the Third Week after Epiphany
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Daily Devotionals
The Believer's Daily Remembrancer
My brother. - Matthew 12:50
And who is the brother of Jesus? Every one who does the will of His Father. Every Believer who proves the truth of his faith by the goodness of his works; who shows the excellence of his nature, by the piety, benevolence, and charity of his life.
Believer, Jesus calls thee BROTHER. He has for thee a Brother’s love. O how tender! O how tried! Stronger than death; passing knowledge. He bears with thy infirmities, reproves thy follies, encourages thy faith, forbids thy fears, and will certainly provide for thy wants.
Joseph in Egypt supplied his brethren during the famine, and shall not Jesus supply His? If He seem to speak roughly, He will act kindly, and perform a Brother’s part. He has all power in heaven and in earth. He doeth according to His will, and He is not ashamed to call us brethren. He will correspond with us, and bid us daily, yea hourly, correspond with Him.
O remember, when you go to the throne of grace, that your BROTHER fills it, He calls you to it, and will withhold no good thing from you. Precious Lord Jesus, manifest to me a Brother’s love; help me to rely on Thy fraternal kindness.
Our nearest Friend, our Brother now,
Is He to whom the angels bow;
They join with us to praise His name,
But we the nearest interest claim.