the Last Week after Epiphany
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Bible Commentaries
Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible Henry's Concise
Announcement of John's and Jesus' Births.Chapter 2
Birth of Jesus; Presentation at the Temple.Chapter 3
John the Baptist; Jesus' Baptism; Genealogy.Chapter 4
Temptation of Jesus; Beginning of Ministry.Chapter 5
Calling of the First Disciples; Miracles.Chapter 6
Sabbath Controversies; Choosing the Twelve Apostles.Chapter 7
Healing of Centurion's Servant; Raising of Widow's Son.Chapter 8
Parables; Calming the Storm; Healing of Demoniac.Chapter 9
Feeding 5,000; Transfiguration; Mission of Seventy-Two.Chapter 10
Parable of the Good Samaritan; Mary and Martha.Chapter 11
Teachings on Prayer; Rebuking Pharisees.Chapter 12
Teachings on Anxiety; Parables; Watchfulness.Chapter 13
Healing on Sabbath; Parables; Lament over Jerusalem.Chapter 14
Teachings on Humility; Parable of the Great Banquet.Chapter 15
Parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son.Chapter 16
Parable of the Shrewd Manager; Teaching on Money.Chapter 17
Teachings on Forgiveness; Ten Lepers Healed; Coming of the Kingdom.Chapter 18
Parables of the Persistent Widow; Rich Ruler; Blind Beggar.Chapter 19
Triumphal Entry; Cleansing of the Temple; Zacchaeus.Chapter 20
Questions from Authorities; Parable of the Tenants.Chapter 21
Olivet Discourse; Signs of the End Times.Chapter 22
Last Supper; Gethsemane; Arrest of Jesus.Chapter 23
Trial before Pilate; Crucifixion; Death.Chapter 24
Resurrection; Appearances; Great Commission.
- Luke
by Matthew Henry
** This evangelist is generally supposed to have been a physician, and a companion of the apostle Paul. The style of his writings, and his acquaintance with the Jewish rites and usages, sufficiently show that he was a Jew, while his knowledge of the Greek language and his name, speak his Gentile origin. He is first mentioned Acts 16:10; Acts 16:11, as with Paul at Troas, whence he attended him to Jerusalem, and was with him in his voyage, and in his imprisonment at Rome. This Gospel appears to be designed to supersede many defective and unauthentic narratives in circulation, and to give a genuine and inspired account of the life, miracles, and doctrines of our Lord, learned from those who heard and witnessed his discourses and miracles. * The Preface. (1-4) Zacharias and Elisabeth. (5-25) Christ's birth announced. (26-38) Interview of Mary and Elisabeth. (39-56) The birth of John the Baptist. (57-66) The song of Zacharias. (67-80) #1-4. Luke will not write of things about which Christians may safely differ from one another, and hesitate within themselves; but the things which are, and ought to be surely believed. The doctrine of Christ is what the wisest and best of men have ventured their souls upon with confidence and satisfaction. And the great events whereon our hopes depend, have been recorded by those who were from the beginning eye-witnesses and ministers of the word, and who were perfected in their understanding of them through Divine inspiration.