the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Gray's Concise Bible Commentary Gray's Concise Commentary
Call to Repentance; Judgment and Promise.Chapter 2
The Future Glory of Zion; Judgment on Nations.Chapter 3
Judgment on Jerusalem and Judah; Societal Decay.Chapter 4
The Future Glory and Purification of Zion.Chapter 5
The Song of the Vineyard; Woes to the Wicked.Chapter 6
Isaiah's Vision of God and Prophetic Commissioning.Chapter 7
The Sign of Immanuel; the Syro-Ephraimite War.Chapter 8
Prophecies about Assyria and the Coming Darkness.Chapter 9
Prophecy of a Child Born to Rule; Light in Darkness.Chapter 10
Assyria's Judgment and the Remnant of Israel.Chapter 11
The Coming of the Righteous King; Peace.Chapter 12
Praise and Thanksgiving for God's Salvation.Chapter 13
Judgment against Babylon and the Day of the Lord.Chapter 14
The Fall of Babylon; Taunt against the King.Chapter 15
Lament over Moab's Destruction.Chapter 16
A Call for Refuge in Moab and Future Judgment.Chapter 17
Judgment against Syria and Israel.Chapter 18
Prophecy Concerning Cush and Future Events.Chapter 19
Judgment against Egypt and Future Blessing.Chapter 20
Isaiah's Symbolic Act Concerning Egypt and Cush.Chapter 21
Oracles Concerning Babylon, Edom, and Arabia.Chapter 22
Judgment on Jerusalem; the Prophecy of Shebna.Chapter 23
Prophecy against Tyre; its Future Desolation.Chapter 24
The Lord's Judgment on the Earth; Global Desolation.Chapter 25
Praise for God's Deliverance and Future Blessings.Chapter 26
The Song of Trust; Deliverance and Restoration.Chapter 27
The Deliverance of Israel and Judgment on Leviathan.Chapter 28
Woe to Ephraim and Jerusalem; Coming Judgment.Chapter 29
Judgment on Jerusalem; Future Restoration.Chapter 30
Woe to Rebellious Judah; Promise of Restoration.Chapter 31
Woe to Those Who Rely on Egypt; Deliverance Promised.Chapter 32
A Future King's Righteousness and Transformation.Chapter 33
Woe to the Destroyer; Future Blessing for Zion.Chapter 34
God's Judgment on the Nations; Edom's Desolation.Chapter 35
Joyful Restoration of Zion; Transformation of the Wilderness.Chapter 36
Assyrian Invasion of Judah; Rabshakeh's Message.Chapter 37
Hezekiah's Prayer; God's Deliverance from Assyria.Chapter 38
Hezekiah's Illness and Recovery; God's Promise.Chapter 39
Envoys from Babylon; Prophecy of Exile.Chapter 40
Comfort and Promise of God's Coming Deliverance.Chapter 41
God's Support for Israel; Promise of Victory.Chapter 42
The Servant of the Lord; Prophecy of Justice.Chapter 43
Israel's Redemption and Promise of Restoration.Chapter 44
God's Promises; Rebuke of Idolatry.Chapter 45
Cyrus's Role in God's Plan; Sovereignty and Righteousness.Chapter 46
God versus Idols; Promises of Salvation.Chapter 47
Babylon's Fall; Humiliation and Judgment.Chapter 48
Rebuke of Israel's Disobedience; Promise of Deliverance.Chapter 49
The Servant's Mission; Restoration of Israel.Chapter 50
The Servant's Suffering and Obedience.Chapter 51
Comfort for the Oppressed; Future Restoration.Chapter 52
The Lord's Salvation; Zion's Redemption.Chapter 53
The Suffering Servant; Atonement for Sins.Chapter 54
God's Everlasting Covenant and Restoration of Zion.Chapter 55
Invitation to Salvation; Blessings of the Lord.Chapter 56
Salvation for All; True Worship and Justice.Chapter 57
Warnings to the Wicked; Promises of Renewal.Chapter 58
True Fasting and Social Justice; God's Response.Chapter 59
Sin's Separation from God; Promise of Redemption.Chapter 60
The Glory of Zion; Future Blessings.Chapter 61
The Servant's Mission; Promises of Restoration.Chapter 62
Zion's Future Glory and Salvation.Chapter 63
God's Vengeance and Redemption; Lament and Praise.Chapter 64
Prayer for Mercy and Intervention; Longing for Righteousness.Chapter 65
New Heavens and New Earth; Judgment and Blessings.Chapter 66
Final Judgment and Restoration; New Creation.
