the Fourth Week of Lent
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Daily Devotionals
Our Daily Homily - Volume 2
Job 19:25—I know that my Redeemer liveth.
Those words express the deepest and most radiant conviction of believing hearts. "He lives, the great Redeemer lives!" Man did his worst; the nail, the cross, the spear, were bitter; but He liveth! Death stood over Him as a vanquished foe; but He liveth! Captain Sepulcher and his henchman Corruption held earnest colloquy together about the best method of detaining Him; but He liveth! He ever liveth and because He continueth ever He hath an unchangeable priesthood.
But it is not probable that His words meant all this to Job. The word translated "Redeemer" is Goel—the nearest kinsman, sworn to avenge the wrongs of blood relations. This conception of the kinsman avenger has been always in vogue in the East, where the populations are scattered and migratory, and our system of law impossible. Beyond the heavens job thought there lived a Kinsman, who saw all his sufferings, and pitied, and would one day appear on earth to vindicate his innocence and avenge his wrongs. He was content to leave the case with Him, sure that He would not fail, as his friends had done.
Beyond the sorrows and anguish of time he should yet see God; and he longed to see Him, that he might learn the secret purpose, which explained the sorrow of his lot. He had no dread of that momentous event, since his Goel would be there to stand beside him.
"Sudden the Worst turns the Best to the brave,
The black minute’s at end!—
And the Elements’ rage, the fiend voices that rave,
Shall dwindle, shall blend,
Shall change, shall become,—first a Peace out of Pain,
Then a Light, then thy breast."