a minute, when it is taken off and dried in a warm room. For dead prints, on which colouring is to take place, plain salted paper is useful. It can be made of the following proportions-90 parts of ammonium chloride, 100 parts of sodium citrate, 10 parts of gelatin, 5000 parts of distilled water. The gelatin is first dissolved in hot water and the remaining components are added. It is next filtered, and the paper allowed to float on it for three minutes, then withdrawn and dried.
Sensitizing Bath
To sensitize the paper it is floated on a 10% solution of silver nitrate for three minutes. It is then hung up and allowed to dry, after which it is ready for use. To print the image the paper is placed in a printing frame over a negative and exposed to light. It is allowed to print till such time as the image appears rather darker than it should finally appear.
Toning and Fixing the Print
The next operation is to tone and fix the print. In the earlier days this was accomplished by means of a bath of sel d'or - a mixture of hyposulphite of soda and gold chloride. This gilded the darkened parts of the print which light had reduced to the semi-metallic state: and on the removal of the chloride by means of hyposulphite an image composed of metallic silver, an organic salt of silver and gold was left behind. There was a suspicion, however, that part of the coloration was due to a combina:ion of sulphur with the silver, not that pure silver sulphide is in any degree fugitive, but the sulphuretted organic salt of silver seems to be liable to change. This gave place to a method of alkaline toning, or rather, we should say, of neutral toning, by employing gold chloride with a salt, such as the carbonate or acetate of soda, chloride of lime, borax, &c. By this means there was no danger of sulphurization during the toning, to which the method by sel d'or was prone owing to the decomposition of the hyposulphite. The substances which can be employed in toning seem to be those in which an alkaline base is combined with a weak acid, the latter being readily displaced by a stronger acid, such as nitric acid, which must exist in the paper after printing. This branch of photography owes much to the Rev. T. F. Hardwich, he having carried on extensive researches in connexion with it during 1854 and subsequent years. A. Davanne and A. Girard, a little later, also investigated the matter with fruitful results.
The following may be taken as two typical toning-baths Gold chloride 1 part.
Sodium carbonate. 10 parts.
W ater. .. .. 5000 „ (a) Borax 100 „ Water 4000 „ (a) S Gold chloride 1 part.
Water 4000 parts In the latter (a) and (R) are mixed in equal parts immediately before use. Each of these is better used only once. A third bath is: - 2 parts. 2 „ 40 8000 „ These are mixed together, the water being warmed. When cool the solution is ready for use. In toning prints there is a distinct difference in the modus operandi according to the toning-bath employed. Thus in the first two baths the print must be thoroughly washed in water to remove all free silver nitrate, that salt forming no part in the chemical reactions. On the other hand, where free chlorine is used, the presence of free silver nitrate or some active chlorine absorbent is a necessity. In 1872 Abney showed that with such a toning-bath free silver nitrate might be eliminated, and if the print were immersed in a solution of a salt such as lead nitrate the toning action proceeded rapidly and without causing any fading of the image whilst toning, which was not the case when the free silver nitrate was totally removed and no other chlorine absorbent substituted. This was an important factor, and one which had been overlooked. In the third bath the free silver nitrate should only be partially removed by washing. The print, having been partially washed or thoroughly washed, as the case may be, is immersed in the toning-bath till the image attains a purple or bluish tone, after which it is ready for fixing. The solution used for this purpose is a 20% solution of hyposulphite of soda, to which it is best to add a dew drops of ammonia in order to render it alkaline. About ten minutes suffice to effect the conversion of the chloride into hyposulphite of silver, which is soluble in hyposulphite of soda and can be removed by washing. The organic salts of silver seem, however, to form a different salt, which is partially insoluble, but which the ammonia helps to remove. If it is not removed there is a sulphur compound left behind, according to J. Spitler, which by time and exposure becomes yellow. The use of potassium cyanide for fixing prints is to be avoided, as this reagent attacks the organic coloured oxide which, if removed, would render the print a ghost. The washing of silver prints should be very complete, since it is said that the least trace of hyposulphite left behind renders the fading of the image a mere matter of time. The stability of a print has been supposed to be increased by immersing it, after washing, in a solution of alum. The alum, like any acid body, decomposes the hyposulphite into sulphur and sulphurous acid. If this be the case, it seems probable that the destruction of the hyposulphite by time is not the occasion of fading, but that its hygroscopic character is. This, however, is a moot point. It is usual to wash the prints some hours in running water. We have found that half a dozen changes of water, and between successive changes the application of a sponge to the back of each print separately, are equally or more efficacious. On drying the print assumes a darker tone than it has after leaving the fixing bath.
