the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Comentario de Hampton sobre libros seleccionados Comentario de Hampton
Antiguo Testamento
The creation, humanity's fall, the flood, and God's covenant with Abraham and his descendants. Deuteronomio
Moses' final speeches reiterating the Law and renewing Israel's covenant before entering Canaan. Josué
Israel's conquest, division of Canaan, and Joshua's leadership in settling the Promised Land. Jueces
Israel's cycle of sin, oppression, and deliverance by judges, highlighting moral decline.
Nuevo Testamento
The early church's growth, the apostles' ministry, and the spread of the Gospel. 1 Corintios
Paul addresses divisions, immorality, and spiritual gifts in the Corinthian church. 2 Corintios
Paul's defense of his apostleship, his sufferings, and the power of God's grace. Efesios
Paul's teachings on the church's unity, spiritual blessings in Christ, and Christian conduct. Filipenses
A letter of joy and encouragement, urging humility and faithfulness amid persecution. Colosenses
Paul's emphasis on Christ's supremacy and warnings against false teachings. 1 Tesalonicenses
Encouragement to a young church, with teachings on holiness and Christ's return. 2 Tesalonicenses
Clarifications about Christ's return and exhortations to stand firm in faith. 1 Timoteo
Guidance for church leadership, sound teaching, moral conduct, and defending the truth of the gospel. 2 Timoteo
Paul's final exhortations to Timothy, emphasizing perseverance and faithfulness. Tito
Instructions for establishing order in the church, promoting sound doctrine, and living with integrity. Filemón
A personal appeal for the forgiveness and restoration of a runaway slave, Onesimus. Hebreos
An insightful look at Christ's supremacy, priesthood, and the fulfillment of prophecies. Santiago
Practical wisdom on living out one's faith through good works and righteous behavior. 1 Pedro
Encouragement for suffering Christians to remain faithful and hopeful in their trials. 2 Pedro
A reminder to grow in faith, resist false teachings, and remain steadfast awaiting His return. 1 Juan
Teachings on love, obedience, and assurance of salvation through fellowship with God. 2 Juan
A letter encouraging love, obedience to God's commands, caution against teachings that deny Christ's truth. 3 Juan
A personal letter commending hospitality and warning against arrogance in church leadership. Judas
A strong warning against false teachers and a passionate call to defend the faith and uphold the truth. Apocalipsis
Apocalyptic visions of God's ultimate victory, Christ's return, and the new heaven and earth.
Author's Biography
Gary C. Hampton ha estado predicando desde 1968 y ha trabajado en North Little Rock, Arkansas; Mobile, Alabama; y Valdosta, Georgia.
Actualmente se desempeña como ministro del púlpito para la iglesia de la Avenida Jefferson en Cookeville, Tennessee. Gary también enseña en la Escuela de Predicación y Estudios Bíblicos de Nashville. Se graduó de la Universidad Freed-Hardeman con una Licenciatura en Biblia en 1976 y recibió su Maestría en Estudios Bíblicos de la Universidad Teológica de América en 1996.
Hampton tiene 16 libros impresos, En el Principio, Escrituras Poco Estudiadas, Cuando Dios Gobernaba a Israel, Los Primeros Cristianos, El Camino de Dios para Vivir Correctamente, Fortaleciendo el Templo de Dios, Gálatas: Libertad en Cristo, Caminando en el Camino del Señor, Gozándose en el Señor, La Suficiencia de Cristo, Cartas a Jóvenes Predicadores, Cristo es Superior, Cristianismo Práctico, Desarrollando Determinación Paciente, Para Que Sepas... y Mano Invisible: Una Visión del Providencia de Padre e Hijo. Ha escrito para El Evangelista Mundial, La Voz de la Verdad Internacional y el Abogado del Evangelio.
Ha predicado en 23 estados y realizado trabajos misioneros en 5 países extranjeros. Gary y su esposa Teresa tienen dos hijos, Nathan y Tabitha.