the Fourth Week of Lent
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Daily Devotionals
Grace for Today
Genesis 19:14
‘He seemed as one that mocked’
Read Matthew 5:1-15
Lot was a righteous man. He believed God and worshipped God. He was saved, justified and forgiven. But Lot made some very careless decisions early in life that proved most costly for him. In a dispute over a few four-footed beasts, he left his godly Uncle Abraham, took his family and moved to Sodom. The men of that city, who would be his neighbors, were wicked. In Sodom there was no prophet of God, no place where the Lord God was worshipped and not to be found one person who worshipped and served the Lord. In short, there was not one thing in the city that could be of spiritual, eternal benefit to Lot and his family. But Sodom was a wealthy city and offered good business opportunities for a man like Lot. He could provide well for his family, his wife would have the comforts of a nice home and plenty of neighbors and his children would receive a good education and be able to enjoy the social advantages of life in the city. Like most of us, Lot took great care to provide the best for his children in this world and, I am afraid, like most of us, he showed little concern for the eternal welfare of their souls.
At last God sent his servants to Sodom to warn Lot of his impending judgment. They told him to go out and gather his family around him and bring them out of this place: for the Lord hath sent us to destroy this city’. Lot knew God; he believed what God’s servants told him. Suddenly he was aroused by a sense of divine justice. Fearing for their lives, he went out to warn his sons-in-law of God’s judgment. But it was far too late. The actions of his life in Sodom silenced the words of his mouth in their ears. ‘ He seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law!’ Lot had no influence for good upon his family. Not one soul in his family respected his religion, reverenced his God or regarded his witness. His wife, two of his daughters and his sons-in-law perished with Sodom. And the two daughters who escaped with Lot only had their judgment postponed for a while. They, too, had become Sodomites. Lot is a beacon to warn us of danger. As we love our families and care for their souls, we must avoid the foolishness of Lot.