Different tones can thus be given to a print by different toningbaths; and the gold itself may be deposited in a ruddy form or in a blue form. The former molecular condition gives the red and sepia tones, and the latter the blue and black tones. The degree of minute subdivision of the gold may be conceived when it is Gold chloride Chloride of lime. Chalk. .
Water stated that, on a couple of sheets of albuminized paper fully printed, the gold necessary to give a decided tone does not exceed half a grain.
Collodio-chloride Silver Printing Process
In the history of the emulsion processes we stated that Gaudin attempted to use silver chloride suspended in collodion, but it was not till the year 1864 that any practical use was made of the suggestion so far as silver printing is concerned. In the autumn of that year George Wharton Simpson worked out a method which has been more or less successfully employed. The formula appended is Simpson's: Silver nitrate 60 parts.
1 ' Distilled water.. 60 Strontium chloride. 64 2 3 Alcohol loon Citric acid. 64 3 ' Alcohol loon To every moo parts of plain collodion 30 parts of No. 1, previously mixed with 60 parts of alcohol, are added; 60 parts of No. 2 are next mixed with the collodion, and finally 30 parts of No. 3. This forms an emulsion of silver chloride and also contains citric acid and silver nitrate. The defect of this emulsion is that it contains a large proportion of soluble salts, which are apt to crystallize out on drying, more particularly if it be applied to glass plates. The addition of the citric acid and the excess of silver nitrate is the key to the whole process; for, unless some body were present which on exposure to light was capable of forming a highly-coloured organic oxide of silver, no vigour would be obtained in printing. If pure chloride be used, though an apparently strong image would be obtained, yet on fixing only a feeble trace of it would be left, and the print would be worthless. The collodio-chloride emulsion may be applied to glass, or to paper, and the printing carried on in the usual manner. The toning takes place by means of the chloride of lime or by ammonium sulphocyanide and gold, which is practically a return to the sel d'or bath. The organic salt formed in this procedure does not seem so prone to be decomposed by keeping as does that formed by albumen, and the washing can be more completely carried out. There are in the market several papers which are collodio-chloride.
Gelatino-citro-chloride Emulsion
A modified emulsion printing process was introduced by Abney in 1881, which consisted in suspending silver chloride and silver citrate in gelatin, there being no excess of silver present. The formula of producing it is as follows: - Sodium chloride 40 parts.
I. Potassium citrate 40 Water 500 2. Silver nitrate. 150 Water 500 Gelatin 300 3 ' Water 1700 Nos. 2 and 3 are mixed together whilst warm, and No. 1 is then gently added, the gelatin solution being kept in brisk agitation. This produces the emulsion of citrate and chloride of silver. The gelatin containing the suspended salts is heated for five minutes at boiling point, when it is allowed to cool and subsequently slightly washed, as in the gelatino-bromide emulsion. It is then ready for application to paper or glass. The prints are of a beautiful colour, and seem to be fairly permanent. They may be readily toned by the borax or by the chloride of lime toning-bath, and are fixed with the hyposulphite solution of the strength before given. Most, if not all, of the gelatin papers now extant are made somewhat after this manner.
Printing with Salts of Uranium
The sensitiveness of the salts of uranium to light seems to have been discovered by Niepce, and was subsequently applied to photography by J. E. Burnett in England. One of the original formulae consisted of 20 parts of uranic nitrate with 600 parts of water. Paper, which is better if slightly sized previously with gelatin, is floated on this solution. When dry it is exposed beneath a negative, and a very faint image is produced; but it can be developed into a strong one by 6 to 10 solution of silver nitrate to which a trace of acetic acid has been added, or by a 2% solution of gold chloride. In both these cases the silver and gold are deposited in the metallic state. Another developer is a 2% solution of potassium ferrocyanide to which a trace of nitric acid has been added, sufficient to give a red coloration. The development takes place most readily by letting the paper float on these solutions.
Self-toning Papers. - There are several self-toning papers based on the chloride emulsion process. These contain the necessary amount of gold to tone the print. The print is produced in the ordinary way and then immersed in salt and water or in some cases potassium sulphocyanide. The print is finished by immersing in weak hyposulphite of soda.
