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Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Daily Devotionals
'Every Day Light' with Selwyn Hughes
Devotional: January 10th

"For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone." (v. 7)

For Reading and Meditation:
     Romans 14:5-13

It seems almost unbelievable that the thing which stopped the psalmist's feet from slipping and sliding was not the awareness of his relationship with God but the awareness of his relationship with his brothers and sisters. It might not have been the highest spiritual principle he could have held on to, but it saved him from disaster. It is this matter - our relationship with one another - that Paul is speaking about in today's passage. You will be familiar, I am sure, with the passages in 1 Corinthians 8,10 where Paul enlarges on this subject and where, in a remarkable statement, he says: "I mean for the sake of his conscience, not yours, do not eat it. For why should another man's scruples apply to me, and my liberty of action be determined by his conscience?' (1 Corinthians 10:29, Amplified Bible). He is saying, in other words, that you might see no need to refrain from eating meat offered to idols for your own sake, because your conscience is not offended, but what about your weaker brother for whom Christ also died? You see, "none of us lives to himself alone", so when next the devil tries to convince you that you are an isolated case and that what he is suggesting concerns you and you alone, quote this verse to him. We do not act in isolation; if you fall, you do not fall alone, the whole Church falls also. If nothing else can stop you from doing wrong, remember the people to whom you belong, remember you are part of a heavenly family, and that when you fall, others fall with you.

Father, drive deeply into my spirit this truth that I cannot act in isolation, for I am bound up with my redeemed brothers and sisters. Help me experience an ever-growing consciousness of this important fact. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  • 1 Corinthians 9:15-22
  • Acts 20:35
  • Romans 15:1
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Questions to Consider
  • What was Paul's approach to the weaker brethren?
  • What was Paul's word to the Thessalonians?
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Meet the Author
Every Day Light is a Christian daily devotional written by Selwyn Hughes, a Welsh Christian minister and founder of the Christian ministry Crusade for World Revival (CWR). Dr. Hughes passed away in 2006 but his devotional and ministry continues on providing deep insight into God's Word every day.
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