Lectionary Calendar
Monday, July 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Bible Commentaries

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Genesis 20:2 — effects on the heathen around. Its mischievous tendency was not long in being developed. Abimelech (father-king) . . . sent and took Sarah—to be one of his wives, in the exercise of a privilege claimed by Eastern sovereigns, already explained (see on Genesis 20:1).
Exodus 3:6 — communicated. Moreover, the time, as well as all the circumstances of this miraculous appearance, were such as to give him an illustrious display of God's faithfulness to His promises. The period of Israel's journey and affliction in Egypt had been predicted (Genesis 15:13), and it was during the last year of the term which had still to run that the Lord appeared in the burning bush.
Job 27:19 — 19. gathered—buried honorably (Genesis 25:8; 2 Kings 22:20). But UMBREIT, agreeably to Job 27:18, which describes the short continuance of the sinner's prosperity, "He layeth himself rich in his bed, and nothing is robbed from him, he openeth his eyes, and nothing more is there." If
Ecclesiastes 6:3 — 3. Even if a man (of this character) have very many (equivalent to "a hundred," :-) children, and not have a "stranger" as his heir (Ecclesiastes 6:2), and live long ("days of years" express the brevity of life at its best, Genesis 47:9), yet enjoy no real "good" in life, and lie unhonored, without "burial," at death (2 Kings 9:26; 2 Kings 9:35), the embryo is better than he. In the East to be without burial is the greatest degradation. "Better the fruit that drops from
Song of Solomon 6:5 — 5. (Song of Solomon 4:9; Genesis 32:28; Exodus 32:9-14; Hosea 12:4). This is the way "the army" (Song of Solomon 6:4) "overcomes" not only enemies, but Jesus Christ Himself, with eyes fixed on Him (Psalms 25:15; Matthew 11:12). Historically, Song of Solomon 6:3-5, represent the
Isaiah 45:22 — 22. Look . . . and be ye saved—The second imperative expresses the result which will follow obedience to the first (Genesis 42:18); ye shall be saved (John 3:14; John 3:15). John 3:15- :: "If a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived." What so simple as a look? Not do something, but look to the Saviour (Acts 16:30; Acts 16:31). Believers
Jeremiah 44:26 — 26. I have sworn—I, too have made a vow which I will fulfil. Since ye will not hear Me speaking and warning, hear Me swearing. by my great name—that is, by Myself (Genesis 22:16), the greatest by whom God can swear (Hebrews 6:13; Hebrews 6:14). my name shall no more be named—The Jews, heretofore, amidst all their idolatry, had retained the form of appeal to the name of God and the law, the distinctive
Jeremiah 49:7 — Sennacherib's time (compare Isaiah 34:5; Amos 1:11); Jeremiah's about the same time as his preceding prophecies (Jeremiah 49:12; Ezekiel 25:12). wisdom—for which the Arabs and the people of Teman (a city of Edom) in particular, were famed (Genesis 36:15; 1 Kings 4:30; see Job, everywhere; Obadiah 1:8). vanished—literally, "poured out," that is, exhausted (compare Obadiah 1:8- :, Margin) [MAURER]. Or, as the kindred Ethiopic word means, "worn out" [LUDOVICUS DE DIEU].
