the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible Henry's Complete
Vision of God's Glory and Cherubim.Chapter 2
Prophet's Call and Commission.Chapter 3
Ezekiel's Role as a Watchman and Prophet.Chapter 4
Symbolic Acts Illustrating Jerusalem's Siege.Chapter 5
Prophecy of Jerusalem's Judgment; Symbolic Acts.Chapter 6
Prophecy Against the Mountains of Israel.Chapter 7
The End Has Come; Disaster Foretold.Chapter 8
Vision of Idolatry in Jerusalem.Chapter 9
The Mark on the Righteous; Destruction of the Wicked.Chapter 10
Vision of God's Glory Departing from the Temple.Chapter 11
Prophecy of Judgment and Promise of Restoration.Chapter 12
Symbolic Acts of Exile and Judgment.Chapter 13
Prophecy Against False Prophets and Their Deceit.Chapter 14
Idolatry Condemned; Promise of Deliverance.Chapter 15
The Parable of the Useless Vine.Chapter 16
Jerusalem's Unfaithfulness Depicted as Adultery.Chapter 17
Parable of the Two Eagles and the Vine.Chapter 18
Personal Responsibility for Sin and Righteousness.Chapter 19
Lament for the Princes of Israel.Chapter 20
Rebellion of Israel; God's Past and Future Acts.Chapter 21
The Sword of the Lord Against Jerusalem.Chapter 22
Jerusalem's Corruption and the Coming Judgment.Chapter 23
The Allegory of Two Unfaithful Sisters.Chapter 24
The Parable of the Boiling Pot; Jerusalem's Destruction.Chapter 25
Prophecies Against Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Philistia.Chapter 26
Prophecy Against Tyre; Its Destruction Foretold.Chapter 27
Lament Over Tyre's Fall; Its Former Glory.Chapter 28
Prophecy Against Tyre's Prince and King; Lucifer's Fall.Chapter 29
Prophecy Against Egypt; Promise of Restoration.Chapter 30
Prophecies Against Egypt and Its Allies.Chapter 31
The Fall of Assyria Compared to Lebanon's Cedars.Chapter 32
Lament for Pharaoh and Egypt's Fall.Chapter 33
The Watchman's Duty; Renewal of Israel's Hope.Chapter 34
The Shepherds of Israel and the Coming Shepherd.Chapter 35
Prophecy Against Edom's Bitterness.Chapter 36
Restoration of Israel and the Renewal of the Land.Chapter 37
The Vision of Dry Bones and the Two Sticks.Chapter 38
Prophecy Against Gog of Magog and Future Invasion.Chapter 39
The Defeat of Gog; Restoration of Israel.Chapter 40
Vision of the Restored Temple and Its Measurements.Chapter 41
Details of the Temple's Interior.Chapter 42
Measurements of the Temple's Precincts.Chapter 43
God's Glory Returns to the Temple.Chapter 44
Regulations for the Temple and the Priests.Chapter 45
Land Divisions and Temple Offerings.Chapter 46
Regulations for Worship and Sacrifices.Chapter 47
The River of Life Flowing from the Temple.Chapter 48
Division of the Land Among the Tribes of Israel.
- Ezekiel
by Matthew Henry
W I T H P R A C T I C A L O B S E R V A T I O N S,
E Z E K I E L.