Printing with Chromates: Carbon Prints
The first mention of the use of potassium bichromate for printing purposes seems to have been made by Mungo Ponton in May 1839, when he stated that paper, if saturated with this salt and dried, and then exposed to the sun's rays through a drawing, would produce a yellow picture on an orange ground, nothing more being required to fix it than washing it in water, when a white picture on an orange ground was obtained. In 1840 Edmond Becquerel announced that paper sized with iodide of starch and soaked in potassium bichromate was, on drying, more sensitive than unsized paper. Joseph Dixon of Massachusetts, in the following year, produced copies of bank-notes by using gum arabic with potassium bichromate spread upon a lithographic stone, and, after exposure of the sensitive surface through a bank-note, by washing away the unaltered gum and inking the stone as in ordinary lithography. The same process, with slight modifications, has been used by Simonau and Toovey of Brussels, and produces excellent results. Dixon's method, however, was published in the Scientific American for 1854, and consequently, as regards priority, it ranks after Fox Talbot's photoengraving process (see below), published in 1852. On the 13th of December 1855 Alphonse Poitevin took out a patent in England, in which he vaguely described a method of taking a direct carbonprint by rendering gelatin insoluble through the action of light on potassium bichromate. This idea was taken up by John Pouncey of Dorchester, who perhaps was the first to produce veritable carbon-prints, notwithstanding that Testud de Beauregard took out a somewhat similar patent to Poitevin's at the end of 1857.
Pouncey published his process on the 1st of January 1859; but, as described by him, it was by no means in a perfect state, halftones being wanting. The cause of this was first pointed out by Abbe Laborde in 1858, whilst describing a kindred process in a note to the French Photographic Society. He says, " In the sensitive film, however thin it may be, two distinct surfaces must be recognized - an outer, and an inner which is in contact with the paper. The action of light commences on the outer surface; in the washing, therefore, the half-tones lose their hold on the paper and are washed away." J. C. Burnett in 1858 was the first to endeavour to get rid of this defect in carbon printing. In a paper to the Photographic Society of London he. says, " There are two essential requisites. .. (2) that in printing the paper should have its unprepared side (and not its prepared side, as in ordinary printing) placed in contact with the negative in the pressure-frame, as it is only by printing in this way that we can expect to be able afterwards to remove by washing the unacted-upon portions of the mixture. In a positive of this sort printed from the front or prepared side the attainment of half-tones by washing away more or less depth of the mixture, according to the depth to which it has been hardened, is prevented by the insoluble parts being on the surface and in consequence protecting the soluble part from the action of the water used in washing; so that either nothing is removed, or by steeping very long till the inner soluble part is sufficiently softened the whole depth comes bodily away, leaving the paper white." This method of exposing through the back of the paper was crude and unsatisfactory, and in 1860 Fargier patented a process in which, after exposure to light of the gelatin film which contained pigment, the surface was coated with collodion, and the print placed in warm water, where it separated from the paper support and could be transferred to glass. Poitevin successfully opposed this patent, for he had used this means of detaching the films in his powder-carbon process, in which ferric chloride and tartaric acid were used. Fargier at any rate gave an impetus to carbon-printing, and J. W. Swan took up the matter, and in 1864 secured a patent. One of the great features in Swan's innovations was the production of what is now known as " carbon-tissue," made by coating paper with a mixture of gelatin, sugar and colouring matter, and rendered sensitive to light by means of potassium or ammonium bichromate. After exposure to light Swan placed the printed carbon-tissue on an india-rubber surface, to which it was made to adhere by pressure. The print was immersed in hot water, the paper backing stripped off, and the soluble gelatin containing colouring matter washed away. The picture could then be retransferred to its final support of paper. In 1869 J. R. Johnson of London took out a patent in which he claimed that carbon-tissue which had been soaked in water for a short period, by its tendency to swell further, would adhere to any waterproof surface such as glass, metal, waxed paper, &c., without any adhesive material being applied. This was a most important improvement. Johnson also applied soap to the gelatin to prevent its excessive brittleness on drying, and made its final support of gelatinized paper, rendered insoluble by chrome alum. In 1874 J. R. Sawyer patented a flexible support for developing on; this was a sized paper coated with gelatin and treated with an ammoniacal solution of shellac in borax, on which wax or resin was rubbed. The advantage of this flexible support is that the dark parts of the picture have no tendency to contract from the lighter parts, which they were apt to do when a metal plate was used, as was the case in Johnson's original process. With this patent, and minor improvements made since, carbon-printing has arrived at its present state of perfection.
