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Daily Devotionals
Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life
Devotional: January 26th

Resource Toolbox

Someday I plan to write an article called, "You know you're getting old when..." I know, someone has probably already written it. As the popular response is today...whatever! I never thought I'd say this, but that word carries a world of meaning. Of course it depends on how it's said and why as to the reaction of those receiving it.

Two people are involved in a heated argument. One feels that their point is crystal clear. The other responds that they just cannot believe it. "Whatever!" A teenager has been confronted by their parents with being late getting home from a date. The teen challenges with, "I wasn't THAT late." "Late is late," reply the parents. "Whatever!"

In the long history of one word replies from "right", to "sure", to "duhh"; "whatever" may have revolutionized one word replies. Depending on how it is said, it can convey everything from raging anger to disgust to mild agitation. It is a multipurpose word like no other. Whoever invented it's use (wouldn't that be a pill to track down) should be thanked...unless you're the frustrated recipient of it.

Ah, yes, those who receive it. How do you feel when someone "whatever's" you? Depends on the situation. If it comes from your child, it might seem disrespectful. From your boss, it might seem like provisional latitude. From your spouse, does toleration ring a bell? What if it came from God? No, that is not a misprint. What if it came from God.

Romans 1:18-23 records the folly of man in failing to recognize God in His creation and honor Him through it. The next two verses contain God's reply. "Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen." Romans 1:23, 24 Basically, God said, "Whatever!", and conceded man to his own devices. Then, He said, "Whoever!", on the cross.

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