WHEN we entered upon the writings of the prophets, which speak of the things that should be hereafter, we seemed to have the same call that St. John had (Revelation 4:1), Come up hither; but, when we enter upon the prophecy of this book, it is as if the voice said, Come up higher; as we go forward in time (for Ezekiel prophesied in the captivity, as Jeremiah prophesied just before it), so we soar upward in discoveries yet more sublime of the divine glory. These waters of the sanctuary still grow deeper; so far are they from being fordable that in some places they are scarcely fathomable; yet, deep as they are, out of them flow streams which make glad the city of our God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. As to this prophecy now before us, we may enquire, I. Concerning the penman of it--it was Ezekiel; his name signifies, The strength of God, or one girt or strengthened of God. He girded up the loins of his mind to the service, and God put strength into him. Whom God calls to any service he will himself enable for it; if he give commission, he will give power to execute it. Ezekiel's name was answered when God said (and no doubt did as he said), I have made thy face strong against their faces. The learned Selden, in his book De Diis Syris, says that it was the opinion of some of the ancients that the prophet Ezekiel was the same with that Nazaratus Assyrius whom Pythagoras (as himself relates) had for his tutor for some time, and whose lectures he attended. It is agreed that they lived much about the same time; and we have reason to think that many of the Greek philosophers were acquainted with the sacred writings and borrowed some of the best of their notions from them. If we may give credit to the tradition of the Jews, he was put to death by the captives in Babylon, for his faithfulness and boldness in reproving them; it is stated that they dragged him upon the stones till his brains were dashed out. An Arabic historian says that he was put to death and was buried in the sepulchre of Shem the son of Noah. So Hottinger relates, Thesaur. Philol. lib. 2 cap. 1. II. Concerning the date of it--the place whence it is dated and the time when. The scene is laid in Babylon, when it was a house of bondage to the Israel of God; there the prophecies of this book were preached, there they were written, when the prophet himself, and the people to whom he prophesied, were captives there. Ezekiel and Daniel are the only writing prophets of the Old Testament who lived and prophesied any where but in the land of Israel, except we add Jonah, who was sent to Nineveh to prophesy. Ezekiel prophesied in the beginning of the captivity, Daniel in the latter end of it. It was an indication of God's good-will to them, and his gracious designs concerning them in their affliction, that he raised up prophets among them, both to convince them when, in the beginning of their troubles, they were secure and unhumbled, which was Ezekiel's business, and to comfort them when, in the latter end of their troubles, they were dejected and discouraged. If the Lord had been pleased to kill them, he would not have used such apt and proper means to cure them. III. Concerning the matter and scope of it. 1. There is much in it that is very mysterious, dark, and hard to be understood, especially in the beginning and the latter end of it, which therefore the Jewish rabbin forbade the reading of to their young men, till they came to be thirty years of age, lest by the difficulties they met with there they should be prejudiced against the scriptures; but if we read these difficult parts of scripture with humility and reverence, and search them diligently, though we may not be able to untie all the knots we meet with, any more than we can solve all the phenomena in the book of nature, yet we may from them, as from the book of nature, gather a great deal for the confirming of our faith and the encouraging of our hope in the God we worship. 2. Though the visions here be intricate, such as an elephant may swim in, yet the sermons are mostly plain, such as a lamb may wade in; and the chief design of them is to show God's people their transgressions, that in their captivity they might be repenting and not repining. It should seem the prophet was constantly attended (for we read of their sitting before him as God's people sat to hear his words,Ezekiel 33:31; Ezekiel 33:31), and that he was occasionally consulted, for we read of the elders of Israel who came to enquire of the Lord by him, Ezekiel 14:1; Ezekiel 14:3. And as it was of great use to the oppressed captives themselves to have a prophet with them, so it was a testimony to their holy religion against their oppressors who ridiculed it and them. 3. Though the reproofs and the threatenings here are very sharp and bold, yet towards the close of the book very comfortable assurances are given of great mercy God had in store for them; and there, at length, we shall meet with something that has reference to gospel times, and which was to have its accomplishment in the kingdom of the Messiah, of whom indeed this prophet speaks less than almost any of the prophets. But by opening the terrors of the Lord he prepares Christ's way. By the law is the knowledge of sin, and so it becomes our school-master to bring us to Christ. The visions which were the prophet's credentials we have Ezekiel 1:1-3; Ezekiel 1:1-3, the reproofs and threatenings Ezekiel 4:1-24; Ezekiel 4:1-24 betwixt which and the comforts which we have in the latter part of the book we have messages sent to the nations that bordered upon the land of Israel, whose destruction is foretold (Ezekiel 25:1-35; Ezekiel 25:1-35), to make way for the restoration of God's Israel and the re-establishment of their city and temple, which are foretold Ezekiel 36:1-38; Ezekiel 36:1-38 to the end. Those who would apply the comforts to themselves must apply the convictions to themselves.