According to P. E. Liesegang, the carbon-tissue when prepared on a large scale consists of from 120 to 150 grains of gelatin (a soft kind), 15 grains of soap, 21 grains of sugar and from 4 to 8 grains of dry colouring matter. The last-named may be of various kinds, from lamp-black pigment to soluble colours such as alizarin. The gelatin, sugar and soap are put in water and allowed to stand for an hour, and then melted, the liquid afterwards receiving the colours, which have been ground on a slab. The mixture is filtered through fine muslin. In making the tissue in large quantities the two ends of a piece of roll-paper are pasted together and the paper hung on two rollers; one of wood about 5 in. in diameter is fixed near the top of the room and the other over a trough containing the gelatin solution, the paper being brought into contact with the surface of the gelatin by being made to revolve on the rollers. The thickness of the coating is proportional to the rate at which the paper is drawn over the gelatin: the slower the movement, the thicker the coating. The paper is taken off the rollers, cut through, and hung up to dry on wooden laths. If it be required to make the tissue sensitive at once, 120 grains of potassium bichromate should be mixed with the ingredients in the above formula. The carbon-tissue when prepared should be floated on a sensitizing bath consisting of one part of potassium bichromate in 40 parts of water. This is effected by turning up about I in. from the end of the sheet of tissue (cut to the proper size), making a roll of it, and letting it unroll along the surface of the sensitizing solution, where it is allowed to remain till the gelatin film feels soft. It is then taken off and hung up to dry in a dark room through which a current of dry warm air is passing. Tissue dried quickly, though not so sensitive, is more manageable to work than if more slowly dried. As the issue is coloured, it is not possible to ascertain by inspection whether the printing operation is sufficiently carried out, and in order to ascertain this it is usual to place a piece of ordinary silvered paper in an actinometer, or photometer, alongside the carbon-tissue to ascertain the amount of light that has acted on it. There are several devices for ascertaining this amount, the simplest being an arrangement of a varying number of thicknesses of gold-beater's skin. The value of I, 2, 3, &c., thicknesses of the skin as a screen to the light is ascertained by experiment. Supposing it is judged that a sheet of tissue under some one negative ought to be exposed to light corresponding to a given number of thicknesses, chloride of silver paper is placed alongside the negative beneath the actinometer and allowed to remain there until it takes a visible tint beneath a number of thicknesses equivalent to the strength of the negative. After the tissue is removed from the printing-frame--supposing a double transfer is to be made - it is placed in a dish of cold water, face downwards, along with a piece of Sawyer's flexible support. When the edges of the tissue begin to curl up, its surface and that of the flexible support are brought together and placed flat. The water is pressed out with an indiarubber squeezer or " squeegee " and the two surfaces adhere. About a couple of minutes later they are placed in warm water of about 90° to 100° F., and the paper of the tissue, loosened by the gelatin solution next it becoming soluble, can be stripped off, leaving the image (reversed as regards right and left) on the flexible support. An application of warm water removes the rest of the soluble gelatin and pigment. When dried the image is transferred to its permanent support. This usually consists of white paper coated with gelatin and made insoluble with chrome alum, though it may be mixed with barium sulphate or other similar pigments. This transfer-paper is made to receive the image by being soaked in hot water till it becomes slimy to the touch; and the surface of the damped print is brought into contact with the surface of the retransfer-paper, in the same manner as was done with the flexible support and the carbon-tissue. When dry the retransfer-paper bearing the gelatin image can be stripped off the flexible support, which may be used again as a temporary support for other pictures. If a reversed negative be used the image may be transferred at once to its final support instead of to the temporary flexible support, which is a point of practical value, since single-transfer are better than double-transfer prints.
Printing with Salts of Iron
Sir John Herschel and Robert Hunt entered into various methods of printing with salts of iron. At the present time two or three are practised, being used in draughtsmen's offices for copying tracings (see SUN-Copying).
