the Fourth Week of Lent
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Daily Devotionals
Golden Treasury
The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, towards ourselves; righteously towards others, and godly towards God, in this present world. Not only hereafter in heaven. Titus 2:11-12.
Some pretend to be very evangelical, and under the colour of avoiding their own workings and legal doings, fall into dangerous excesses and licentiousness. But true evangelical grace lays a strict restraint on all our sensual lusts, and prevents us from sliding out either into the broad way of the world, or into spiritual pride; real grace making us humble, careful, and serious.
It is not lawful for Christians to enjoy the pleasures of the world. They have nothing to do with its dancings, plays, and other carnal sports and jokes. This would dry up their spirit, and be quite inconsistent with the cross of Christ, and the character of the militant church. Does not dancing and gaming belong to the lust of the world? Is not this plainly forbidden here? Can it then be any thing but sin? Couldst thou pray and die in such a disposition? Surely not. Will not the noise of the company follow thee into thy closet, and make thee unfit for prayers, even a good while after? And what comfort dost thou hope to draw from these pleasures in the hour of death?
Almighty God, turn off their eyes
From these alluring vanities;
And let the thunder of thy word,
Awake their souls to fear the Lord.