the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Grant's Commentary on the Bible Grant's Commentary
The Word Became Flesh; John the Baptist's Testimony.Chapter 2
Wedding at Cana; Cleansing of the Temple.Chapter 3
Nicodemus; Jesus' Mission; New Birth.Chapter 4
Samaritan Woman; Healing of Official's Son.Chapter 5
Healing at the Pool; Controversy with Jews.Chapter 6
Feeding 5,000; Walking on Water; Bread of Life Discourse.Chapter 7
Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus' Teachings and Division.Chapter 8
Woman Caught in Adultery; Light of the World.Chapter 9
Healing of the Blind Man; Controversy.Chapter 10
Good Shepherd Discourse; Jesus' Works and Rejection.Chapter 11
Raising of Lazarus; Plot to Kill Jesus.Chapter 12
Anointing at Bethany; Triumphal Entry; Teachings.Chapter 13
Washing of Disciples' Feet; Prediction of Betrayal.Chapter 14
Comforting Words; Promise of the Holy Spirit.Chapter 15
The True Vine; Command to Love.Chapter 16
Promises of the Holy Spirit; Overcoming the World.Chapter 17
Jesus' High Priestly Prayer for Unity.Chapter 18
Arrest of Jesus; Trial before Pilate.Chapter 19
Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.Chapter 20
Resurrection; Appearances to Mary and Disciples.Chapter 21
Restoration of Peter; Final Appearances and Instructions.
- John
by L.M. Grant
This sublime Gospel presents the Lord Jesus in the beauty of His divine glory, God incarnate, come down in pure grace and truth, the Word, the very expression of all that God is, the perfect Communicator of the thoughts of God toward man. Here we find many names and titles of glory, of grace and of dignity which are His, whether by reason of who He is, or what He has done or is doing. The precious deep things of God must of course be expected here; and yet the beauty of the Gospel shines with a sweet simplicity that cannot but attract the admiration of even the youngest believer. In Christ is seen the brilliant manifestation of the eternal God -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit, -- so that as we proceed through this book, everything else, good as it may be, will be seen to pale into insignificance as do the stars before the resplendent rising sun. The burnt offering aspect of His sacrifice is predominant here, His devoting Himself utterly to the will of God, all that offering rising as a sweet savor, to delight the heart of His God and Father, and glorify Him eternally.