Photo-mechanical Printing Processes
Poitevin claimed to have discovered that a film of gelatin impregnated with potassium bichromate, after being acted upon by light and damping, would receive greasy ink on those parts which had been affected by light. But Paul Oreloth seems to have made the discovery previous to 1854, for in his patent of that year he states that his designs were inked with printing ink before being transferred to stone or zinc. C. M. Tessie de Motay (in 1865) and C. R. Marechal of Metz, however, seem to have been the first to produce half-tones from gelatin films by means of greasy ink. Their general procedure consisted in coating metallic plates with gelatin impregnated with potassium or ammonium bichromate or tri-chromate and mercuric chloride, then treating with silver oleate, exposing to light through a negative, washing, inking with a lithographic roller, and printing from the plates as for an ordinary lithograph. The half-tints by this process were very good, and illustrations executed by it are to be found in several existing works. The method of producing the plates, however, was most laborious, and it was simplified by A. Albert of Munich. He had been experimenting for many years, endeavouring to make the gelatin films more durable than those of Tessie de Motay. He added 4) gum-resins, alum, tannin and other such matters, which had the property of hardening gelatin; but the difficulty of adding sufficient to the mass in its liquid state before the whole became coagulated rendered these unmanageable. It at last occurred to him that if the hardening action of light were utilized by exposing the surface next the plate to light after or before exposing the front surface to the film and the image, the necessary hardness might be given to the gelatin without adding any chemical hardeners to it. In Tessie de Motay's process the hardening was almost absent, and the plates were consequently not durable. It is evident that to effect this one of two things had to be done: either the metallic plate used by Tessie de Motay must be abandoned, or else the film must be stripped off the plate and exposed in that manner. Albert adopted the transparent plate, and his success was assured, since instead of less than a hundred impressions being pulled from one plate he was able to take over a thousand. This occurred about 1867, but the formula was not published for two or three years afterwards, when it was divulged by Ohm and Grossman, one of whom had been employed by Albert of Munich, and had endeavoured to introduce a process which resembled Albert's earlier efforts. The name of " Lichtdruck " was given about this time to these surface-printing processes, and Albert may be considered, if not the inventor, at all events the perfecter of the method. Another modification of " Lichtdruck " was patented in England by Ernest Edwards under the name of " heliotype." Woodbury Type. - This process was invented by W. Woodbury about the year 1864, though we believe that J. W. Swan had been working independently in the same direction about the same time. In October 1864 a description of the invention was given in the Photographic News. Marc Antoine A. Gaudin claimed the principle of the process, insisting that it was old, and basing his pretensions on the fact that he had printed with translucent ink from intaglio blocks engraved by hand; but at the same time he remarked that the application of the principle might lead to important results. It was just these results which Woodbury obtained, and for which he was entitled to the fullest credit. Woodbury subsequently introduced certain modifications, the outcome being what is known as the " stannotype process," of which in 1880 he read a description before the French Photographic Society (see Process).
Photo-lithography.--Reference has been made to the effect of light on gelatin impregnated with potassium bichromate, whereby the gelatin becomes insoluble, and also incapable of absorbing water where the action of the light has had full play. It is this last phenomenon which occupies such an important place in photolithography. In the spring of 1859 E. J. Asser of Amsterdam produced photographs on a paper basis in printer's ink. Being anxious to produce copies of such prints mechanically, he conceived the idea of transferring the greasy ink impression to stone, and multiplying the impressions by mechanical lithography. Following very closely upon Asser, J. W. Osborne of Melbourne made a similar application; his process is described by himself in the Photographic Journal for April 1860 as follows: " A negative is produced in the usual way, bearing to the original the desired ratio.
A positive is printed from this negative upon a sheet of (gelatinized) paper, so prepared that the image can be transferred to stone, it having been previously covered with greasy printer's ink. The impression is developed by washing away the soluble matter with hot water, which leaves the ink on the lines of print of the map or engraving." The process of transferring is accomplished in the ordinary way. Early in 1860 Colonel Sir H. James, R.E., F.R.S., brought forward the Southampton method of photo-lithography, which had been carefully worked out by Captain de Courcy Scott, R.E. The " papyrotype process " was published by Abney in 1870 (see Lithography and Process).
