the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Gray's Concise Bible Commentary Gray's Concise Commentary
Announcement of John's and Jesus' Births.Chapter 2
Birth of Jesus; Presentation at the Temple.Chapter 3
John the Baptist; Jesus' Baptism; Genealogy.Chapter 4
Temptation of Jesus; Beginning of Ministry.Chapter 5
Calling of the First Disciples; Miracles.Chapter 6
Sabbath Controversies; Choosing the Twelve Apostles.Chapter 7
Healing of Centurion's Servant; Raising of Widow's Son.Chapter 8
Parables; Calming the Storm; Healing of Demoniac.Chapter 9
Feeding 5,000; Transfiguration; Mission of Seventy-Two.Chapter 10
Parable of the Good Samaritan; Mary and Martha.Chapter 11
Teachings on Prayer; Rebuking Pharisees.Chapter 12
Teachings on Anxiety; Parables; Watchfulness.Chapter 13
Healing on Sabbath; Parables; Lament over Jerusalem.Chapter 14
Teachings on Humility; Parable of the Great Banquet.Chapter 15
Parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son.Chapter 16
Parable of the Shrewd Manager; Teaching on Money.Chapter 17
Teachings on Forgiveness; Ten Lepers Healed; Coming of the Kingdom.Chapter 18
Parables of the Persistent Widow; Rich Ruler; Blind Beggar.Chapter 19
Triumphal Entry; Cleansing of the Temple; Zacchaeus.Chapter 20
Questions from Authorities; Parable of the Tenants.Chapter 21
Olivet Discourse; Signs of the End Times.Chapter 22
Last Supper; Gethsemane; Arrest of Jesus.Chapter 23
Trial before Pilate; Crucifixion; Death.Chapter 24
Resurrection; Appearances; Great Commission.
- Luke
by James Martin Gray
Luke, like Mark, wrote for the Gentiles, but of a different class than he. While Mark had the Romans in mind, the writers of the first three centuries testify that Luke wrote for the Greeks, and this is corroborated by the internal evidence of the book itself.
We have seen that the Romans represented the idea of activity or power, but the Greeks that of reason and culture. While the Roman ideal was military glory, that of the Greek was wisdom and beauty. The Roman felt his mission to be that of government, but the Greek that of education. The Greek was seeking the perfect, the ideal man, and as illustrating this fact they made their gods in the likeness of men.
How Luke’s Gospel Meets this Need
The God of Luke meets this need of the Greeks by presenting Jesus as the perfect, the ideal, or universal man. Dr. D. S. Gregory in his excellent book, Why Four Gospels? sums up the reasons for this opinion in the following way:
Luke himself was a Greek, though a proselyte to the Jewish religion. He was moreover, a cultivated man as is indicated in the general style of his writing. And he was a travelling companion of Paul, the great apostle to the Gentiles, especially the Greeks.
His gospel is the most orderly history of the sayings and doings of Jesus, and evidently prepared for a thoughtful and philosophic people.
Speaking further of style, it is remarkable for its poetry, song, eloquence and for the depth and sublimity of its thought. Differing from Mark it abounds in the discourses of Jesus, as though the people for whom it was intended were accustomed to think and meditate.
This Gospel also omits the distinctively Jewish portions of the record found in the other Gospels, and also the distinctively Roman features such as the vivid pictures and the activity associated with Mark.
Furthermore, it gives those incidents in the life of our Lord which more especially demonstrate his interest in the whole race. For example, the genealogy of Jesus is traced through Adam to God, and the sending out of the seventy is mentioned as well as the twelve, for the former were not limited in their work to Israel. Also a good deal of space is given to the ministry of Jesus among the Gentiles beyond the Jordan (9:51-18:30). The parable of the good Samaritan, and the healing of the ten lepers are also recorded, both of which are peculiar to Luke, and especially cheering to the Gentiles.
This Gospel contains peculiar marks of the humanity of Jesus (Luke 10:21 ; Luke 22:43-44 ; Luke 23:46 ; Luke 24:39 ), although Luke emphasizes His Deity as do all the evangelists.
1. For what class of Gentiles did Luke write?
2. How does he present Jesus as distinguished from Matthew and Mark?
3. Describe the Greeks as distinguished from the Romans.
4. How is Luke personally distinguished from other evangelists?
5. How does the plan of his Gospel compare with theirs?
6. Describe the style of his Gospel.
7. How do the omissions and additions of Luke’s gospel bear on the thought that he was writing for the Greeks?