Ezekiel 21:3 — 3. righteous . . . wicked—not contradictory of Ezekiel 18:4; Ezekiel 18:9; Genesis 18:23. Ezekiel here views the mere outward aspect of the indiscriminate universality of the national calamity. But really the same captivity to the "righteous" would prove a blessing as a wholesome discipline, which to the "wicked" would
Daniel 2:49 — 49. Daniel requested—Contrast this honorable remembrance of his humble friends in his elevation with the spirit of the children of the world in the chief butler's case (Genesis 40:23; Ecclesiastes 9:15; Ecclesiastes 9:16; Amos 6:6). in the gate—the place of holding courts of justice and levees in the East (Esther 2:19; Job 29:7). So "the Sublime Porte," or "Gate," denotes the sultan's government, his counsels
Joel 3:13 — 13. Direction to the ministers of vengeance to execute God's wrath, as the enemy's wickedness is come to its full maturity. God does not cut off the wicked at once, but waits till their guilt is at its full (so as to the Amorites' iniquity, Genesis 15:16), to show forth His own long-suffering, and the justice of their doom who have so long abused it (Matthew 13:27-30; Matthew 13:38; Matthew 13:40; Revelation 14:15-19). For the image of a harvest to be threshed, compare Revelation 14:15-66.14.19-
Amos 9:6 — GROTIUS explains it, God's royal throne, expressed in language drawn from Solomon's throne, to which the ascent was by steps (compare 1 Kings 10:18; 1 Kings 10:19). founded his troop—namely, all animate creatures, which are God's troop, or host (Genesis 2:1), doing His will (Psalms 103:20; Psalms 103:21; Joel 2:11). MAURER translates, "His vault," that is, the vaulted sky, which seems to rest on the earth supported by the horizon.
Micah 2:1 — second table. A gradation: "devise" is the conception of the evil purpose; "work" ( :-), or "fabricate," the maturing of the scheme; "practise," or "effect," the execution of it. because it is in the power of their hand—for the phrase see Genesis 31:29; Proverbs 3:27. Might, not right, is what regulates their conduct. Where they can, they commit oppression; where they do not, it is because they cannot.
Zechariah 5:11 — 11. To build . . . house in . . . Shinar—Babylonia (Genesis 10:10), the capital of the God-opposed world kingdoms, and so representing in general the seat of irreligion. As the "building of houses" in Babylon (Jeremiah 29:5; Jeremiah 29:28) by the Jews themselves expressed their long exile there, so
Deuteronomy 8:1 — made inseparably connected with happiness; and the earnest enforcement of the divine law which Moses was making to the Israelites was in order to secure their being a happy (because a moral and religious) people: a course of prosperity is often called "life" (Genesis 17:18; Proverbs 3:2). live, and multiply—This reference to the future increase of their population proves that they were too few to occupy the land fully at first.
John 15:15 — executes his orders. but . . . friends, for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you—admitted you to free, unrestrained fellowship, keeping back nothing from you which I have received to communicate. (Compare Genesis 18:17; Psalms 25:14; Isaiah 50:4).
Acts 17:26 — 26, 27. and hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth—Holding with the Old Testament teaching, that in the blood is the life (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:11; Deuteronomy 12:23), the apostle sees this life stream of the whole human race to be one, flowing from one source [BAUMGARTEN]. and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation—The apostle
Hebrews 13:5 — as closely akin, both alienating the heart from the Creator to the creature. such things as ye have—literally, "present things" ( :-). I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee—A promise tantamount to this was given to Jacob (Genesis 28:15), to Israel (Deuteronomy 31:6; Deuteronomy 31:8), to Joshua (Deuteronomy 31:8- :), to Solomon (1 Chronicles 28:20). It is therefore like a divine adage. What was said to them, extends also to us. He will neither withdraw His presence
Hebrews 7:14 — difficulties may now appear, then Jesus Christ's genealogy labored under none. our Lord—the only place where this now common title occurs without "Jesus," or "Christ," except :-. sprang—as a plant, and a branch. Judah— Genesis 49:10; Luke 1:27; Luke 1:39 (Hebron of Judah, where LIGHTFOOT thinks Jesus was conceived) Luke 2:4; Luke 2:5; Revelation 5:5. of which tribe . . . priesthood—"in respect to which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priests" (so
Revelation 19:2 — of opposing and lessening, she promoted the sinful life and decay of the world by her own earthliness, allowing the salt to lose its savor" [AUBERLEN]. avenged—Greek, "exacted in retribution." A particular application of the principle (Genesis 9:5). blood of his servants—literally shed by the Old Testament adulterous Church, and by the New Testament apostate Church; also virtually, though not literally, by all who, though called Christians, hate their brother, or love
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