Photographs in Natural Colours. The first notice on record of coloured light impressing its own colours on a sensitive surface is in the passage already quoted from the Farbenlehre of Goethe, where T. J. Seebeck of Jena (1810) describes the impression he obtained on paper impregnated with moist silver chloride. In 1839 Sir J. Herschel (Athenaeum, No. 621) gave a somewhat similar description. In 1848 Edmond Becquerel succeeded in reproducing upon a daguerreotype plate not only the colours of the spectrum but also, up to a certain point, the colours of drawings and objects. His method of proceeding was to give the silver plate a thin coating of silver chloride by immersing it in ferric or cupric chlorides. It may also be immersed in chlorine water till it takes a feeble rose tint. Becquerel preferred to chlorinize the plate by immersion in a solution of hydrochloric acid in water, attaching it to the positive pole of a voltaic couple, whilst the other pole he attached to a platinum plate also immersed in the acid solution. After a minute's subjection to the current the plate took successively a grey, a yellow, a violet and a blue tint, which order was again repeated. When the violet tint appeared for the second time the plate was withdrawn and washed and dried over a spirit-lamp. 'In this state it produced the spectrum colours, but it was found better to heat the plate till it assumed a rose tint. At a later date Niepce de St Victor chlorinized by chloride of lime, and made the surface more sensitive by applying a solution of lead chloride in dextrin. G. W. Simpson also obtained coloured images on silver chloride emulsion in collodion, but they were less vivid and satisfactory than those obtained on daguerreotype plates. Poitevin obtained coloured images on ordinary silver chloride paper by preparing it in the usual manner and washing it and exposing it to light. It was afterwards treated with a solution of potassium bichromate and cupric sulphate, and dried in darkness. Sheets so prepared gave coloured images from coloured pictures, which he stated could be fixed by sulphuric acid (Comptes rendus, 1868, 61, p. ii). In the Bulletin de la Societe Francaise (1874) Colonel St Florent described experiments which he made with the same object. He immersed ordinary or albuminized paper in silver nitrate and afterwards plunged it into a solution of uranium nitrate and zinc chloride acidulated with hydrochloric acid; it was then exposed to light till it took a violet, blue or lavender tint. Before exposure the paper was floated on a solution of mercuric nitrate, its surface dried, and exposed to a coloured image.
It is supposed - though it is very doubtful if it be so - that the nature of the chloride used to obtain the silver chloride has a great effect on the colours impressed; and Niepce in 1857 made some observations on the relationship which seemed to exist between the coloured flames produced by the metal and the colour impressed on a plate prepared with a chloride of such a metal. In 1880 Abney showed that the production of colour really resulted from the oxidation of the chloride that was coloured by light. Plates immersed in a solution of hydrogen peroxide took the colours of the spectrum much more rapidly than when not immersed, and the size of the molecules seemed to regulate the colour. He further stated that the whole of the spectrum colours might be derived from a mixture of two or at most three sizes of molecules.
In 1841, Robert Hunt published some results of colour-photography by means of silver fluoride. A paper was washed with silver nitrate and with sodium fluoride, and afterwards exposed to the spectrum. The action of the spectrum commenced at the centre of the yellow ray and rapidly proceeded upwards, arriving at its maximum in the blue ray. As far as the indigo the action was uniform, whilst in the violet the paper took a brown tint. When it was previously exposed, however, a yellow space was occupied where the yellow rays had acted, a green band where the green had acted, whilst in the blue and indigo it took an intense blue, and over the violet there was a ruddy brown. In reference to these coloured images on paper it must not be forgotten that pure salts of silver are not being dealt with as a rule. An organic salt of silver is usually mixed with silver chloride paper, the organic salt being due to the sizing of the paper, which towards the red end of the spectrum is usually more sensitive than the chloride. If a piece of ordinary silver chloride paper is exposed to the spectrum till an impression is made, it will usually be found that the blue colour of the darkened chloride is mixed with that due to the coloration of the darkened organic compound of silver in the violet region, whereas in the blue and green this organic compound is alone affected, and is of a different colour from that of the darkened mixed chloride and organic compound. This naturally gives an impression that the different rays yield different tints, whereas this result is simply owing to the different range of sensitiveness of the bodies. In the case of the silver chlorinized plate and of true collodio-chloride, in which no organic salt has been dissolved, we have a true coloration by the spectrum. At present there is no means of permanently fixing the coloured images which have been obtained, the effect of light being to destroy them. If protected from oxygen they last longer than if they have free access to it, as is the case when the surface is exposed to the air.