- Isaiah
by James Martin Gray
None of the prophets from the time of Solomon to the period when they began to write their prophecies (that is, for two centuries) mention the Messiah or His kingdom. The reason is that during that period the Messiah could not have been the object of hope to either kingdom taken as a whole, because the moral conditions were lacking. The promises respecting him appealed to faith, and the prophets could not speak of future spiritual blessings to those who had no ear to hear. Their mission during that period was to convince the people of sin and seek to bring them to repentance, which was never expressed in any national sense. There were individuals who appreciated the Messianic hope, as our study of the Psalms showed, but this was not true of either Kingdom as such.
It was about the eighth or ninth century before Christ when the prophets began to record their prophecies. Before that time, God was present with His people in the theocratic sense, and communicated His will to them as need existed, by means of the Shekinah (Exodus 25:22 ), and the words spoken by the prophets (Deuteronomy 18:18-22 ). These spoken words were for that time and generation in which the prophets lived, and were not necessary to be written. When, however, this necessity arose, it spoke of the future withdrawal of God’s presence and the consequent cessation of prophetic utterances. This meant in turn, a delay or postponement of the Messianic kingdom (compare Amos 8:11-12 and Lamentations 2:9 ). The prophets’ words now were preserved for future generations because it became evident that both the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were to be scattered, in punishment for their sins.
Written prophecy, therefore, had a twofold mission, one for the immediate present, and the other the remote future. The written messages revolve around three points: (1) The temporal and spiritual blessings which God would give Israel and Judah, if faithful; (2) the judgments that would fall upon them if unfaithful; and (3) the renewed grace to them when they should be come penitent. There is variety in the detail with which the prophets write, but their points of agreement are as follows: (1) A day of retribution is coming on Judah and Israel, the end of which will bring repentance and prepare the way for the Messianic kingdom. While these judgments will affect Israel and .Judah chiefly, yet they will fall also on the Gentile nations of the whole earth; (2) the tribes of Israel and Judah will be regathered to their own land, and a remnant purified by discipline will form the nucleus of the restored nation, where God will again dwell in temporal and spiritual blessing; and (3) this restored nation will be the germ of the Messianic kingdom extending over the whole earth.
But written prophecy embraces God’s words to Gentile peoples also. These words could not in the nature of the case always have been spoken to them, and even so, those peoples have long since ceased to exist as peoples.
Why, then, written and preserved? Not simply that we of these latter days may see their fulfillment, and thus have our faith confirmed, for this fulfillment cannot in many cases be proved because of our historical ignorance. They were written rather because the purpose of God in the Jews as a people, both as wanderers and when restored and dwelling in their own land, brings them into continued relations to other peoples, and especially to those dwelling immediately around them. And although the earlier peoples, as Edom and Moab, Syria and Egypt, may cease to exist, yet other peoples arise and the same relations in substance continue. As His own chosen nation, through whom He will reveal Himself to the nations, the Jews hold through all time an official position and have a sacred character, and in the day of their restoration and of the judgment of the nations, the great question will be, how far have the other nations regarded them as His people, and so treated them?
For the substance of the above, indebtedness is acknowledged to Andrews’ “God’s Revelation of Himself to Man.”
1. Indicate the period marked by the absence of written prophecies in Judah and Israel.
2. Why was this true?
3. At about what period did written prophecy begin?
4. Prior to that time, how had God communicated with His people?
5. Was the change from spoken to written prophecy a hopeful one?
6. State the twofold mission of written prophecy.
7. Around what three points does written prophecy revolve?
8. On what three things do the prophets all agree?
9. Why were the prophecies concerning the Gentile nations recorded?
10. What kind of a position and character do the Jews hold through all time with reference to the Gentile nations?
11. What will be the great criterion of judgment upon the Gentile nations in the day of the restoration of Israel?