the Third Week of Lent
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Daily Devotionals
'Every Day Light' with Selwyn Hughes
For Reading and Meditation:
Isaiah 3:1-11
Now we pause to ask ourselves how this fifth Beatitude, when practised, engenders within us good mental and spiritual health. Psychologists have shown that those who lack the qualities of mercy and compassion are more likely to develop physical problems. Harsh, judgmental attitudes may bring a sense of satisfaction to the person who does not know the meaning of mercy, but it is a false sense of satisfaction. A verse that, strictly speaking, does not apply to what I am saying here, but nevertheless has some application is this: "It did taste sweet, like honey, but when I had eaten it, it was bitter to digest" (Revelation 10:10, Moffatt). That is what happens whenever we adopt any attitude that is not in harmony with Jesus Christ. At first it does "taste sweet, like honey" - its beginnings are apparently sweet, but it is "bitter to digest" - it cannot be assimilated. Our human constitution is not made to function effectively on any attitude that is foreign to the spirit of Jesus Christ. A Christian doctor says: "We are allergic to wrong attitudes just as some people are allergic to shrimps." I am physically allergic to red and green peppers. I have tried them scores of times, but the result has always been the same - I get sick. I am just as allergic to harsh, judgmental attitudes. I can't assimilate them. They disrupt me - body, soul and spirit. And what goes for me goes also for you. When we fail to practise the principles which our Lord outlined for us in the Beatitudes, then our sense of well-being is lowered, depleted and poisoned. Goodness is good for us - spiritually, mentally and physically.
Father, something is being burned into my consciousness: there is only one healthy way to live - Your Way. When I break with You, I break with life. Help me always to maintain a close connection with You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
- Psalm 23:1-6
- Psalm 31:9
- Exodus 34:6
- Galatians 5:22
- Ephesians 5:9
- Of what is goodness a characteristic?
- Can you make the same declaration as the psalmist?
'Every Day Light' Copyright 2005 © Selwyn Hughes. Taken from 'Every Day Light' devotional, by Selwyn Hughes. © 1999. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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