Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Daily Devotionals
'Every Day Light' with Selwyn Hughes
Devotional: March 22nd

"By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth." (v. 6) For reading & meditation - Psalm 33:1-22

For Reading and Meditation:
     Psalm 33:1-22

Today, the idea that God created the world is scoffed at by many. Modern astronomers probing into outer space with their gigantic telescopes favor two theories as to the origin of the universe. One is the so-called Big Bang Theory, according to which "The cosmos started with a titanic explosion and as a consequence has been expanding ever since." The other is the Continuous Creation Theory which maintains that "The universe is self-creating and is constantly making itself out of nothing and falling back into nothingness again." What many scientists are not prepared to admit is that the ultimate energy behind the universe is a not a Big Bang, but a Big Being - an intelligent Being of indescribable majesty and power who is able to do whatever He chooses. And because what He chooses is always good, He can be trusted to have the best interest of His creation at heart. When Joseph Haydn, the famous Austrian composer, had finished his great oratorio The Creation, he is said to have cried: "Not from me! Not from me! From above it has all come!" Our text for today reminds us that by God's Word were the heavens made and by His breath the stars were formed. I once heard my father, a local preacher, picturesquely describe the creation in this way: "It was no harder for God to create a world than it is for my son to blow soap bubbles into the air out of his clay pipe." I go back to that lovely image often nowadays. I find that when contemplating this awesome, mighty, all-powerful God, my soul instinctively cries: "How great Thou art." I hope yours does too!

Yes Father, as I contemplate Your majesty and Your power my soul cries out also: "How great Thou art." It can do nothing else, for contemplation of You inevitably leads to adoration of You. Amen.

  • Matthew 19:16-26
  • 1 Chronicles 29:12
  • Psalm 62:11
  • Isaiah 43:12-13
Questions to Consider
  • What did Jesus declare?
  • What did God declare?
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Meet the Author
Every Day Light is a Christian daily devotional written by Selwyn Hughes, a Welsh Christian minister and founder of the Christian ministry Crusade for World Revival (CWR). Dr. Hughes passed away in 2006 but his devotional and ministry continues on providing deep insight into God's Word every day.
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