A method devised by Gabrielle Lippmann, of Paris, by which the natural colours of objects are reproduced by means of interference, may be briefly described as follows: A sensitive plate is placed in contact with a film of mercury, and the exposure to the spectrum, or to the image of coloured objects to be photographed, is made through the back of the plate. On development, the image appears coloured when viewed at one particular angle, the colours being approximately those of the object. The necessary exposure to produce this result was very prolonged in the first experiments in which the spectrum was photographed, and a longer exposure had to be given to the red than was required for the blue. Lippmann at first employed collodion dry plates, prepared, it is believed, with albumen, and it required considerable manipulation to bring out the colours correctly. A. Lumiere used gelatin plates dyed with appropriate dyes (orthochromatic plates); the exposure was much diminished, and very excellent representations were produced of all natural colours. The main point to aim at in the preparation of the plate seems to be to obtain a very sensitive film without any, or, at all events, with the least possible, " grain " in the sensitive salt. A formula published by Lumiere seems to attain this object. Viewed directly, the developed images appear like ordinary negatives, but when held at an angle to the light the colours are vivid. They are not pure monochromatic colours, but have very much the quality of colours obtained by polarized light. It appears that they are produced by what may be termed " nodes " of differentcoloured lights acting within the film. Thus in photographing the spectrum, rays penetrate to the reflecting mercury and are reflected back from it, and these, with the incident waves of light, form nodes where no motion exists, in a somewhat similar way to those obtained in a cord stretched between two points when plucked. In the negative these nodal points are found in the thickness of the silver deposit. When white light is sent through the film after the image has been developed, theoretically only rays of the wavelengths which formed these nodes are reflected to the eye, and thus we get an impression of colour.
Action of Light on Chemical Compounds. Reference has been made above to early investigations on the chemical action of light. In 1777 Karl Wilhelm Scheele (Hunt's Researches in Light) made the following experiments on silver salts: " I precipitated a solution of silver by sal-ammoniac; then I edulcorated it and dried the precipitate and exposed it to the beams of the sun for two weeks; after which I stirred the powder, and repeated the same several times. Hereupon I poured some caustic spirit of sal-ammoniac (strong ammonia) on this, in all appearance, black powder, and set it by for digestion. This menstruum dissolved a quantity of tuna cornua (horn silver), though some black powder remained undissolved. The powder having been washed was, for the greater part, dissolved by a pure acid of nitre (nitric acid), which, by the operation, acquired volatility. This solution I precipitated again by means of sal-ammoniac into horn silver. Hence it follows that the blackness which the luna cornua acquires from the sun's light, and likewise the solution of silver poured on chalk, is silver by reduction.... I mixed so much of distilled water with well-edulcorated horn silver as would just cover this powder. The half of this mixture I poured into a white crystal phial, exposed it to the beams of the sun, and shook it several times each day; the other half I set in a dark place. After having exposed the one mixture during the space of two weeks, I filtrated the water standing over the horn silver, grown already black; I let some of this water fall by drops in a solution of silver, which was immediately precipitated into horn silver." This, as far as we know, is the first intimation of the reducing action of light. From this it is evident that Scheele had found that the silver chloride was decomposed by the action of light liberating some form of chlorine. Others have repeated these experiments and found that chlorine is really liberated from the chloride; but it is necessary that some body should be present which would absorb the chlorine, or, at all events, that the chlorine should be free to escape. A tube of dried silver chloride, sealed up in vacuo, will not discolour in the light, but keeps its ordinary white colour. A pretty experiment is to seal up in vacuo, at one end of a bent tube, perfectly dry chloride, and at the other a drop of mercury. The mercury vapour volatilizes to a certain extent and fills the tube. When exposed to light chlorine is liberated from the chloride, and calomel forms on the sides of the tube. In this case the chloride darkens. Again, dried chloride sealed up in dry hydrogen discolours, owing to the combination of the chlorine with the hydrogen. Poitevin and H. W. Vogel first enunciated the law that for the reduction by light of the haloid salts of silver:halogen absorbents were necessary, and it was by following out this law that the present rapidity in obtaining camera images has been rendered possible. To put it briefly, then, the visible action of light is a reducing action, which is aided by or entirely due to the fact that other bodies are present which will absorb the halogens.
