the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Scofield's Reference Notes Scofield's Notes
The Word Became Flesh; John the Baptist's Testimony.Chapter 3
Nicodemus; Jesus' Mission; New Birth.Chapter 4
Samaritan Woman; Healing of Official's Son.Chapter 5
Healing at the Pool; Controversy with Jews.Chapter 6
Feeding 5,000; Walking on Water; Bread of Life Discourse.Chapter 7
Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus' Teachings and Division.Chapter 8
Woman Caught in Adultery; Light of the World.Chapter 9
Healing of the Blind Man; Controversy.Chapter 10
Good Shepherd Discourse; Jesus' Works and Rejection.Chapter 11
Raising of Lazarus; Plot to Kill Jesus.Chapter 12
Anointing at Bethany; Triumphal Entry; Teachings.Chapter 13
Washing of Disciples' Feet; Prediction of Betrayal.Chapter 14
Comforting Words; Promise of the Holy Spirit.Chapter 15
The True Vine; Command to Love.Chapter 16
Promises of the Holy Spirit; Overcoming the World.Chapter 17
Jesus' High Priestly Prayer for Unity.Chapter 18
Arrest of Jesus; Trial before Pilate.Chapter 19
Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.Chapter 20
Resurrection; Appearances to Mary and Disciples.Chapter 21
Restoration of Peter; Final Appearances and Instructions.
- John
by C.I. Scofield
Book Introduction - John
John 1:1
WRITER: The fourth Gospel was written by the Apostle John John 21:24. This has been questioned on critical grounds, but on the same grounds and with equal scholarship, the early date and Johanean authorship have been maintained.
DATE: The date of John's Gospel falls between A.D. 85 and 90. Probably the latter.
THEME: This is indicated both in the Prologue (John 1:1-14), and in the last verse of the Gospel proper (John 20:31), and is: The incarnation of the eternal Word, and Son of life; (2) that as many as believe on Him as "the Christ, the Son of God" (John 20:31) may have eternal life. The prominent words are, "believed" and "life."
The book is in seven natural divisions: Prologue: The eternal Word incarnate in Jesus the Christ, John 1:1-14. The witness of John the Baptist, John 1:15-34. The public ministry of Christ, John 1:35-50. The private ministry of Christ to His own, John 13:1-26. The sacrifice of Christ, John 18:1-42. The manifestation of Christ in resurrection, John 20:1-31. Epilogue: Christ the Master of life and service, John 21:1-25.
The events recorded in this book cover a period of 7 years.