the Fourth Week of Lent
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Daily Devotionals
'Every Day Light' with Selwyn Hughes
For Reading and Meditation:
2 Corinthians 1:1-11
We continue meditating on our Lord's second Beatitude: "Blessed [or happy] are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." The word "mourn" has reference to more than just sorrowing over the death of a loved one; it includes all those experiences in life where we may feel crushed, broken or sorrowful. I feel the best translation of this verse is the one given by J. B. Phillips which I quoted yesterday. Permit me to quote it once again: "Happy are those who know what sorrow means, for they will be given courage and comfort." Why should people who are caught up in the throes of distressing and sorrowful experiences be congratulated? The conclusion of the verse gives the answer: "for they will be comforted". And what then? Out of the comfort they receive, they are able to give comfort to others. Examine the text at the top of this page again, or listen to it as J. B. Phillips paraphrases it: "For he gives us comfort in all our trials so that we in turn may be able to give the same sort of strong sympathy to others in their troubles." One of the things which often intrigues me in my work of training Christian counsellors is the fact that the best counsellors are those who have known the deepest hurts. Has the Lord allowed you to go through deep waters? Congratulations! You are a candidate for receiving the divine comfort which, in turn, will deepen your sensitivity to others and enrich your ministry in the Body of Christ. Don't, whatever you do, ask God to deliver you from painful or sorrowful experiences - they are worth much, much more than they cost.
Blessed Lord, help me to grasp this fact, not just with my mind, but with the whole of my spirit. I see that if I can learn this truth, my entire approach to problems can be transformed. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
- John 16:1-16
- John 14:26
- John 15:26
- 1 Corinthians 14:31
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11-14
- From where do we receive our comfort?
- What does the word 'comfort' mean to you?
'Every Day Light' Copyright 2005 © Selwyn Hughes. Taken from 'Every Day Light' devotional, by Selwyn Hughes. © 1999. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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