In the above we have alluded to the visible results on silver salts. It by no means follows that the exposure of a silver salt to light for such a brief period as to leave no visible effect must be due to the same effect, that is, that any of the molecules are absolutely reduced or split up by the light. That this or some other action takes place is shown by the fact that the silver salt is capable of alkaline development, that is, the particles which have suffered a change in their molecules can be reduced to metallic silver, whilst those which have not been acted upon remain unaltered by the same chemical agency. Two theories have been offered to explain the invisible change which takes place in the salts of silver. One is based on the supposition that the molecules of the salt can rearrange their atoms under the vibrations caused by the ether waves placing them in more unstable positions than they were in before the impact of light took place. This, it is presumed, would allow the developer to separate the atoms of such shaken molecules when it came in contact with them. The other theory is that, as in the case of the visible effects of light, some of the molecules are at once reduced and that the developer finishes the disintegration which the light has begun. In the case of the alkaline development the unaltered molecules next those primarily reduced combine with the reduced silver atom and again form an unstable compound and are in their turn reduced.
The first theory would require some such action as that just mentioned to take place and cause the invisible image formed by the shaking apart of the light-stricken molecules to become visible. It is hard to see why other unacted upon molecules close to those which were made unstable and which have been shaken apart by the developer should themselves be placed in unstable equilibrium and amenable to reduction. In the second theory, called the " chemical theory," the reduction is perfectly easy to understand. Abney adopts the chemical theory as the balance of unsubstantiated evidence is in its favour. There is another action which seems to occur almost simultaneously when exposure takes place in the absence of an active halogen absorbent, as is the case when the exposure is given in the air, that is, an oxidizing action occurs. The molecules of the altered haloid salts take up oxygen and form oxides. If a sensitive salt be briefly exposed to light and then treated with an oxidizing sustance, such as potassium bichromate, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, ozone, an image is not developed, but remains unaltered, showing that a change has been effected in the compound which under ordinary circumstances is developable. If such an oxidized salt be treated very cautiously with nascent hydrogen, the oxygen is withdrawn and the image is again capable of development.' Spectrum Effects on Silver Compounds. - The next inquiry is as to the effect of the spectrum on the different silver compounds. We have already described Seebeck's (181 o) experiments on silver chloride with the spectrum whereby he obtained coloured photographs, but Scheele in 1777 allowed a spectrum to fall on the same material, and found that it blackened much more readily in the violet rays than in any other. Senebier's experiments have been already quoted. We merely mention these two for their historical interest, and pass on to the study of the action of the spectrum on different compounds by Sir J. Herschel (Phil. Trans., 1840). He describes many experiments, which ' See Abney, " Destruction of the Photographic Image," Phil. Mag. (1878), vol. v.; also Proc. Roy. Soc. (1878), vol. xxvii.
have become the foundation of nearly all subsequent researches of the same kind. The effects of the spectrum have been studied by various experimenters since that time, amongst whom we may mention Edmond Becquerel, John William Draper, Alphonse Louis Poitevin, H. W. Vogel, Victor Schumann and W. de W. Abney. Fig. i is compiled from a cut which appeared in the Proc. Roy. Soc. for 1882, and shows the researches made by Abney as regards the action of the spectrum on the three principal haloid salts of silver. No. 7 shows the effect of the spectrum on a peculiar modification of silver bromide made by Abney, which is seen to be sensitive to the infra-red rays.
Effect of Dyes on Sensitive Films
In 1874 Dr H. W. Vogel of Berlin found that when films were stained with certain dyes and exposed to the spectrum an increased action on development was shown in those parts of the spectrum which the dye absorbed. The dyes which produced this action he called " optical sensitizers," whilst preservatives which absorbed the halogen liberated by light he called " chemical sensitizers." A dye might, according to him, be an optical and a chemical sensitizer. He further claimed that, if a film were prepared in which the haloid soluble salt was in excess and then dyed, no action took place unless some " chemical sensitizer " were present. The term " optical sensitizer " seems a misnomer, since it is meant to imply that it renders the salts of silver sensitive to those regions of the spectrum to which they were previously insensitive, merely by the addition of the dye. The idea of the action of dyes was at first combated, but it was soon recognized that such an action did really exist. Abney showed in 1875, that certain dyes combined with silver and formed true coloured organic salts of silver which were sensitive to light; and Dr' Robert Amory went so far as to take a spectrum on a combination of silver with eosin, which was one of the dyes experimented upon by J. Waterhouse, who had closely followed Dr Vogel, and. proved that the spectrum acted simply on those parts which. were absorbed by the compound. Abney further demonstrated that, in many cases at all events, the dyes were themselves reduced by light, thus acting as nuclei on which the silver could be deposited. He further showed that even when the haloid soluble salt was in excess the same character of spectrum was. produced as when the silver nitrate was in excess, though theexposure had to be prolonged. This action he concluded was. due to the dye.